第十一季 第二十集 |
0,0:00:02.99, |
If Bruce Banner's driving a rental car |
如果布鲁斯·班纳在开租来的车时 |
0,0:00:05.49, |
and turns into the Hulk, do you think he's covered, |
变身成了绿巨人浩克 车坏了保险赔吗 |
0,0:00:07.90, |
or does he need to add the Hulk as an additional driver? |
还是租车时他得先加上浩克为附加驾驶才行 |
0,0:00:12.92, |
You really need a girlfriend. |
你真的该交个女朋友了 |
0,0:00:17.45, |
Mailman's here! |
邮差先生来啦 |
0,0:00:19.89, |
Aw. Remember when he used to get at excited to see us? |
还记得他当年看到我们也这个兴奋劲儿吗 |
0,0:00:23.91, |
Do you have any mail for Dr. Sheldon Cooper? |
有给谢尔顿·库珀博士的信吗 |
0,0:00:26.51, |
I do, but I can't hand it right to you-- |
有 不过我不能直接给你 |
0,0:00:28.84, |
I have to put it in the box. |
我必需得先放进邮箱里 |
0,0:00:30.36, |
And that is what separates the U.S. Postal Service |
这一点就能看出正经的美国邮政服务 |
0,0:00:32.64, |
from those hippies at FedEx. |
与快递公司不正经的快递员的差别 |
0,0:00:36.66, |
Oh, goody! |
太好啦 |
0,0:00:39.73, |
What is so exciting? |
什么东西让你这么兴奋 |
0,0:00:41.18, |
It's a letter from Dr. Wolcott. |
是沃尔科特博士寄来的信 |
0,0:00:43.05, |
We've been corresponding about my string theory research. |
我们一直有通信讨论我的弦理论研究 |
0,0:00:46.02, |
Wait. Robert Wolcott? Like Wolcott's Theorem Wolcott? |
罗伯特·沃尔科特 沃尔科特定理的那个人吗 |
0,0:00:49.96, |
The very same. |
就是他 |
0,0:00:51.75, |
Didn't he go crazy and cut off all contact with people? |
他不是发疯然后跟所有人断绝联络了吗 |
0,0:00:55.03, |
Yeah, he was driven mad by a friend |
对啊 他是因为被他的朋友 |
0,0:00:57.44, |
who kept wanting to talk about the Hulk's car insurance! |
整天想聊浩克的汽车保险给逼疯的 |
0,0:01:01.73, |
Oh. He's invited me to his cabin for the weekend, |
他邀请我这周末去他的木屋 |
0,0:01:04.85, |
to discuss a breakthrough he's had. |
聊聊他最近的新突破 |
0,0:01:06.98, |
- His cabin? - Yes. He lives off the grid, |
他的什么木屋-他隐居世外 |
0,0:01:09.63, |
up in the mountains. |
住在山里 |
0,0:01:10.85, |
So you're gonna go to the middle of nowhere |
所以你要到渺无人烟的地方 |
0,0:01:12.87, |
and spend the weekend with a crazy man you've never met? |
跟一个你素未谋面的疯子度过周末吗 |
0,0:01:16.43, |
Yes. Why? |
对啊 怎么了 |
0,0:01:19.61, |
No reason. Have fun. |
没什么 玩得开心 |
0,0:02:02.51, |
Oh, nice one. |
厉害 |
0,0:02:04.81, |
Hey, Penny, that's what you sound like when you read. |
佩妮 你读书的时候听起来也是这样 |
0,0:02:09.72, |
- Hey! ?- What? |
喂-干嘛啦 |
0,0:02:10.76, |
He said it. |
是他说的 |
0,0:02:13.07, |
Sheldon, what are you doing? |
谢尔顿 你在干嘛 |
0,0:02:14.39, |
I am decoding Dr. Wolcott's letter |
我在解码沃尔科特博士的信 |
0,0:02:16.58, |
using this book as the key. |
这本书是解密的密钥 |
0,0:02:18.11, |
Aren't conversations more fun when they're in code? |
用密语做的交谈是不是比普通的更有趣呢 |
0,0:02:20.40, |
Yes. But I'm using a code where "Yes" means "No." |
对的 但我的"对的"是"不对"的密语 |
0,0:02:25.14, |
Oh. I got it! |
我解出来了 |
0,0:02:26.19, |
He's given me directions to his cabin. |
他给了我去他木屋的路线 |
0,0:02:28.26, |
He seems a little paranoid. |
他有点太神经兮兮了吧 |
0,0:02:30.17, |
He is not paranoid. |
他才没有神经兮兮 |
0,0:02:33.06, |
- What are you doing? - ?Following his instructions. |
你在干嘛-遵从他的指示 |
0,0:02:42.96, |
Leonard, you are not letting Sheldon go alone this weekend. |
莱纳德 不许你让谢尔顿这周末独自赴会 |
0,0:02:45.44, |
I am a grown man-- I don't need somebody to chaperone me. |
我是大人了 我不需要谁来当我监护人 |
0,0:02:48.78, |
I just need him to drop me off, pick me up, |
我只需要他送我去 结束后接我回来 |
0,0:02:50.69, |
and pack me a sack lunch. |
再帮我包一份午餐就行 |
0,0:02:53.67, |
Don't look at me. |
别看我 |
0,0:02:54.62, |
When the music stopped, you were holding Sheldon. |
当结束奏乐之时 牵着他的手的人是你 |
0,0:02:58.18, |
Amy can't take him-- it's her bachelorette party this weekend. |
艾米不能带他去 她的单身女郎派对是这周末 |
0,0:03:00.60, |
Yes, it is-- |
是的呢 |
0,0:03:01.73, |
because I'm getting married! |
因为老娘要结婚啦 |
0,0:03:04.73, |
Are you gonna be doing that all weekend? |
你这一整个周末都打算这样吗 |
0,0:03:06.05, |
Yes. Do you know why? |
对 你知道为什么吗 |
0,0:03:07.02, |
Because you're getting married! |
因为你要结婚啦 |
0,0:03:10.46, |
All right, Leonard, |
好吧 莱纳德 |
0,0:03:11.10, |
looks like you're driving me. |
看来得你开车送我了 |
0,0:03:12.14, |
But maybe you could drop me at the bottom of the mountain. |
但你到时候在山脚下放我下就行了 |
0,0:03:14.32, |
I want him to think I'm cool. |
不想被他看见我要人送 都不酷了 |
0,0:03:17.19, |
That's great, everyone's got weekend plans. |
太好了 大家周末都有安排 |
0,0:03:19.04, |
Amy has her bachelorette party, |
艾米有单身女郎派对 |
0,0:03:20.42, |
and Sheldon's gonna go to the woods and get hunted for sport. |
谢尔顿要到森林里被人当狩猎的猎物 |
0,0:03:23.93, |
Yeah, as someone who has to track him every time |
身为每次他在宜家走丢时 |
0,0:03:25.51, |
he gets lost in IKEA, |
负责找到他的专人 |
0,0:03:26.67, |
I feel like I'd be really good at that. |
我感觉我也会是狩猎他的一把好手 |
0,0:03:29.48, |
Leonard, you cannot drop him off. |
莱纳德 你不能放他下车就走 |
0,0:03:30.80, |
You have to stay with him and keep him safe. |
你得跟他待在一起确保他的安全 |
0,0:03:33.12, |
- Howard, you have to go and keep Leonard safe. ?- Fine. |
-霍华德 你得去确保莱纳德的安全 -好吧 |
0,0:03:35.61, |
I get it-- and you want me to go and keep Howard safe. |
我懂 你也想要我去确保霍华德的安全 |
0,0:03:38.78, |
- Actually, I... - ?Uh, just say yes, or he's gonna want |
其实我...-你就说是 不然这家伙 |
0,0:03:40.62, |
to come to the bachelorette party. |
会要来我们的单身女郎派对 |
0,0:03:45.99, |
Are you sure you're gonna be okay this weekend? |
你确定这周末你可以吗 |
0,0:03:48.22, |
Of course. |
当然啦 |
0,0:03:49.28, |
No, I'm much more concerned about you. |
其实我更担心的是你 |
0,0:03:51.21, |
I know how you gals behave when the men are away. |
我知道男人不在时 你们女人都是什么德行 |
0,0:03:55.41, |
You do? |
你知道吗 |
0,0:03:56.68, |
I've read The Bacchae by Euripides. |
我读过诗人欧里庇得斯的《酒神的女信徒》 |
0,0:03:59.35, |
Drinking wine, riding panthers... |
喝喝小酒 骑骑豹子 |
0,0:04:03.85, |
Proof that girls have gone wild for over 2,500 years. |
证明了女人野有着超过2500年的历史 |
0,0:04:07.95, |
Well, I wish I could say none of that is gonna happen, |
我也想跟你说不会发生那些事 |
0,0:04:10.00, |
but Penny is planning it, and she is the reason |
但是是佩妮在筹办 而她也是我 |
0,0:04:12.39, |
I own those underwear with writing across the butt. |
会拥有屁股上有字的内裤的始作俑者 |
0,0:04:16.43, |
Well, just be careful, |
凡事小心 |
0,0:04:19.15, |
and use protection. |
记得使用防护措施 |
0,0:04:22.05, |
What do you think is gonna happen? |
你是觉得我们会做什么啊 |
0,0:04:24.20, |
I don't know. But it's going to be sunny, |
我不知道啊 但周末艳阳高照 |
0,0:04:26.15, |
and you burn easily. |
你又容易晒伤 |
0,0:04:28.82, |
It'll be fine. |
我会没事的 |
0,0:04:30.24, |
I'm sure there'll be some drinking and some dancing, |
我估计会喝点酒 跳点舞 |
0,0:04:32.76, |
and then a mailman'll probably show up |
然后会有个邮差出现 |
0,0:04:34.49, |
and take his clothes off... |
开始脱掉他的衣服... |
0,0:04:36.01, |
Nicholas is going to take his clothes off? |
尼古拉斯要来脱衣服吗 |
0,0:04:39.48, |
No, not our mailman. |
不是 不是我们的邮差 |
0,0:04:41.47, |
A dancer pretending to be a mailman. |
是扮成邮差的舞者 |
0,0:04:44.16, |
Impersonating a federal employee? |
冒充联邦雇员吗 |
0,0:04:45.91, |
Oh, where's the after-party, prison? |
你们的庆功宴在哪举办 监狱吗 |
0,0:04:50.92, |
It's sweet that you're worried about me. |
你担心我的样子好有爱 |
0,0:04:52.85, |
Well, of course I'm worried about you-- |
我当然担心你啦 |
0,0:04:54.26, |
I want you to be safe. |
我希望你平平安安 |
0,0:04:55.68, |
And I want you to be safe. |
我也希望你平平安安 |
0,0:04:57.14, |
I will be. I'll have my friends with me. |
我会的 我的朋友们会陪着我 |
0,0:04:59.30, |
If anything should go wrong, I can use them as human shields. |
如果出了什么事 我可以拿他们当人肉盾牌 |
0,0:05:06.23, |
For most of human history, |
在人类历史中的大多数时候 |
0,0:05:08.31, |
time was believed to be an objective part of reality. |
时间都被认为是现实客观存在的一部分 |
0,0:05:12.68, |
But with the contributions of Immanuel Kant, |
但根据伊曼努尔康德的理论 |
0,0:05:16.02, |
science and philosophy... |
科学与哲学... |
0,0:05:18.18, |
When I said you should make a playlist for the road trip, |
当我叫你搞个旅途歌单 |
0,0:05:20.95, |
I meant music. |
我是说让你找点音乐 |
0,0:05:24.95, |
This is better than music-- |
这比音乐更好 |
0,0:05:26.37, |
this is a lecture on nonlinear time. |
这是关于非线性时间的讲座呢 |
0,0:05:28.86, |
Sounds like it's just on regular time. |
听起来只是正常的时间而已 |
0,0:05:30.97, |
Yes. But I put it on shuffle. |
没错 但我调成了随机播放 |
0,0:05:36.35, |
This is nice. |
真好呀 |
0,0:05:37.54, |
The four of us haven't taken a trip like this |
我们四个人上次这样一起出行 |
0,0:05:39.55, |
since Leonard's bachelor party. |
还是莱纳德的单身派对 |
0,0:05:39.55, |
第9季第3集 |
0,0:05:41.34, |
And now here we are for Sheldon's. |
现在到了谢尔顿的单身派对 |
0,0:05:43.37, |
Yeah, uh, Leonard... |
没错 那个 莱纳德 |
0,0:05:45.18, |
As Sheldon's best man, I need to inform you |
作为谢尔顿的伴郎 我要通知你们 |
0,0:05:47.79, |
that this is not a bachelor party. |
这不是一个单身派对 |
0,0:05:49.81, |
And tell them why. |
告诉他们原因 |
0,0:05:51.20, |
Because you're a tiresome scold. |
所以你这人碎碎念抱怨不停 |
0,0:05:54.41, |
No. It's because a bachelor party |
才怪 因为单身派对 |
0,0:05:57.25, |
is typically a hedonistic blowout |
是一场只追求肉体欢愉的 |
0,0:05:59.14, |
where no pleasures of the flesh are denied. |
享乐派对 |
0,0:06:00.98, |
I'm not interested in that. |
我对此毫无兴趣 |
0,0:06:03.17, |
How is that not exactly what I said? |
这和我刚才说的有什么区别 |
0,0:06:09.47, |
Okay, now, |
好了 |
0,0:06:10.01, |
I promised Sheldon things weren't gonna get too crazy tonight. |
我向谢尔顿保证过今晚不会太疯狂 |
0,0:06:13.02, |
Should I be worried? |
我应该担心吗 |
0,0:06:14.24, |
Oh, just about who you're marrying. |
你只需担心你要嫁的那个人 |
0,0:06:20.43, |
Just come on. |
快来吧 |
0,0:06:22.54, |
Welcome to your... |
欢迎来到你的... |
0,0:06:25.60, |
bachelorette party! |
单身派对 |
0,0:06:35.53, |
It's a quilting bee! |
大家缝聚会 |
0,0:06:36.85, |
My bachelorette party's a quilting bee! |
我的单身派对是大家缝聚会 |
0,0:06:40.23, |
Isn't it perfect? |
是不是很完美 |
0,0:06:41.32, |
Yeah, instead of oiled-up strippers and sex toys, |
没错 抛开那些涂油脱衣舞男和性玩具 |
0,0:06:43.99, |
we thought: what does Amy like? |
我们认真地思考 艾米到底喜欢什么 |
0,0:06:49.36, |
Amy likes the quilting bee! |
艾米最爱大家缝聚会了 |
0,0:06:55.58, |
Well, this place is creepy. |
这地方太诡异了 |
0,0:06:57.59, |
Why? |
为什么 |
0,0:06:58.54, |
Well, did you see his vegetable garden? |
你没看到他的菜园吗 |
0,0:07:00.57, |
Heirloom tomatoes in April. |
在四月种纯种番茄 |
0,0:07:03.28, |
Creepy. |
太诡异了 |
0,0:07:05.44, |
Okay, listen. |
好了听着 |
0,0:07:06.35, |
Dr. Wolcott is a brilliant topologist. |
沃尔科特博士是顶尖的拓扑学家 |
0,0:07:08.89, |
We need to set some ground rules so that you don't embarrass me. |
我们得制定一些基本规则 免得你们丢脸 |
0,0:07:11.73, |
No magic. No whining. |
不许变魔术 不许发牢骚 |
0,0:07:13.59, |
You-- just no. |
还有你 什么都不许 |
0,0:07:17.95, |
Uh, how come he gets to whine? |
他怎么就能抱怨呢 |
0,0:07:22.50, |
Dr. Wolcott? |
沃尔科特博士 |
0,0:07:23.85, |
Dr. Wolcott? Dr. Wolcott? |
沃尔科特博士 沃尔科特博士 |
0,0:07:34.12, |
That's a lot of locks. |
开了好多道锁呀 |
0,0:07:35.59, |
Mm. That was a lot of knocks-- they were made for each other. |
他也敲了好多次门 这俩是绝配 |
0,0:07:41.83, |
- Dr. Wolcott. ?- Dr. Cooper. |
沃尔科特博士-库柏博士 |
0,0:07:44.34, |
Uh, who are these people? |
这些人是谁呀 |
0,0:07:46.29, |
Oh, these are my friends. I wrote about them in my letter. |
他们是我的朋友 我在信里介绍过 |
0,0:07:48.99, |
Oh, letter? I didn't get a letter. |
信 我没收到过信呀 |
0,0:07:51.29, |
Well, that's because I just sent it this morning, you know? |
我今早才把信寄出来 |
0,0:07:53.54, |
So score one for linear time. ? |
看来是线性时间赢了 |
0,0:07:56.72, |
Well, um, I don't normally allow strangers into my house. |
我一般不允许陌生人进我的房子 |
0,0:08:00.43, |
But when you do, you-you let them out, right? |
但如果进来了 你也会放他们离开吧 |
0,0:08:05.23, |
Dr. Cooper, if you can promise me |
库珀博士 如果你能保证 |
0,0:08:06.98, |
these men share your intellect and academic rigor, |
这些人像你一样聪明又严谨 |
0,0:08:10.37, |
yeah, I suppose they can join us. |
那我可以让他们加入 |
0,0:08:13.78, |
You guys might need to wait in the car. |
你们可能得在车上等我了 |
0,0:08:23.58, |
Well, let me show you around. |
我来给你们介绍一下 |
0,0:08:25.55, |
This is the chair where I do most of my thinking, |
这是我思考大部分事情时坐的椅子 |
0,0:08:28.43, |
my thinking about work. |
用来思考工作上的事 |
0,0:08:30.24, |
Now, my thinking about people who have wronged me, |
思考那些待我不好的人时 |
0,0:08:33.35, |
I do over there. |
我坐那把椅子 |
0,0:08:36.19, |
I've always said that I should get a grudge chair. |
我一直说我需要一把用来怨恨的椅子 |
0,0:08:38.66, |
- Leonard, have I not always said that? - Mm, you have-- |
-莱纳德 我是不是一直说呀 -你说了 |
0,0:08:41.34, |
- but you were worried you'd spend too much time in it. - Yeah. |
但你担心自己花太多时间在上面了-对 |
0,0:08:44.77, |
That was a real concern. |
这是真的 |
0,0:08:47.14, |
Oh, my God, this tomato is amazing! |
我的天 这个番茄太好吃了 |
0,0:08:50.85, |
I can eat it like an apple. |
我可以像啃苹果一样吃掉它 |
0,0:08:53.62, |
My secret is I fertilize it with my own manure. |
我的秘密就是用自己的粪便施肥 |
0,0:09:03.65, |
The look on your face. |
这表情千金不换 |
0,0:09:07.36, |
It's a sort of grin. You want to know what kind? |
这微笑的弧度 想知道跟哪个部位的像吗 |
0,0:09:14.89, |
So, Dr. Wolcott, |
沃尔科特博士 |
0,0:09:16.14, |
in your letter, you said you had a new mathematical approach |
你信中提到 你有一种最新的数学理论 |
0,0:09:19.00, |
that would help me conceptualize the dimensions in string theory? |
可以帮助我将弦理论中的维度概念化 |
0,0:09:21.91, |
Uh, yes, yes, yes, yes. But before we get started, |
没错没错 但我们开始前 |
0,0:09:25.87, |
I am going to need to collect everybody's phone. |
我需要先把每个人的手机没收了 |
0,0:09:29.25, |
Oh. ?Why? |
为什么 |
0,0:09:30.42, |
Because they're little listening devices, aren't they? |
因为他们可都是小型窃听器呢 |
0,0:09:33.38, |
Yes, for people to spy on you and steal your work. |
可以被想盗取你成果的人利用 |
0,0:09:37.58, |
Yeah, what happened to the good old days |
回想一下过去的好日子 |
0,0:09:38.90, |
where if someone wanted to steal your work, |
如果想盗取你的心血 |
0,0:09:40.38, |
they had to hire a prostitute to seduce you? |
还得请个妓女来勾引你 |
0,0:09:44.74, |
Who told you about that? |
谁告诉你这件事的 |
0,0:09:48.01, |
Just making a joke. |
我只是开个玩笑 |
0,0:09:49.42, |
Yeah, it's not funny when it happens. |
真的发生的时候就没那么好笑了 |
0,0:09:53.16, |
All right, now, |
好了 |
0,0:09:53.93, |
you're probably going to want to start with this notebook here. |
你可以先从这个笔记本开始 |
0,0:09:58.97, |
- Oh. Oh, my. ?- Here we are. |
我的天-开始吧 |
0,0:10:04.54, |
no offense, Dr. Wolcott, but I'm not sure this makes any sense. |
无意冒犯 沃尔科特博士 这内容无意义啊 |
0,0:10:07.99, |
That's because I've written it all backwards. |
因为我都是倒着写的 |
0,0:10:09.94, |
You... Wow. |
你 哦哇 |
0,0:10:13.20, |
That's "Wow" backwards. |
我这是倒着说的"哇哦" |
0,0:10:16.63, |
Hmm. You know... |
那个... |
0,0:10:18.54, |
- I still don't get it. - Well, plus the numbers are letters |
我还是看不懂-里面的数字其实是字母 |
0,0:10:21.23, |
and the letters are numbers. ?Oh. |
字母其实是数字 |
0,0:10:24.23, |
I love him. |
我爱死他了 |
0,0:10:37.79, |
Are you having fun? |
你是不是玩得很开心 |
0,0:10:41.70, |
Yeah. |
开心 |
0,0:10:42.52, |
I just, uh, finished sewing this top to bottom. |
刚缝好了上边到下边的部分 |
0,0:10:46.57, |
Now I'm gonna sew it side to side. |
现在要开始缝左右的 |
0,0:10:50.33, |
Pace yourself. |
慢慢来 |
0,0:10:52.43, |
Some more tea? |
喝茶不 |
0,0:10:53.31, |
Oh, lovely. |
太好了 |
0,0:11:03.27, |
Seriously? What the hell? |
什么鬼啊 这都是啥玩意呀 |
0,0:11:06.12, |
- Huh? - ?What? |
怎么了-怎么回事 |
0,0:11:07.11, |
This is my bachelorette party, tea and quilts? |
这是我的单身派对 喝茶和缝被子吗 |
0,0:11:10.20, |
?Well, you said you didn't want anything crazy. |
你自己说不要太疯狂的 |
0,0:11:12.62, |
?Yes, but I said it like, "I don't want anything crazy." |
可我说的方式是 "我不要太疯狂的" |
0,0:11:15.86, |
Which clearly means I wanted something crazy. |
意思就是我要疯 我要狂 |
0,0:11:19.07, |
I mean, is this how boring you think I am? |
难道你们眼中的我就是这么无趣吗 |
0,0:11:22.45, |
Penny, she asked you a question. |
佩妮 她在问你问题呢 |
0,0:11:26.00, |
Of course not. |
当然不是了 |
0,0:11:27.58, |
So you thought that I would like quilting? |
所以你们觉得我喜欢缝被子吗 |
0,0:11:29.39, |
- Well, don't you? - Of course I like quilting! |
那你不喜欢吗-当然喜欢了 |
0,0:11:31.62, |
It's the slowest way to make a blanket! |
这是制作一床被子的最慢方式 |
0,0:11:35.35, |
But this is my bachelorette party! |
但这是我的单身女郎派对 |
0,0:11:37.00, |
It's supposed to be fun and wild and full of bad decisions. |
那就应该放纵不羁 做些错误决定 |
0,0:11:40.87, |
Hey, we can make bad decisions. |
我们当然可会做错误决定了 |
0,0:11:42.87, |
She had two kids back-to-back and I thought you'd like this, |
她接连生了两个孩子 我误以为你喜欢缝被子 |
0,0:11:45.50, |
so we're off to a good start. |
这还不算做错误决定吗 |
0,0:11:48.89, |
Come on, let's go somewhere we can do body shots |
来吧 让我们找个地方 |
0,0:11:50.91, |
- off shirtless bartenders. - ?Yes. |
在裸身酒保身上喝男体酒-没错 |
0,0:11:52.62, |
I don't know. That might be too much. |
真的吗 会不会太过了 |
0,0:11:54.46, |
All right, you know what, |
没错 那这样吧 |
0,0:11:55.07, |
why don't we stay home, have a little wine... |
我们还是留在家里喝点小酒... |
0,0:11:56.60, |
What are you not getting about this?! |
你们怎么就体会不到我的潜台词 |
0,0:12:02.05, |
Dr. Wolcott, your work on time is revolutionary. |
沃尔科特博士 您对时间的研究成果是革命性的 |
0,0:12:05.39, |
I would say thank you, |
我想说谢谢你 |
0,0:12:06.61, |
but, in my theory of time, |
但在我的时间理论中 |
0,0:12:07.77, |
you've already called my work revolutionary, |
你已经赞扬过我的成果具有革命性 |
0,0:12:09.86, |
I've already thanked you, |
而我也已经谢过你了 |
0,0:12:11.00, |
and I hate repeating myself, |
我不喜欢重复说一句话 |
0,0:12:12.64, |
so let's move on. |
所以我就不说了 |
0,0:12:16.38, |
Wait a minute, are-are you saying that time |
等等 你是说时间和空间一样 |
0,0:12:18.18, |
has multiple dimensions, the same as space? |
都具有多维性吗 |
0,0:12:20.36, |
No. No, I'm not saying it-- |
不 不是我说的 |
0,0:12:22.40, |
the math is saying it. |
是数学计算说的 |
0,0:12:24.18, |
Though it is the math that I invented, |
当然这个数学计算是我想出来的 |
0,0:12:25.71, |
so, yes, I guess I am saying it. |
所以我想也可以等同于我说的 |
0,0:12:29.62, |
You understanding any of this? |
你能懂任何一点吗 |
0,0:12:31.88, |
I haven't understood anything since poop tomato. |
我从粑粑番茄之后就什么都搞不懂了 |
0,0:12:36.62, |
My goodness, |
我的天 |
0,0:12:37.72, |
this is incredible. |
这真是太神奇了 |
0,0:12:39.28, |
?See, I-I'm just not seeing where string theory fits into all this, |
我就是想不出如何把弦理论代入其中 |
0,0:12:42.55, |
and that's where I think that you and I |
所以我想在这点上 |
0,0:12:43.77, |
could be of help to each other. |
你和我可以一起合作 |
0,0:12:45.14, |
Thank you. I'd be honored. |
谢谢 我真是荣幸 |
0,0:12:46.63, |
All right. Allow me to show you my most recent journal. |
我给你看看我最新的论文吧 |
0,0:12:51.90, |
Sheldon's right. |
谢尔顿说得对 |
0,0:12:53.80, |
This guy, this guy's brilliant. |
这家伙 真是个天才 |
0,0:12:55.85, |
Yeah, I mean, he's a little... kooky, |
没错 虽然他有点神经兮兮 |
0,0:12:58.96, |
but a mind that can reconceptualize time |
但他聪明到可以重新概念化时间 |
0,0:13:01.01, |
probably has a reason for keeping a jar |
那么他用罐子收集自己剪下来的脚趾甲 |
0,0:13:02.64, |
of toenail clippings that we just don't understand. |
一定也有我们无法理解的原因了 |
0,0:13:06.28, |
I could spend months up here just going through his math. |
我光看他算的内容就能在这待上几个月 |
0,0:13:08.97, |
I think Sheldon might. |
我想谢尔顿可能会 |
0,0:13:10.58, |
Great. Who's gonna tell Amy |
太棒了 谁去告诉艾米 |
0,0:13:12.61, |
we lost her fiance to a madman in the mountains? |
她的未婚夫被深山里的疯子抢走了 |
0,0:13:17.28, |
Hey, I drove. |
我出力开车了 |
0,0:13:22.68, |
This is so exciting. |
好令人激动呀 |
0,0:13:24.05, |
Can we do a body shot? |
我们能不能喝男体酒 |
0,0:13:25.31, |
I've always wanted to do a body shot. |
我一直想试试男体酒 |
0,0:13:26.77, |
Also, what's a body shot? |
还有 男体酒到底是什么 |
0,0:13:29.58, |
It's when you take a drink out of a stranger's belly button. |
就是你用陌生人的肚脐盛酒来喝 |
0,0:13:32.37, |
No, thanks. |
免了 谢谢 |
0,0:13:33.93, |
What if they have an outie? |
如果他们肚脐外凸怎么办 |
0,0:13:34.91, |
Does it just spill everywhere? |
就流得到处都是吗 |
0,0:13:38.09, |
Okay, look, we've got all night. |
我们有一整晚时间 |
0,0:13:39.13, |
Let's just take it easy. We can... |
放松点 我们可以... |
0,0:13:40.71, |
I'm getting married! |
我要结婚啦 |
0,0:13:45.01, |
Here you go. First round is on the house. |
给 第一轮免费 |
0,0:13:46.49, |
Hey there. |
你好呀 |
0,0:13:48.05, |
Do you do body shots? |
你提供男体酒服务吗 |
0,0:13:49.46, |
Oh, she said she didn't want one. |
她说她不想玩这个了 |
0,0:13:50.88, |
Mind your business. |
少管闲事 |
0,0:13:53.30, |
Cheers! |
干杯 |
0,0:13:55.96, |
12分钟后 |
0,0:13:59.49, |
Amy? |
艾米 |
0,0:14:00.84, |
Amy? Should we get her home? |
艾米 我们要不要送她回家 |
0,0:14:03.30, |
Why? She's sound asleep, and we have sliders coming. |
为什么 她睡死了 我们又点了迷你汉堡 |
0,0:14:06.75, |
One more round! |
再来一轮 |
0,0:14:10.14, |
So, how would this work |
这在奇点的情况下 |
0,0:14:11.65, |
in the context of a singularity? |
会如何进行 |
0,0:14:13.55, |
Yes, that's-that's a tricky bit to explain. |
这部分不好解释 |
0,0:14:16.28, |
I assume you're familiar with non-abelian group theory. |
你应该熟悉非阿尔贝群理论吧 |
0,0:14:18.80, |
Oh, and how. |
当然 |
0,0:14:20.17, |
You never forget your first group theory. |
你永远不会忘记第一次群理论 |
0,0:14:22.46, |
Listen, I'm gonna put on a pot of coffee, |
各位 我去煮一壶咖啡 |
0,0:14:24.51, |
because there is a lot of math to go through. |
有很多数学的部分得过一遍 |
0,0:14:26.57, |
And he said he didn't want a wild bachelor party. |
他还说他不想要狂野的单身派对 |
0,0:14:29.25, |
Excuse me? |
你说什么 |
0,0:14:30.18, |
Oh, uh, Sheldon's getting married in a month. |
谢尔顿一个月后要结婚了 |
0,0:14:33.61, |
Congratulations. |
恭喜你 |
0,0:14:35.15, |
Yeah, I'm a married man myself. |
我也是已婚男人 |
0,0:14:37.25, |
Oh, really? Is she here? |
真的吗 妻子也在这儿吗 |
0,0:14:38.58, |
And alive? |
还活着吗 |
0,0:14:41.98, |
A-And can people other than you see her? |
除了你 其他人也能看到她吗 |
0,0:14:46.97, |
She lives in Munich. |
她住在慕尼黑 |
0,0:14:48.16, |
It's a perfect marriage. |
这是完美的婚姻 |
0,0:14:49.33, |
We focus on our work |
我们专注于自己的研究 |
0,0:14:50.54, |
and send each other cards every year on our birthdays. |
每年在生日的时候寄卡片给对方 |
0,0:14:53.85, |
Hey, wait, what-what month is it? |
等等 现在是几月 |
0,0:14:55.96, |
Uh, April. |
四月 |
0,0:14:56.69, |
Most years. |
几乎每年 |
0,0:14:59.10, |
The point is we give each other space. |
重点是 我们给彼此空间 |
0,0:15:00.96, |
I give her Europe, she gives me South America. |
我给她欧洲 她给我南美洲 |
0,0:15:03.37, |
That's where she thinks I'm living. |
她以为我住在那儿 |
0,0:15:07.66, |
I-I've never considered a long-distance marriage. |
我从没考虑过远距离婚姻 |
0,0:15:10.97, |
Well, listen, if you want to be a great scientist, |
听我说 如果你想成为伟大的科学家 |
0,0:15:12.99, |
you can't afford to be distracted. |
就不能被分心 |
0,0:15:15.28, |
Hey, where are my manners? |
我怎么那么失礼 |
0,0:15:17.52, |
You fellas must be hungry. |
你们一定饿了吧 |
0,0:15:19.59, |
Do you like rabbit? |
你们喜欢兔肉吗 |
0,0:15:20.78, |
- ?Sure. ?- Sounds good. |
喜欢-听起来不错 |
0,0:15:22.07, |
Okay. |
那好 |
0,0:15:23.84, |
But can you tell the difference between rabbit and squirrel? |
但你们能分辨兔肉和松鼠肉的区别吗 |
0,0:15:28.03, |
- ?Don't think so. - ?Probably not. |
应该不行-估计没办法 |
0,0:15:29.21, |
Great! |
太棒了 |
0,0:15:31.94, |
We're having rabbit. |
我们今晚吃兔肉 |
0,0:15:36.03, |
Be right back! |
我去去就回 |
0,0:15:40.36, |
It is amazing how much he's accomplished |
他通过脱离日常生活 |
0,0:15:42.88, |
by isolating himself from the distractions of day-to-day life. |
获得了如此大的成就 实在太惊人了 |
0,0:15:46.18, |
Okay, please don't tell me you want to live like this. |
拜托别告诉我你想过这样的生活 |
0,0:15:49.33, |
See, that's the strange thing. |
怪就怪在这儿 |
0,0:15:51.05, |
I don't. |
我不想 |
0,0:15:52.99, |
What is wrong with me? |
我有什么毛病啊 |
0,0:15:54.97, |
Why don't I want this? |
我为什么不想要这种生活 |
0,0:15:56.86, |
Look at how cool it all is. |
瞧这一切有多酷啊 |
0,0:15:59.87, |
Nothing is wrong with you. You have friends, |
你没毛病 你有朋友 |
0,0:16:02.53, |
you have a fiancee, you have a full life. |
有未婚妻 有完整的人生 |
0,0:16:06.47, |
You know what, |
知道吗 |
0,0:16:08.64, |
you're right. |
你说得对 |
0,0:16:11.18, |
Thank you for bringing me up here. |
谢谢你们带我来这儿 |
0,0:16:14.47, |
But I think I'm ready to go home now. |
但我想我准备好回家了 |
0,0:16:16.57, |
Really? You don't want to stay for dinner |
真的吗 你不想留下来吃晚饭 |
0,0:16:18.23, |
and talk more science? |
聊更多的科学吗 |
0,0:16:19.38, |
No. No, we better go. |
不了 我们还是走吧 |
0,0:16:21.01, |
I miss Amy. |
我想念艾米了 |
0,0:16:22.73, |
And my phone. |
还有我的手机 |
0,0:16:29.97, |
Also, I'm from Texas, |
还有 我是德州人 |
0,0:16:31.42, |
and I can taste the difference between rabbit and squirrel. |
我能尝得出兔肉和松鼠肉的区别 |
0,0:16:43.07, |
Oh, look who's back! |
看谁重返人间啦 |
0,0:16:44.92, |
There she is! |
她醒了 |
0,0:16:46.10, |
What happened? How did we get here? |
发生了什么 我们怎么到这儿的 |
0,0:16:49.04, |
You don't remember anything? |
你什么都不记得了吗 |
0,0:16:50.26, |
I remember taking some shots, and then... |
我记得喝了一些烈酒 然后 |
0,0:16:53.83, |
that's it. |
就断片了 |
0,0:16:55.81, |
Oh, my gosh, did I pass out? |
天啊 我醉倒了吗 |
0,0:16:57.75, |
You kind of did. |
貌似是的 |
0,0:16:58.92, |
At my own bachelorette party? |
在我自己的单身女郎派对上吗 |
0,0:17:00.56, |
I'm so lame. |
我真是逊爆了 |
0,0:17:03.34, |
Well, you didn't pass out before you did |
你醉倒前还是做了 |
0,0:17:05.27, |
all kinds of fun stuff. |
各种好玩的事呀 |
0,0:17:06.88, |
What did I do? |
我做了什么 |
0,0:17:07.92, |
What did you do? |
你做了什么啊 |
0,0:17:11.24, |
What'd she do? |
她做了什么 |
0,0:17:15.73, |
爱尔兰传统踢踏舞舞剧 |
0,0:17:15.73, |
well, you don't remember Riverdancing on top of the bar? |
你不记得在吧台上跳《大河之舞》了吗 |
0,0:17:24.47, |
I did that? |
我跳了吗 |
0,0:17:25.57, |
Yeah, you did! |
当然了 |
0,0:17:28.68, |
But I don't know how to Riverdance. |
但我不会跳《大河之舞》啊 |
0,0:17:31.29, |
Didn't stop you from teaching all those shirtless firemen. |
那也没能拦住你教那些半裸的消防员 |
0,0:17:36.70, |
I saw shirtless firemen? |
我看见半裸消防员了吗 |
0,0:17:39.14, |
Saw, smelled, slid down like a pole. |
看见 闻过 还把他们当钢管滑下来 |
0,0:17:43.73, |
Did I flash anybody? |
我有没有露奶给某人看 |
0,0:17:45.36, |
How about everybody? |
应该问有没有给所有人看 |
0,0:17:49.46, |
I can't believe it. I'm so embarrassed. |
真不敢相信 我觉得好羞愧 |
0,0:17:52.15, |
You didn't take any pictures, did you? |
你们没拍照吧 |
0,0:17:54.07, |
Oh, no, we would never do that to you. |
我们绝不会那样对你 |
0,0:17:55.67, |
Yeah. But if there were pictures, |
对啊 但如果有照片 |
0,0:17:57.12, |
they would be crazy. |
一定狂野极了 |
0,0:18:00.98, |
You guys are good friends. |
你们真是我的好朋友 |
0,0:18:15.11, |
Dinner! |
晚饭来啦 |
0,0:18:19.16, |
Guys? |
人呢 |
0,0:18:23.19, |
I can't believe they left without saying good-bye. |
他们竟然不告而别 |
0,0:18:26.48, |
Wait a minute, what if they stole my work? |
等一下 万一他们窃取了我的研究呢 |
0,0:18:29.29, |
Wait a minute! |
等一下 |
0,0:18:31.74, |
What if they were never here at all? |
万一他们根本没来过呢 |
0,0:18:34.50, |
Wait a minute! |
等一下 |
0,0:18:36.17, |
What if they haven't gotten here yet |
万一他们还没来到 |
0,0:18:37.95, |
but they're on their way?! |
但已经在路上了呢 |
0,0:18:41.04, |
I better tidy up. |
我还是赶紧收拾收拾 |
0,0:18:54.78, |
Hello. |
你好啊 |
0,0:18:56.10, |
Welcome back. How'd it go? |
欢迎回家 怎么样了 |
0,0:18:58.44, |
Well, Dr. Wolcott's theories of time |
沃尔科特博士关于时间的理论 |
0,0:19:00.99, |
might save my new interpretation of string theory. |
或许能拯救我对弦理论的新解读 |
0,0:19:04.22, |
Oh, well, that's exciting. |
真令人激动 |
0,0:19:06.28, |
It is. |
确实 |
0,0:19:07.35, |
How was your bachelorette party? |
你的单身女郎派对怎么样 |
0,0:19:09.41, |
Well, I was in a bar, |
我到酒吧去了 |
0,0:19:12.42, |
and I saw some shirtless men. |
还看到一些半裸的男人 |
0,0:19:15.01, |
They were firemen, and they fought over me. |
他们是消防员 为我展开了激烈的争夺 |
0,0:19:19.47, |
But Penny and Bernadette got me out of there |
但在胜利者得到我送的战利品前 |
0,0:19:20.91, |
before the victor got my spoils. |
佩妮和伯纳黛特就把我带走了 |
0,0:19:26.13, |
I see. |
知道了 |
0,0:19:28.37, |
What's the matter? |
怎么了 |
0,0:19:29.57, |
You look glum. |
你好像闷闷不乐的 |
0,0:19:31.99, |
Amy, would you still love me |
艾米 如果我不是你以为的那种人 |
0,0:19:34.95, |
if I wasn't who you thought I was? |
你还会爱我吗 |
0,0:19:37.45, |
What are you talking about? |
你在说什么呢 |
0,0:19:38.98, |
Well, what if it turns out |
如果我其实不是 |
0,0:19:41.47, |
I'm not the single-minded, science-obsessed recluse |
你当初爱上的那个专心致志 沉迷科学 |
0,0:19:45.76, |
who puts his work above everything and everybody else |
把研究看得比一切人事物都重要的隐士 |
0,0:19:48.61, |
that you fell in love with? |
怎么办 |
0,0:19:53.61, |
What if I'm not the straightlaced, |
如果我不是你以为的那个 |
0,0:19:55.93, |
buttoned-up, quilting queen you thought I was? |
严厉刻板 沉默寡言的缝被女王 怎么办 |
0,0:19:59.97, |
What if I'm a... |
如果我是个 |
0,0:20:01.61, |
Riverdancing wild woman? |
跳《大河之舞》的狂野女人呢 |
0,0:20:11.05, |
I'd still love you. |
我依然会爱你 |
0,0:20:12.66, |
I'd still love you, too. |
我也依然会爱你 |
0,0:20:16.87, |
Do you really know how to Riverdance? |
你真的会跳《大河之舞》吗 |
0,0:20:25.98, |
You tell me. |
你来告诉我啊 |
0,0:20:39.42, |
I'm the only man you do that for. |
你不许跳给其他男人看 |