第十一季 第二十二集 |
0,0:00:05.03, |
What-what are you doing? |
你这是在干嘛 |
0,0:00:06.66, |
The light is red so I came to a stop. |
红灯了 所以我停下啊 |
0,0:00:09.39, |
You're in a stolen cop car with a dead hooker in the trunk. |
你开着偷来的警车 后车厢还有死掉的妓女 |
0,0:00:12.59, |
You don't have to obey traffic laws. |
你不必遵守交通规则吧 |
0,0:00:16.35, |
I know I don't have to. |
我知道我不必 |
0,0:00:18.13, |
The fun is choosing to. |
但选择遵守才是乐趣所在啊 |
0,0:00:22.83, |
Hey. Missed you guys at the faculty mixer. |
你们没有来学院聚会啊 |
0,0:00:25.46, |
Ah, you should have been there; dessert was bananas. |
真应该来的 甜点简直香蕉你个芭乐赞 |
0,0:00:28.95, |
Sorry, that was misleading. The dessert was pie, |
抱歉 这话有点歧义 甜点是派 |
0,0:00:30.96, |
but the pie was bananas. |
这个派香蕉你个大西瓜赞 |
0,0:00:33.57, |
Actually, the pie was cherry, |
其实这个派是樱桃口味 |
0,0:00:35.20, |
but the taste of the pie was... bananas. |
但吃起来这美味简直香蕉你个大樱桃 |
0,0:00:40.91, |
Those mixers are such a waste of university money. |
这些聚会根本就是在浪费大学的钱 |
0,0:00:44.78, |
If they spent less money |
如果学校少把钱花在 |
0,0:00:46.07, |
on frivolous nonsense and more money on science, |
这些琐碎的狗屁上 多花钱在科学上 |
0,0:00:48.66, |
we'd all be better off. |
对大家都有好处 |
0,0:00:49.91, |
You're a theoretical physicist. |
你就是个理论物理学家 |
0,0:00:51.78, |
What more do you need than an office and a whiteboard? |
除了一个办公室跟一张白板 你还需要什么 |
0,0:00:54.58, |
Someday, my new formulas on entropy decrease |
某一天 我的量子退相干导致熵减少的 |
0,0:00:57.68, |
due to quantum decoherence will need to be tested |
新公式将会需要测试 |
0,0:01:00.09, |
and that will require funding. |
到时候就会需要资金 |
0,0:01:01.93, |
Your theories are pretty abstract. |
你的理论都挺抽象的 |
0,0:01:03.91, |
I wouldn't even know how to |
我都不知道该怎么 |
0,0:01:04.94, |
design an experiment to prove them. |
设计出证明它们的实验 |
0,0:01:07.68, |
Says the experimental physicist. |
某实验物理学家如是说 |
0,0:01:11.62, |
Well, I know a place the university can make some cuts. |
我知道大学可以从哪里削减支出了 |
0,0:01:13.80, |
Bye, Leonard. |
莱纳德 拜拜了您那 |
0,0:01:15.92, |
One second, one second. |
慢着 慢着 |
0,0:01:16.67, |
He's got a point. |
他说的不无道理啊 |
0,0:01:17.81, |
In order to corroborate your string theory research, |
要想证实你的弦理论研究 |
0,0:01:20.03, |
you'd have to create a black hole. |
你就得制造出一个黑洞 |
0,0:01:21.51, |
Wouldn't that destroy the Earth? |
那不会毁掉地球吗 |
0,0:01:23.44, |
Perhaps, but we'd all go to the grave knowing I was right. |
或许吧 但大家都可以知道我是对的再入土 |
0,0:01:29.25, |
I guess you could create a contained microscopic black hole. |
我想或许你可以制造个微型黑洞啊 |
0,0:01:33.06, |
Huh. Interesting. |
有意思 |
0,0:01:36.91, |
Welcome back, Leonard. |
欢迎回来 莱纳德 |
0,0:01:39.30, |
Sorry, you're out. |
抱歉 你得卷铺盖了 |
0,0:01:41.87, |
What did I do? |
我做什么了 |
0,0:01:43.19, |
Exactly. |
正是如此 |
0,0:02:12.77, |
Ooh, this one's pretty. |
这个好好看 |
0,0:02:14.53, |
Mm. My mother wouldn't approve; |
我妈不会同意 |
0,0:02:16.28, |
shows too much clavicle. |
露太多锁骨了 |
0,0:02:19.12, |
She calls it "The bosom's welcome mat." |
她把锁骨称为"胸部的迎宾脚踏垫" |
0,0:02:22.42, |
I can't wait to get drunk |
我真是等不及要喝醉 |
0,0:02:23.49, |
and pick a fight with her at your wedding. |
然后在婚礼上跟她起争执了 |
0,0:02:27.37, |
It's just so hard to tell what will look good on me. |
真的好难知道到底哪件我穿起来会好看 |
0,0:02:29.83, |
No. This is just to give you ideas. |
不 这只是让你知道个方向 |
0,0:02:31.45, |
You know, do-do you want something simple and elegant? |
让你知道你是想要简单高雅款呢 |
0,0:02:33.75, |
I mean, do you want a train? |
你想要拖尾[火车]吗 |
0,0:02:35.03, |
Ooh, we're talking about trains. |
大家在聊火车啊 |
0,0:02:38.10, |
Not the kind of trains you like. |
不是你喜欢的那种火车 |
0,0:02:39.59, |
Oh, I like all kinds of trains-- steam, diesel, |
我喜欢所有火车啊 蒸汽火车 柴油火车 |
0,0:02:42.42, |
coal, elevated, bullet. |
煤炭火车 高架列车 子弹列车 |
0,0:02:44.29, |
I defy you to name a train that I don't like. |
你有本事就说出个我不喜欢的火车 |
0,0:02:47.21, |
The kind on the back of a wedding dress? |
在婚纱后面的那种火车[拖尾] |
0,0:02:49.42, |
I did not see that coming. Good job. |
我完全没料到这个 你厉害 |
0,0:02:52.85, |
But while we're on the subject of fashion, |
趁我们刚好在聊有关时尚的话题 |
0,0:02:54.77, |
I'm asking the university for some funding tomorrow. |
我明天想跟大学要研究资金 |
0,0:02:57.54, |
What should I wear? |
我应该穿什么 |
0,0:02:58.54, |
Mm. Well, I've got a push-up bra I can loan you |
我有一件聚拢提升型胸罩可以借你穿 |
0,0:03:00.73, |
that always gets me free drinks. |
它总能让我得到免费酒水 |
0,0:03:03.72, |
How much money are you asking for? |
你想要多少经费 |
0,0:03:05.23, |
$500 million. |
5亿 |
0,0:03:09.00, |
Then I'd go no bra. |
那我劝你直接不穿胸罩去吧 |
0,0:03:12.41, |
What do you need that kind of money for? |
你要这么大一笔钱干什么啊 |
0,0:03:14.41, |
I have figured out an experimental design |
我想出了一个实验设计 |
0,0:03:16.98, |
that may corroborate my latest thinking on string theory. |
可以证实我最新的弦理论想法 |
0,0:03:19.88, |
I just need 2,148 high-power lasers |
我只需要2148台大功率激光器 |
0,0:03:23.41, |
to compress 20 micrograms of gold into a small enough volume |
来把20微克的黄金压缩到足够小的质量 |
0,0:03:26.62, |
to make a microscopic black hole. |
从而创造出一个微型黑洞 |
0,0:03:31.85, |
Just nod. |
点头就好了 |
0,0:03:34.41, |
Sheldon, they're not gonna give you half a billion dollars. |
谢尔顿 他们不会给你5亿的 |
0,0:03:37.11, |
I mean, they won't even give me that much |
连我都要不到那么多 |
0,0:03:38.83, |
and I keep promising I can make people's brains "grow younger." |
我可是保证了我能让人的大脑"返老还童"呢 |
0,0:03:44.64, |
Can you? |
你能吗 |
0,0:03:45.88, |
No. Shh. |
不能 |
0,0:03:48.91, |
But I need it. It's the only way to settle the contradictions |
但我需要啊 这是唯一有办法解决 |
0,0:03:51.87, |
between gravity and quantum mechanics. |
重力与量子力学间矛盾的方法了 |
0,0:03:54.02, |
Well, it's too much money, you can't ask for that all at once. |
这要求的款项太大笔了 你不能一次要这么多 |
0,0:03:57.12, |
Well, what if I ask for it in six easy installments |
那我让他们分6期付款如何 |
0,0:03:59.86, |
of $83,333,333.33? |
每次给8333万3333.33 |
0,0:04:05.35, |
Okay. What if you asked for $20 million? |
好吧 那你去要个2千万如何 |
0,0:04:07.41, |
I'm sorry, I'm trying to do science, |
抱歉 我是要做科学研究 |
0,0:04:09.41, |
not hire Lady Gaga to come to my birthday. |
不是要请嘎嘎小姐来我生日表演 |
0,0:04:14.84, |
Do you even know who Lady Gaga is? |
你知道人家嘎嘎小姐[歌手]是谁吗 |
0,0:04:17.22, |
Presumably, the wife of Lord Gaga. |
我推断她应该是嘎嘎先生的老婆 |
0,0:04:23.08, |
Sheldon, you know, Penny's got a point. |
谢尔顿 其实佩妮说的有道理 |
0,0:04:25.38, |
Sometimes when you want something big from someone, |
有时候你想跟别人提一个大要求 |
0,0:04:27.76, |
you-you got to be careful not to scare them away, you know? |
你得小心别一下就把别人给吓跑 懂吗 |
0,0:04:30.75, |
You got to start small and-and build up slowly, |
你得小火开始 慢慢加料慢慢炖 |
0,0:04:34.03, |
even if it takes eight years. |
哪怕得炖他个足足八年 |
0,0:04:39.87, |
Eight long years. |
八个漫长的年头 |
0,0:04:45.54, |
That's oddly specific. |
年数莫名精确啊 |
0,0:04:49.04, |
Have you ever done that? |
你做过这件事吗 |
0,0:04:51.31, |
Nope. |
没有 |
0,0:04:59.72, |
So with this level of high-power laser array, |
用这个程度的大功率激光器阵列 |
0,0:05:02.76, |
we would actually be able to solve |
我们终于可以有办法 |
0,0:05:04.71, |
the black hole information paradox once and for all. |
一劳永逸地解决黑洞信息悖论呢 |
0,0:05:07.47, |
That's impressive, and how much funding were you looking for? |
非常出色 那你需要多少研究资金呢 |
0,0:05:10.62, |
$20 million. |
2千万 |
0,0:05:12.38, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
0,0:05:13.21, |
You think you can build that for $20 million? |
你觉得你用2千万就能造出来吗 |
0,0:05:15.84, |
Not a chance. |
下辈子吧 |
0,0:05:18.63, |
I'm sorry, then why are you asking me for it? |
抱歉 那你为什么跟我要这数目 |
0,0:05:21.05, |
Because once you've spent $20 million, |
因为一旦你已经花了2千万 |
0,0:05:23.72, |
you're much more likely to give me an additional 50. |
你就很有可能再给我追加5千万 |
0,0:05:26.84, |
So actually, what you're saying is with $70 million, |
所以其实你的意思是 只要有7千万 |
0,0:05:29.30, |
you can build this. |
你就能造出这个 |
0,0:05:30.40, |
I can see why you'd think that, but no. |
我能理解您为何这么想 但非也 |
0,0:05:34.20, |
You can't go to the board of trustees |
你肯定不能去跟董事会的人说 |
0,0:05:36.00, |
and say you gave Sheldon Cooper $70 million |
你给了谢尔顿·库珀7千万美元 |
0,0:05:38.48, |
and have nothing to show for it. |
但什么能拿出来的成果都没有 |
0,0:05:39.61, |
No. The only way you'd be able to save face is to double down. |
不能 你唯一保留颜面的方法就是再加一倍 |
0,0:05:43.83, |
So 140? |
所以就是1亿4千万 |
0,0:05:44.70, |
And then double again. |
然后还得再加倍 |
0,0:05:47.86, |
280? |
2亿8千万吗 |
0,0:05:48.75, |
And then-- good news-- not quite double again. |
然后有个好消息 再将近双倍一次 |
0,0:05:53.46, |
So, uh, what do you say? |
所以... 您怎么说 |
0,0:05:55.15, |
We have a deal? |
我们说好了吗 |
0,0:05:58.14, |
He said no? |
他拒绝了吗 |
0,0:05:58.97, |
No. That's only a two letter word. |
不要只有两个字 |
0,0:06:01.50, |
You're gonna have to double down. |
你得再加倍 |
0,0:06:05.05, |
Well, I'm sorry, Sheldon, but this sort of thing happens. |
我也很遗憾 谢尔顿 但这种事常有 |
0,0:06:07.77, |
Higgs had to wait almost 50 years |
科学家希格斯等了足足50年 |
0,0:06:09.69, |
before they built a collider big enough to prove his theory. |
他们才终于建了一个大到足以证明他理论的对撞机 |
0,0:06:12.45, |
50 years? |
50年吗 |
0,0:06:14.07, |
But I want to play with it now. |
但我现在就想玩到它 |
0,0:06:17.34, |
You just have to wait for science to catch up |
你得等等 等到科学够进步了 |
0,0:06:19.34, |
or technology to get cheaper. |
或者这科技技术变便宜了 |
0,0:06:20.96, |
Think about, uh, DVD players-- |
你想想比如DVD播放器 |
0,0:06:22.82, |
they used to cost, like, a thousand dollars, |
以前一台要上千块钱 |
0,0:06:24.58, |
but just the other day I used one to smash a bug. |
但前几天我还用一台来砸扁虫子 |
0,0:06:29.73, |
Yeah, you-you just have to be patient. |
对 你得有耐心 |
0,0:06:31.57, |
But what if while I'm being patient, |
但要是我耐心等候时 |
0,0:06:33.56, |
someone more relentless than me |
有比我更死缠烂打的人 |
0,0:06:35.32, |
badgers their university into giving them money? |
逼得他们大学给他们拨款了呢 |
0,0:06:38.23, |
If there's someone more relentless than you, |
如果有人比你更死缠烂打 |
0,0:06:39.97, |
I'd like to meet them. |
我还挺想会会他们 |
0,0:06:43.20, |
I would not. |
我不想 |
0,0:06:45.70, |
I'm not waiting for the university to come around. |
我不会坐等大学自己想通 |
0,0:06:48.62, |
I'll find another way to raise the money. |
我会另找法子筹款 |
0,0:06:50.59, |
Ooh, if it's one of those booths where we can throw a pie at you, |
如果是可以朝你丢派的那种出气小房间 |
0,0:06:53.07, |
I'm in for, like, 20 bucks. |
我愿意奉献20大洋 |
0,0:06:56.20, |
40 bucks if I can throw a DVD player. |
如果我能朝你丢DVD机 我愿意出40 |
0,0:07:02.86, |
Would you like some champagne? |
二位想来杯香槟吗 |
0,0:07:04.14, |
Oh, thank you. |
谢谢 |
0,0:07:04.96, |
- Thanks. - ?Sure. |
谢谢-不客气 |
0,0:07:07.15, |
This is nice. |
这挺不错的 |
0,0:07:08.32, |
What? Helping Amy find a dress or day drinking? |
你是指帮艾米选婚纱还是白天买醉 |
0,0:07:12.20, |
It's just nice, okay? |
反正就是不错 问个屁 |
0,0:07:15.88, |
What do you think? |
你们觉得怎么样 |
0,0:07:17.44, |
Amy, oh, my God. |
艾米 我的天啊 |
0,0:07:19.06, |
You look so beautiful. |
你看起来真美 |
0,0:07:20.42, |
I feel beautiful. |
我也觉得自己很美 |
0,0:07:22.05, |
And look, both clavicles. |
你们瞧 两边锁骨都露了 |
0,0:07:23.86, |
Take that, Mom. |
吃屎吧 老妈 |
0,0:07:27.58, |
You know what they say: |
你知道俗语说的好 |
0,0:07:28.30, |
if you got 'em, flaunt 'em. |
有料不秀 天诛地灭 |
0,0:07:30.93, |
Is it possible that the very first dress is the dress? |
有没可能第一条就是最好的选择 |
0,0:07:34.24, |
Oh, don't be silly. |
说什么傻话 |
0,0:07:35.23, |
You can't buy the first dress you try on. |
怎么能买你试穿的第一条裙子 |
0,0:07:37.24, |
That'd be like marrying the first guy that you... |
这就跟嫁给你第一个男... |
0,0:07:41.74, |
You can't buy the first dress you try on. |
怎么能买你试穿的第一条裙子 |
0,0:07:47.00, |
Little finger sandwiches, too. This place is amazing. |
还有手指三明治 这地方棒极了 |
0,0:07:49.87, |
Interesting thing about finger sandwiches: |
手指三明治有意思的是 |
0,0:07:51.48, |
you put enough of them together, |
你把足够分量拼起来 |
0,0:07:52.84, |
you got a sandwich. |
就能得到一个完整的三明治 |
0,0:07:56.30, |
Uh, guys, we have a problem. |
姐妹们 有个问题 |
0,0:07:58.17, |
- Are you okay? ?- What's wrong? |
你没事吧-怎么了 |
0,0:07:59.75, |
I look amazing in all of these dresses! |
我穿所有婚纱都美爆了 |
0,0:08:02.85, |
Wow. Look at your waist. |
瞧瞧你的小蛮腰 |
0,0:08:04.22, |
Where you been hiding that thing? |
你之前都藏哪儿去了 |
0,0:08:07.02, |
Bernadette, stop. |
伯纳黛特别说啦 |
0,0:08:09.60, |
Penny, you say something nice now. |
佩妮 轮到你开始吹捧了 |
0,0:08:13.57, |
Boy, you know, when Sheldon sees you in that dress, |
天啊 谢尔顿看到你穿这条裙子后 |
0,0:08:15.48, |
he's gonna want to methodically take it off, |
一定会想井然有序地把裙子脱掉 |
0,0:08:17.46, |
fold it up, carefully place it in a storage box, |
折好 小心放入储物盒 |
0,0:08:20.02, |
label it, and then ravish you. |
贴好标签 然后尽情蹂躏你 |
0,0:08:23.24, |
Should I try on some more? |
我要不要再试几条 |
0,0:08:24.40, |
Are you having fun? |
你享受这过程吗 |
0,0:08:25.19, |
Am I having fun being beautiful? |
我享受这美绝人寰的过程吗 |
0,0:08:26.61, |
Of course I am! |
老娘当然享受 |
0,0:08:28.45, |
Great. Keep going. |
太好了 继续 |
0,0:08:31.19, |
This is it. |
就是它了 |
0,0:08:32.22, |
This is the one. |
这就是命中注定的裙子 |
0,0:08:41.13, |
Do you love it? |
你们爱它吗 |
0,0:08:43.90, |
Do you? |
你爱吗 |
0,0:08:46.66, |
I do. |
我超爱啊 |
0,0:08:49.51, |
Wow. |
哇 |
0,0:08:52.61, |
Also, wow. |
我也是 哇 |
0,0:08:59.56, |
- Hello, Leonard. ?- Hi. |
-你好 莱纳德 -嘿 |
0,0:09:00.88, |
Are you doing anything? |
你在忙吗 |
0,0:09:02.27, |
No. I'm just sitting here at my desk |
没有 我就坐在书桌前 |
0,0:09:04.50, |
typing on my computer for nothing. |
无目的地敲打电脑键盘 |
0,0:09:07.75, |
That was my guess, but I didn't want to assume. |
我就是这么想的 但我不想想当然 |
0,0:09:11.01, |
Can you help me shoot my Kickstarter video? |
你能帮我拍摄众筹网站的短片吗 |
0,0:09:14.40, |
Do you really think people are gonna give you |
你真觉得大家会给你 |
0,0:09:15.85, |
half a billion dollars? |
五亿美元吗 |
0,0:09:17.34, |
Of course not, but if I can raise enough seed money |
当然不是 但如果我能筹到足够的种子基金 |
0,0:09:20.31, |
to show that I'm serious, |
显示出我是认真的 |
0,0:09:21.30, |
I should be able to attract some major investors. |
应该就能吸引到一些大款投资人 |
0,0:09:23.90, |
And look at the cool incentives I'm offering. |
快看看我提供的超酷捐款福利 |
0,0:09:28.27, |
For $50,000, I will examine your diet |
捐5万 我就帮你检查饮食情况 |
0,0:09:31.06, |
and create a customized bathroom schedule." |
为你量身定制如厕时间表" |
0,0:09:36.72, |
That's fitting-- 50 grand down the toilet. |
挺合适的 5万丢进马桶冲走 |
0,0:09:39.50, |
Well, how about this? |
这个怎么样 |
0,0:09:40.70, |
For $100,000, I will design the flag |
捐10万 我就亲自为你家 |
0,0:09:43.14, |
of your house or apartment. |
设计一面旗帜 |
0,0:09:44.78, |
And for $1 million, |
还有 捐100万 |
0,0:09:46.73, |
I will come over and tell you what's wrong with you. |
我就莅临你家告诉你 你有什么毛病 |
0,0:09:51.68, |
Aw, and all these years, I've been getting that for free. |
这么多年来 我都免费"享受"这待遇 |
0,0:09:56.53, |
Don't be smug, Leonard. |
少自以为是了 莱纳德 |
0,0:09:58.27, |
That's one of the things that's wrong with you. |
这正是你其中一种毛病 |
0,0:10:03.11, |
Well, that was a successful trip. |
这趟行程收获颇丰 |
0,0:10:05.04, |
Yes. |
是啊 |
0,0:10:06.22, |
Amy found a dress that she liked. |
艾米找到了中意的裙子 |
0,0:10:08.67, |
She sure did. |
确实 |
0,0:10:11.71, |
She found a dress that looked like... |
她找到了一条看上去... |
0,0:10:14.87, |
like it made her happy. |
让她快乐的裙子 |
0,0:10:18.23, |
She-she did look happy. |
她确实看起来很快乐 |
0,0:10:19.75, |
I mean, her face was just glowing, so... |
她脸上洋溢着幸福的光彩 |
0,0:10:23.07, |
Yeah, we should make sure the photographer knows |
对 我们应该确保摄影师知道 |
0,0:10:24.97, |
to just really... get in there. |
拍的时候... 尽量特写脸 |
0,0:10:31.27, |
So we agree it's awful? |
我们同意那裙子丑爆了对吧 |
0,0:10:32.51, |
That dress should be set on fire! |
那条裙子就该一把火给烧了 |
0,0:10:37.30, |
Should we say something? |
我们该说什么吗 |
0,0:10:38.31, |
No, we can't. |
当然不能说 |
0,0:10:39.66, |
But don't you think she brought us with her |
但她带我们一起去选裙子 |
0,0:10:40.98, |
cause she wants our honest opinion? |
不就是想听我们诚实的意见吗 |
0,0:10:43.10, |
No one wants that. |
没人想听真话 |
0,0:10:45.75, |
I do. |
我就想啊 |
0,0:10:46.75, |
No, ya don't. |
你才不想 |
0,0:10:50.19, |
I don't want her to look back |
我不想她难看 |
0,0:10:51.05, |
and think she made some awful mistake. |
觉得自己犯了大错 |
0,0:10:53.15, |
《芝麻街》中的角色 |
0,0:10:53.15, |
You mean like your dumb Cookie Monster tattoo? |
你是说像你那个蠢兮兮的曲奇怪兽纹身一样吗 |
0,0:10:57.21, |
See? Was that fun? |
看见没 这样好玩吗 |
0,0:11:00.34, |
Someone's gonna say something. |
总会有人说难听话 |
0,0:11:01.53, |
It should be us now instead of everyone at her wedding. |
与其让她在婚礼上出丑 不如我们现在告诉她 |
0,0:11:04.40, |
Okay, but as long as we do it gently. |
好吧 但我们得委婉一点说 |
0,0:11:06.64, |
And together. |
还得一起说 |
0,0:11:08.87, |
Well, what about my dress? |
我的裙子怎么了 |
0,0:11:10.48, |
Don't you like it? |
你们不喜欢吗 |
0,0:11:13.76, |
- I don't. - ?It's beautiful. |
我不喜欢-裙子太美了 |
0,0:11:26.00, |
Hey, Stuart, I'd like to sell some comic books. |
斯图尔特 我想卖些漫画 |
0,0:11:29.28, |
Oh. Well, I know all about that. |
这我太了解了 |
0,0:11:31.11, |
Step one is flunk out of art school. |
第一步是从被踢出艺校开始 |
0,0:11:35.10, |
Well, why are you selling 'em? |
你为什么要卖漫画 |
0,0:11:36.40, |
The university is refusing to fund my experiment, |
大学拒绝给我的实验拨款 |
0,0:11:39.40, |
so I need to raise money and do it on my own. |
所以我需要筹钱自己做 |
0,0:11:41.61, |
Ah. How much do you need? |
你需要多少钱 |
0,0:11:42.82, |
For a start, I'm trying to raise $500,000. |
一开始我想先筹50万 |
0,0:11:47.66, |
Well, I hope you have that rare Superman |
那我希望你有那超稀有的 |
0,0:11:49.97, |
printed on the skin of actual Superman. |
印在真正超人皮肤上的《超人》 |
0,0:11:54.10, |
I know you're making a joke, |
我知道你在开玩笑 |
0,0:11:55.41, |
but I really do have some valuable issues in here. |
但我真的有不少期值钱的漫画 |
0,0:11:57.62, |
And this is just the first box of many. |
这还只是第一盒 后面陆续还有 |
0,0:11:59.65, |
All right, let's see what you got. |
好吧 看看你这儿有什么 |
0,0:12:03.71, |
Huh. Is this a complete run of Todd McFarlane's Spawn? |
这是整套托德·麦克法兰的《再生侠》吗 |
0,0:12:11.88, |
Yes. |
没错 |
0,0:12:14.13, |
Ooh, look at this. |
瞧瞧这个 |
0,0:12:15.78, |
Giant-Size X-Men number one, |
《巨大X战警》第一期 |
0,0:12:18.95, |
Len Wein's relaunch of the franchise. |
当年莱恩·韦恩对《X战警》系列的承先启后之作 |
0,0:12:21.25, |
Yeah. I know what it is. I'm the one who bought it, |
我知道这是什么 是我亲手买来 |
0,0:12:23.64, |
bagged it, boarded it and taped it shut |
装入袋子 放好硬纸板 并用胶带封好的 |
0,0:12:25.15, |
while wearing white cotton gloves. |
而且全程戴着棉制白手套 |
0,0:12:27.93, |
Okay, well, you know, |
好吧 你知道的 |
0,0:12:29.08, |
I'm gonna have to open it to assess its condition. |
我需要打开看看它们是否完好 |
0,0:12:32.04, |
Just be gentle. |
温柔一点 |
0,0:12:33.72, |
It's never felt the touch of a man before. |
它们从来没有被男人碰过 |
0,0:12:38.93, |
You don't seem like you really want to sell these. |
感觉你并不愿意卖掉它们啊 |
0,0:12:41.68, |
Of course I don't want to sell these. |
我当然不想卖 |
0,0:12:43.94, |
These are all important to me, |
它们是我的珍宝 |
0,0:12:45.79, |
but not as important as science, |
但还是比不上科学 |
0,0:12:47.57, |
and if this is the sacrifice I need to make, then so be it. |
若为科学故 珍宝亦可抛 |
0,0:12:51.25, |
Okay. Uh, why don't you leave these here with me, |
好吧 那就把它们留在这儿 |
0,0:12:53.67, |
and I'll-I'll price 'em out for you. |
我帮你估个价 |
0,0:12:55.55, |
Is it okay if I stand here and watch? |
我能站在旁边看你弄吗 |
0,0:12:58.92, |
Sure. |
可以呀 |
0,0:13:02.27, |
If anyone asks, tell them I was brave. |
如果之后有人问起 就说我很勇敢 |
0,0:13:08.03, |
Hey, I can't believe you just threw me under the bus. |
你刚才就这么把我出卖了吗 |
0,0:13:10.13, |
I know, right? That was crazy. |
对啊 超不敢相信吧 |
0,0:13:11.73, |
Well... |
你... |
0,0:13:13.85, |
Do you know how that makes me look? |
你这样害我成为什么人了啊 |
0,0:13:15.22, |
Uh, that's an easy one-- bad. ?Well... |
这个简单 坏人 |
0,0:13:18.33, |
Why didn't you tell her that you didn't like the dress, either? |
你为什么不告诉她你也不喜欢那裙子 |
0,0:13:20.27, |
I mean, what happened to our united front? |
说好的姐妹一条心呢 |
0,0:13:21.80, |
I'm sorry. Is this your first day being a girl? |
不好意思 你是第一天当女人吗 |
0,0:13:32.58, |
Ooh, did your mom pack your lunch? |
你妈给你做的午饭吗 |
0,0:13:35.52, |
Of course not. |
当然不是了 |
0,0:13:36.69, |
Do you know how much it costs to pack a tuna fish sandwich |
你知道从德州连夜寄来干冰包装的 |
0,0:13:38.77, |
in dry ice and overnight it from Texas? |
金枪鱼三明治要多贵吗 |
0,0:13:42.30, |
Well, I do, and my mother says it's too expensive. |
反正我知道 我妈说太贵了 |
0,0:13:45.84, |
I like tuna fish. |
我喜欢金枪鱼 |
0,0:13:46.84, |
Do you want it? I'll sell it to you for $5,000. |
那你想吃不 5000块卖给你 |
0,0:13:50.44, |
How's the fundraising going? |
你的募款进行得如何了 |
0,0:13:51.60, |
- Oh, that depends. Raj, was that a "Yes"? - ?No. |
-看情况 拉杰 买吗 -不买 |
0,0:13:53.92, |
It's going badly. |
进行得不顺 |
0,0:13:56.63, |
How much have you raised? |
你现在募到多少钱了 |
0,0:13:57.93, |
Well, with my Kickstarter campaign, |
众筹网的项目 |
0,0:14:00.09, |
selling my collectibles, and the money in my bank account, |
卖掉收藏品的收入 和我的银行余额 |
0,0:14:02.55, |
about $65,000. |
差不多6万5千元 |
0,0:14:04.75, |
Wow. That's a lot. |
已经很多了 |
0,0:14:06.09, |
Yeah, not enough. |
还远远不够 |
0,0:14:07.55, |
It's so frustrating that science should be held hostage |
真是闹心 科学竟然沦落为 |
0,0:14:10.68, |
to the almighty dollar. |
金钱的奴隶 |
0,0:14:11.94, |
Well, don't give up. You'll find that money somewhere. |
别放弃得太早 你总能找到钱的 |
0,0:14:14.60, |
- You really think so? ?- No, |
你真这么想吗-才怪 |
0,0:14:15.82, |
but it's good that he has a hobby. |
但他现在有了个爱好是好事 |
0,0:14:18.32, |
You ever thought of going to Vegas? |
你考虑过去维加斯吗 |
0,0:14:20.64, |
Can you be more specific? |
能说更详细点吗 |
0,0:14:23.42, |
Las Vegas? |
拉斯维加斯 |
0,0:14:25.97, |
Oh, you mean gambling. ? |
你是说赌博呀 |
0,0:14:27.81, |
Oh. Well, that's not the worst idea. |
这个主意倒不坏 |
0,0:14:29.74, |
Um, it is the worst idea, and I'm including the year |
这是最坏的主意了 就连拉杰 |
0,0:14:32.94, |
that Raj wore nothing but tracksuits. |
曾经穿了一年运动服都比这个主意好 |
0,0:14:37.61, |
Ordinary people can't beat a casino, |
普通人赢不了赌场 |
0,0:14:39.54, |
but mathematicians and scientists, |
但数学家和科学家 |
0,0:14:41.21, |
they do it all the time. |
常常是赌场赢家 |
0,0:14:42.42, |
Yeah, a group of students |
曾经有一群麻省理工的学生 |
0,0:14:43.66, |
from MIT took Las Vegas for millions, and that's MIT. |
从赌城赢走了几千万 这还只是麻省理工呢 |
0,0:14:48.22, |
Howard went there. |
连霍华德都能读的学校 |
0,0:14:51.42, |
Come on, Sheldon. |
来吧 谢尔顿 |
0,0:14:51.97, |
I'll give you a ride out to the desert right now. |
我立马就送你去沙漠 |
0,0:14:54.43, |
No one is going to Vegas. |
谁都不许去赌城 |
0,0:14:55.94, |
No, we weren't gonna make it to Vegas. |
在到沙漠里的赌城前他就被我埋了 |
0,0:15:03.23, |
Hi. Do you have a minute? |
你有空吗 |
0,0:15:04.88, |
Depends. Is what I'm wearing okay, |
看情况 我穿这身还行吗 |
0,0:15:07.18, |
or should I go change first? |
是不是该去换身衣服呢 |
0,0:15:09.95, |
Look, I'm sorry. |
我很抱歉 |
0,0:15:11.56, |
I never should have said I didn't like your dress. |
我不应该说不喜欢你的裙子 |
0,0:15:13.90, |
It's your wedding, and all that matters is |
那是你的婚礼 只要你觉得美丽 |
0,0:15:15.49, |
that you feel beautiful. |
就够了 |
0,0:15:17.58, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
0,0:15:19.12, |
So, are... are we good? |
那我们没事了吧 |
0,0:15:20.68, |
No, we're not good. |
不 没事才怪 |
0,0:15:22.17, |
You ruined my dress. |
你毁了我的裙子 |
0,0:15:23.74, |
Well, why? I just said you should wear it. |
为什么 我都说了你可以穿 |
0,0:15:25.82, |
Well, I can't wear it now. I mean, I know you hate it. |
我现在不能穿了 我知道你讨厌它 |
0,0:15:28.44, |
That's all I'm gonna be thinking about. |
这件事永远环绕在我脑海了 |
0,0:15:29.95, |
No, I don't hate it. |
不 我没有讨厌它 |
0,0:15:31.78, |
I asked if you liked it, and you said no. |
我问你喜欢吗 你说不 |
0,0:15:34.52, |
There is a lot of room between "don't like" and "hate." |
不喜欢和讨厌之间还差了千八百里呢 |
0,0:15:37.05, |
You know, it's-it's where you find rice pudding and jazz. |
米布丁与爵士乐就在这之间 |
0,0:15:42.04, |
Anyway, who cares what I think? |
再说 我的想法有啥所谓啊 |
0,0:15:44.03, |
I do. You're the-the coolest, |
对我有所谓 因为你是我生命中 |
0,0:15:47.05, |
prettiest, best-dressed person in my life. |
最酷 最漂亮 最会打扮的人 |
0,0:15:50.46, |
Okay, that would be flattering, |
这话本来应该算夸到天上了 |
0,0:15:52.05, |
except I know all the people in your life. |
可惜我知道你身边都是些什么货色 |
0,0:15:57.07, |
Look, Amy, |
听我说 艾米 |
0,0:15:57.85, |
I don't know what to say. I think I got stuck on the fact |
我不知道该说什么了 我可能是只想到 |
0,0:16:00.24, |
that it's not a dress I would choose, but it shouldn't be. |
我自己不会选那条裙子 但不该是这样 |
0,0:16:03.32, |
You know, it's your dress. |
因为那是你的裙子 |
0,0:16:05.30, |
I mean, hey, would you marry Leonard? |
比如 你会嫁给莱纳德吗 |
0,0:16:07.47, |
Ew. |
恶 |
0,0:16:10.14, |
Okay, a simple "no" would have been fine, but... |
简单回答"不会"就可以了 |
0,0:16:14.34, |
you see my point. |
不过你懂我的意思吧 |
0,0:16:16.28, |
That we're different people? |
我们不一样 |
0,0:16:17.74, |
Yes, and from now on, I am gonna remember |
没错 从现在开始 我要提醒自己 |
0,0:16:20.36, |
that this wedding is all about you. |
这场婚礼你才是主角 |
0,0:16:23.64, |
I appreciate that. |
谢谢 |
0,0:16:25.58, |
You're a good maid of honor. |
你真是一个好伴娘 |
0,0:16:30.27, |
It's Bernadette. Hello? |
博纳黛特打来了 喂 |
0,0:16:32.22, |
I feel bad about hanging Penny out to dry. |
我觉得让佩妮背黑锅 于心有愧 |
0,0:16:34.93, |
The truth is, I don't like the dress, either. |
事实上 我也不喜欢那条裙子 |
0,0:16:40.31, |
Are you kidding me? |
你们在玩我吗 |
0,0:16:41.30, |
Now Bernadette doesn't like the dress? |
现在博纳黛特也不喜欢那裙子吗 |
0,0:16:43.07, |
Oh, she is the worst. |
她最贱了 |
0,0:16:50.48, |
Anyone seen Sheldon? |
有人看到谢尔顿了吗 |
0,0:16:51.68, |
Last time I saw Sheldon was this morning. |
我最后一次看到他是今早 |
0,0:16:53.82, |
美国都市传说 在镜子前喊"血腥玛丽"这名字三次 |
就会把这个鬼给召唤来 |
0,0:16:53.82, |
Careful. Don't say his name a third time. |
小心 不要再念第三次他的名字了 |
0,0:16:57.89, |
You don't think he actually went to Las Vegas, do you? |
他不会真的去拉斯维加斯了吧 |
0,0:17:02.50, |
Five red. |
红色五号 |
0,0:17:04.77, |
This is it. |
时机已到 |
0,0:17:07.53, |
- Is everything okay, sir? ?- Oh. Hi. |
-你还好吗 先生 -你好 |
0,0:17:09.28, |
It's better than okay. |
不能再好了 |
0,0:17:10.54, |
I am a physicist, and I have been observing this wheel for hours |
我是个物理学家 我观察这个轮盘好久了 |
0,0:17:14.03, |
and running a chi-square analysis, |
并对它进行了卡方分析 |
0,0:17:16.05, |
which is how I know that the ball is far more likely |
发现这个球极有可能会掉在 |
0,0:17:18.69, |
to land on 32, 17 or five. |
32 17 和5的位置 |
0,0:17:21.29, |
So if you could hold off on replacing this wheel, |
希望您能暂时别更换轮盘 |
0,0:17:23.35, |
I'd like to make several large bets. |
我想要下几个大注了 |
0,0:17:27.01, |
Well, good for you. Pelican. |
好的 很好 鹈鹕 |
0,0:17:30.08, |
What's pelican? |
鹈鹕是什么 |
0,0:17:31.39, |
Sir, would you come with us? ? |
先生 请跟我们来 |
0,0:17:32.57, |
Oh, no. I have to place my bet first. This is for science. |
不 我还没下注呢 我这是为了科学 |
0,0:17:35.16, |
- 17 black. - No! No! |
黑色17号-不 别啊 |
0,0:17:45.74, |
Oh, guess who's no longer allowed to set foot in...? |
猜猜谁终生不得再次踏入... |
0,0:17:53.57, |
You look beautiful. |
你好美 |
0,0:17:57.81, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
0,0:17:59.31, |
Cause I was gonna return it. |
因为我正打算退掉它 |
0,0:18:01.41, |
Why would you return it? |
为什么要退呢 |
0,0:18:04.23, |
You look like a pile of swans. |
你看起来美若一群天鹅 |
0,0:18:10.81, |
I'm so glad you like it... |
你能喜欢 我好开心 |
0,0:18:13.31, |
because... it's gonna be my wedding dress. |
因为...这就是我的婚纱 |
0,0:18:18.60, |
I can't wait to marry you. |
我都等不及要娶你了 |
0,0:18:24.78, |
Why do you smell like smoke? |
你为什么一股烟味 |
0,0:18:28.91, |
I was in Vegas. |
我去维加斯了 |
0,0:18:30.84, |
Vegas? |
什么维加斯 |
0,0:18:32.19, |
I'm sorry. Las Vegas. |
抱歉 是拉斯维加斯 |