听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第4集:征集签名
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    00:02.49, So then what happened? 那后来呢
    00:03.47, Well she didn't show up to school the next day. 第二天她没来学校
    00:05.78, And I heard that she slept over at his dorm. 我听说她是在他宿舍过的夜
    00:08.64, No way. 不是吧
    00:10.13, Seriously, are you surprised? 说真的 你居然会觉得惊讶
    00:12.27, Do you not know Carley? 你还不认识卡莉吗
    00:13.66, Have you not seen what she wears at school? 没看她在学校都穿些什么
    00:14.75, Girls, let's cool it on the gossip, okay? 姑娘们 别八卦了行吗
    00:17.09, It's not right. 背后说人闲话不好
    00:17.85, And Carley's got enough problems. 再说卡莉麻烦已经够多了
    00:19.69, What do you mean? 什么意思
    00:21.16, Well, her mom can't get through soccer practice 她妈妈当年足球训练
    00:23.75, without a thermos of chardonnay, 必须靠酒才能挺过去
    00:25.28, And don't get me started on the dad. That guy is-- 更别提他爸爸了 那家伙实在
    00:28.47, - Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! 老天啊-天啊
    00:30.04, - Mom! - Oh! This is such a dangerous intersection! 妈-这十字路口太危险了
    00:34.43, Did I get lipstick on my face? 我脸上有口红印吗
    00:36.38, No, you're fine. And consider yourself lucky 没有 美着呢 庆幸吧
    00:38.64, you didn't just get, like, felt up by your mom. 你刚才至少没被妈妈袭胸
    00:40.95, They need to get a stop sign. 这里应该立个停车标志
    00:42.27, What is your obsession with traffic? 你怎么老纠结于交通问题
    00:43.72, It's an obsession with safety. 是纠结于安全问题
    00:45.77, One of these days, joe speeder's gonna come tearing through here, 早晚有一天 那些飙车族冲出来
    00:48.89, and somebody's gonna--aah! Aah! 总有人会被 天啊
    00:51.55, I'm okay. 我没事
    00:53.04, - Oh, my god! I'm okay. - Oh, hey, guys. 我的天啊-我没事 是你们啊
    00:55.34, - Phil? - Yeah. No, I'm good. Gotta keep moving. 菲尔-我没事 我得接着走了
    00:58.62, Keep the heart rate up. 维持高心率运动
    01:01.42, Oh. Okay. 好吧
    01:02.48, How's my face? 我脸怎么样
    01:03.71, Still good. 风姿依旧
    01:05.04, Okay. Good. 那就好
    01:16.20, 摩登家庭 第三季 第四集
    01:17.98, Gloria, how many times do I have to tell you 歌洛莉亚 跟你说了好多遍了
    01:20.02, to pull your car all the way in? 车身要全部停进来
    01:21.60, The gate was open all night. 院门又开了一整晚
    01:23.04, We live in a nice neighborhood. 我们住在五好社区
    01:24.89, What are you afraid of? That some money's gonna fly in 还怕什么 害怕钱像潮水般涌进来
    01:28.14, and then your gardener is gonna have to rake it up? 园丁要忙于挥耙清理吗
    01:31.56, Jay, I'm going to need you to cut me a check. 杰 帮我开张支票
    01:33.71, What now? 又怎么了
    01:34.57, Drama club trip. "Les miserables." 戏剧社活动 去看《悲惨世界》
    01:36.68, We're selling wrapping paper to raise money for the tickets. 票钱要靠自己推销包装纸来募集
    01:38.54, No. No. Wait. Wait. Slow down. What's the story exactly? 等等 慢慢说 是怎么个事儿
    01:41.25, Well, Jean Valjean spent 19 years in prison 冉阿让因为偷了一条面包
    01:43.39, for stealing a loaf of bread. 在监狱里被关了19年
    01:44.89, The wrapping paper. 我是问包装纸
    01:45.84, 19 years for a loaf of bread? 被关19年就为吃条面包
    01:48.41, How good was this bread? 什么面包这么好吃
    01:49.93, It wasn't about the bread. It was about the society-- 跟面包无关 故事旨在揭露这个社会
    01:51.80, Focus, people. 别跑题 各位
    01:53.51, Manny, we will buy all your wrapping paper. 曼尼 我们会买下你全部的包装纸
    01:55.03, No. No, we won't. No, he's got to learn to sell. 不 这样不行 他得学着自己卖
    01:58.26, This is the best business training there is, 这是锻炼营销技巧的绝好机会
    02:00.23, hell, the best life training. 更是一次绝佳的人生历练
    02:01.69, Manny, write this down-- 曼尼 把这话记下来
    02:03.45, A good salesman goes after Moby Dick in a rowboat 优秀推销员一名 驾驭划艇猎白鲸
    02:07.31, and brings the tartar sauce with him." 塔塔美酱随身行"
    02:11.03, Jay is always telling me to "Write this down." 杰老是让我随听随记
    02:13.45, I don't always catch everything he says. 但有时候 他说的话我理解无能
    02:16.42, Something, something, firm handshake. 什么什么紧握双手
    02:20.25, Never take the first room they show you. 看房莫止第一屋
    02:22.57, Not sure who "They" Is. 也不知道看谁的房
    02:24.98, And this one just says "Pancakes." 还有这句 就两个字"煎饼"
    02:28.20, Cam, what's this scribble on the "Vanity fair" 小卡 《名利场》封面上什么领养机构的涂鸦
    02:30.31, about an adoption agency? 是怎么回事
    02:32.50, Oh, um, yeah, they called to say 对了 他们打电话来说
    02:33.84, they wanted to reschedule our home visit. 家访时间有变
    02:34.95, When? Why didn't you tell me? 什么时候 你怎么没告诉我
    02:37.29, Th-this is kind of important. 这么重要的事
    02:38.23, Well, when does it say? 上面写的是什么时候
    02:40.25, Uh, well, who knows? 谁知道
    02:40.97, It disappears into jennifer aniston's hair. 到詹妮弗·安妮斯顿头发那儿就看不清了
    02:43.32, You gotta get a better system. 你以后要换个方法记事
    02:44.99, There is nothing wrong with my system. 烂笔头不如好记性
    02:47.05, Ask me anything about any upcoming event. 随便问我什么日程安排
    02:48.66, I can tell you when and where it is. 我马上能告诉你时间地点
    02:50.39, When is the adoption agency visit? 收养机构家访是什么时间
    02:53.33, Okay. Is that a "5" or a curl? 好的 这是个"5"还是一撮卷发
    02:55.95, Oh, I hope Jen's finally found love. 我希望詹妮弗最后能找到真爱
    03:05.04, What happened here? 这儿发生什么了
    03:06.18, Well, Lily and I woke up in a French mood, 一大早起床时 莉莉和我心系法式风情
    03:08.11, so we decided to whip up some crepes. 所以我们决定自制些法国薄饼
    03:10.57, When are you gonna be in the mood to wipe up some crepes? 你什么时候才有心情打扫这些薄饼呢
    03:12.54, Oh, I know, it's a little messy, but... 我知道这里有点乱 但是
    03:14.34, - you know what? I'm gonna clean it up. - Okay. 我会打扫干净的-好的
    03:16.22, - I'll clean it up. - Will you? 我会打扫的-你会吗
    03:18.43, - Just say what's on your mind. - You never clean up. 心里有话不妨直说-你不会打扫的
    03:20.49, Save the gasp. 气结也没用
    03:22.03, Cam, whenever you get creative in the kitchen, 小卡 每次你在厨房研究新菜式
    03:23.96, I'm the one who ends up cleaning it up, okay? 总是我来收拾残局
    03:25.94, The homemade pizza, fondue, molecular gastronomy. 自制披萨 芝士火锅 分子烹饪 诸如此类
    03:29.48, I'm still cleaning shrimp foam out of the curtains. 到现在 窗帘上的虾沫尚未清理干净
    03:31.64, Okay, you know, Mitchell? Just go to work, okay? 行了 米奇尔 你放心去上班吧
    03:34.33, I'm gonna take Lily to school, and then when I get home, 我来送莉莉上学 等我回家的时候
    03:36.94, I'm gonna scrub this place like a crime scene, 我就清理"饭醉现场" 不留蛛丝马迹
    03:39.31, which it is, because you've murdered joy. 也的确是犯罪现场 因为你扼杀了我的乐趣
    03:45.60, Hey, buddy. What's up? 伙计 干吗呢
    03:47.72, Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸 接招
    03:51.53, Oh, my god! 我的天啊
    03:53.04, - Oh, my god! - Oh, my god! 好神奇-太神奇了
    03:55.31, If we had that on tape, 如果我们把这个录下来了
    03:56.38, it'd be the greatest youtube video ever! 它肯定会是Youtube史上最佳视频
    03:58.33, We'd get, like, a million hits. This is our double rainbow! 会有一百万点击率 直逼《惊现双彩虹》
    04:01.11, We need to do it again. 我们得再来一遍
    04:02.56, Oh, I would, buddy, but, uh, 我也想 伙计 但是
    04:04.24, Your mom's all over me to change a bunch of lightbulbs. 你妈妈有好多灯泡要我换呢
    04:06.79, How many moms does it take to screw on a lightbulb? 拧一个灯泡需要几个妈妈
    04:09.25, I don't know. 不知道
    04:09.78, None, 'cause they get you to do it, sucker. 一个都不用 因为她会指使你去干 废柴
    04:16.14, I laughed, but... 我强颜欢笑 但是
    04:18.39, It hurt a little. 内心在滴血
    04:21.55, We're home! 我们回来啦
    04:23.09, - Us, too. - Oh, great. You're all here. 我们也回来啦-太好了 人齐了
    04:25.36, What's up, girl? 怎么了 妹子
    04:27.09, Oh. You know that really dangerous intersection? 知道什么是危险十字路吗
    04:29.44, Where desire meets jealousy, and the result is murder? 是说欲恨纠缠 杀意萌生吗
    04:32.74, Mnh-mnh. The one where I almost killed you this morning. 是说今早我差点撞死你的那个十字路
    04:34.33, Oh, yeah. Sorry. That was my bad. I got lost in my Jams. 对不起 是我的错 我太入神了
    04:37.90, Dangerous combo-- speed walking and speedwagon. 危险组合啊 竞走+摇滚
    04:40.86, Oh. I wasn't even trying for that. 我当时完全是无意创造出来的
    04:43.39, Nice. 好赞
    04:44.23, Well, I am getting us a stop sign. 我要去申请一个停车标志
    04:47.35, I called City Hall, and how is this for amazing? 我打给市政厅了 真是赶得早不如赶得巧
    04:49.92, The Traffic Committee meets tonight. 交通委员会今晚例会
    04:51.79, I've got goosebumps. 我内心十分激动
    04:52.73, I know, right? All I have to do is get 50 signatures, 可不是嘛 现在只要征集50个签名
    04:56.45, show up, make my case. 走个过场 事就成了
    04:58.11, - It's on. - I am so proud of you. 好戏开始了-我真为你骄傲
    05:00.22, We all are. Mm. 都为你骄傲
    05:02.08, We love when mom gets on a project. 妈妈有事做的日子真美好
    05:04.14, Because usually the minute any of us walks in the door, 因为在平时 只要我们一进家门
    05:06.23, she gives us something to do. 她就会给我们安排事情做
    05:07.82, Do your homework. Clean your room. 做作业 扫房间
    05:09.83, Put on pants. 穿裤子
    05:10.99, Like the Queen's coming over. Am I right? 又不是觐见女王 那么讲究干嘛
    05:14.26, So when she's not around or gets busy, 一旦她不在家或者忙得顾不得我们
    05:15.81, Luke and I capitalize on the situation. 我和卢克就会抓紧时间狂欢一把
    05:18.99, There you are, my good man. 给你 老兄
    05:21.10, Squire, let's do it. 小卢子 开始行动吧
    05:24.68, Get you some! 尽情吃吧
    05:26.68, Well, I think it's awesome. 这计划真好
    05:28.53, I am so glad because I could really use your help 太好了 我正需要你们帮忙
    05:30.42, getting these signatures. 征集签名
    05:33.85, I'll do it, 我来吧
    05:35.29, soon as I change those lightbulbs you wanted. 给你换完灯泡后就动手
    05:37.34, Great. Kids? 很好 你们呢
    05:39.23, Crud. You know, I've got a ton of homework. 真不巧 今天作业都堆成山了
    05:43.08, - Uh, science project. - Haley? 我有科学小项目-海莉呢
    05:46.73, I need to get started on my college essay. 我得准备大学入学申请论文
    05:49.70, You know what? Maybe I'll write it about you. 其实我觉得 可以写写你
    05:52.52, You're just so inspirational. 你的事迹如此鼓舞人心
    05:54.20, Girl power! You rock. 女中豪杰 你太有才了
    05:56.66, Thanks, honey. 谢谢 亲爱的
    05:59.33, I do rock. 我是很有才
    06:02.64, Stella, down. 斯黛拉 下去
    06:06.85, Stella, no. This is very dangerous. 斯黛拉 别跳了 很危险
    06:09.60, Okay, Estella. That's it. 埃斯特拉 够了
    06:11.58, Come here, because Jay is gonna be very mad 过来 你要是有个三长两短
    06:13.64, if something happens to you. 杰会气疯的
    06:19.20, Go play with the bone. See you later. 玩你的骨头去吧 回见
    06:23.60, Now I can cook my empanadas. 终于能专心做肉馅卷饼了
    06:27.55, The gate. 门没关
    06:29.02, Ay, no! 不要啊
    06:29.97, Ay, no! The gate! The gate! 不要啊 忘了关门了
    06:33.01, Estella, come back! 回来啊 斯黛拉
    06:44.72, Hey there, Mr. Salesman. 怎么样啊 销售员同志
    06:46.57, Can we not talk about business? 我们不谈生意行吗
    06:48.30, That bad, huh? 这么糟糕吗
    06:49.31, I gave it everything I got-- 我已经尽全力了
    06:50.90, Working the dimples, going big eyes. 卖萌卖笑都试了
    06:53.05, It got me two things-- diddly and squat. 结果呢 遭的全是白眼
    06:56.35, How many houses you hit? 你去了多少户人家
    06:57.69, I don't know. 不知道
    06:59.35, Must've been at least three. 最少也有三家
    07:00.79, Three? And that's your idea of the best you got? 就三家也叫尽全力了
    07:03.97, It was very hard on me. 这对我来说太难了
    07:05.21, I'm not used to rejection... or hills. 爬山我身累 被拒我心累
    07:08.13, Look, you can't quit after three houses. 你不能就试了三家就放弃
    07:10.07, That's-- that's not perseverance. 半途而废可不对
    07:12.65, What are you selling? 你卖的是什么东西
    07:13.72, - Wrapping paper. - Wrong. 包装纸-错
    07:15.77, You're selling Christmas-- 你的卖点是圣诞节
    07:17.53, the excitement of opening presents, 你卖的是打开礼物的那种喜悦
    07:19.20, the taste of eggnog. 蛋奶酒的醇香
    07:20.81, I do love eggnog. 我喜欢蛋奶酒
    07:21.73, Look, write this down-- 把这话记下来
    07:23.59, What's the difference between 'try' and 'triumph'? 成功和尝试的区别在哪里
    07:27.69, A little oomph? 就差中间使得那把劲
    07:28.38, A little oomph. Get it? 就差中间使得那把劲 明白了吗
    07:30.50, Of course I get it. I just said it. 我自己说的我当然明白
    07:33.66, Hey! I'm gonna kill you when I find you, silly dog! 笨狗 找到你老娘就把你炖了
    07:37.44, Why don't you come back? Stella! 快回来吧 斯黛拉
    07:39.18, I have a theory. 我有个想法
    07:40.53, Ay, Cam, thank you for helping me. 真谢谢你过来帮我 小卡
    07:42.15, Oh, it's my pleasure. Stella! 乐意之至 斯黛拉
    07:45.78, Stella! 斯黛拉
    07:49.05, Oh, my god. 我的神啊
    07:50.32, What? Do you see her? 怎么了 你看见她了吗
    07:52.13, No. But I see myself in the role I was born to play. 没有 但我发现这个角色简直是为我量身订造
    07:57.14, Stella! 斯黛拉
    08:01.88, Stella! 斯黛拉
    08:10.21, Hello? Oh, Mitchell, you are not gonna believe this. 喂 米奇尔 你猜怎么着
    08:13.30, I'm out helping Gloria look for her dog. 我正在外面帮歌洛莉亚找她的狗
    08:15.26, I'm wearing an undershirt and I'm screaming "Stella," 我就只穿着件内衣然后大喊斯黛拉
    08:17.53, Just like in "Streetcar." 就和《欲望号街车》里的场景一模一样
    08:19.91, - Hello? - You didn't clean the kitchen. 你在听吗-你没清理厨房
    08:21.74, Mitchell, I am an inadvertent Stanley Kowalski. 米奇尔 我现在斯坦利·科沃斯基附体
    08:24.27, How can you not be delighted by this? 你怎么都不替我高兴
    08:26.09, You promised. 你答应过的
    08:27.23, I was called away for an emergency. 我接到紧急呼救
    08:28.63, Gloria's lost her dog, and she's heartbroken. 歌洛莉亚的狗丢了 她心碎欲死
    08:30.76, Where are you, dumb dog? 笨狗 你死哪去了
    08:32.83, I hope in a big, black hole. 最好掉进洞里 坑死你
    08:34.93, I cannot believe That you did this to me yet again. Oh. 真不敢相信你又干这种事
    08:37.84, I didn't do anything. 我什么都没干
    08:39.80, I cooked a meal in our kitchen. 我就在厨房做了个饭
    08:41.88, And then you left on purpose, knowing that 然后你就故意甩手不管
    08:43.67, I would not be able to sit here without cleaning it up. 知道我怕脏乱 会替你收拾
    08:45.70, Life is messy sometimes. Big deal. 生活本就一团糟 多大的事啊
    08:48.13, It gets cleaned up. 总有雾散云开的时候
    08:49.43, You're the one with a problem if you can't leave 几个脏盘子放一放又有什么
    08:51.19, a few dirty dishes for a couple hours. 忍不了是你自己的问题
    08:53.11, O-okay, fine. C-cam, I'm not cleaning it up. 行 小卡 我不清理
    08:55.52, Great. 太好了
    08:56.94, I mean it. 我说到做到
    08:57.65, Perfect. You know what? 太好了 要不这样
    08:58.72, Why don't you make it bigger? 你干脆弄得更乱一点
    08:59.59, You know what? I will. 没问题 我会的
    09:00.88, I-I... Okay, you know, get--get ready, 行 给我听好了 你就等着吧
    09:03.61, Because you are gonna come home to--to a giant mess. 等你回家时 这里就会变得脏乱差
    09:06.07, And I will give him a giant hug when I get there. 再脏再乱再差 我也欣然接受
    09:12.35, Stella! 斯黛拉
    09:15.31, Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸 接招
    09:17.72, Oh. Wow. Buddy. 哎呦 伙计
    09:20.07, I'm sorry. I told you, I gotta change the lightbulbs 我不能陪你玩 我说过了要去换灯泡
    09:22.03, and then help your mom with those signatures. 然后还得帮你妈去弄那些签名
    09:24.82, Never mind. 没关系
    09:25.94, I guess it was a stupid idea anyways. 反正这主意也不灵光
    09:29.89, I've always said that if my son thinks of me 我一贯坚持 只要孩子把我
    09:31.50, as one of his idiot friends, then I've succeeded as a dad. 和他的狐朋狗友等同视之 我这当爹的就成功了
    09:34.36, If he wants to go the wrong way on the escalator, I'm on board. 要是他想在电梯上逆着跑 我会跟他一起疯
    09:37.06, If he wants to go into a restaurant 要是他想跑到餐馆里
    09:38.38, and pretend we're Australian. 假扮自己是澳大利亚人
    09:39.76, G'day mate! 你好[澳大利亚口音
    09:40.48, Toss a few shrimp on the barbie for me and my Joey. 给我和我家崽来点儿烤大虾[澳大利亚口音
    09:43.80, Yeah? Right? Nicole Kidman? 对味吧 妮可·基德曼[澳洲名演员
    09:46.28, Men at Work? 群星乐队[澳洲著名乐队
    09:48.63, Here we go. Take 12. 第十二条 准备开拍
    09:51.19, Hey, buddy! I'm home! 老弟 我回来了
    09:52.27, Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸 接招
    09:56.24, Wow. You know, my arm's starting to hurt a little. 我的手都酸疼了
    09:58.05, Really? Cause my face feels great. 是吗 我还没说头疼呢
    09:59.98, Come on, dad. Let's not turn on each other. 得了老爸 咱别相互过不去
    10:02.19, We could be here a while. 还有很长的路要走
    10:03.99, Yeah. Okay. You're right. Here we go. 是啊 好吧 你说得对 接着试
    10:06.19, Take 9. 第九条
    10:07.79, You're not even trying. 你怎么心不在焉的
    10:15.40, Daddy, I'm hungry. 爸爸 我饿了
    10:17.43, What do you want, honey? 宝贝 你想吃什么
    10:18.50, Raisins. 葡萄干
    10:19.55, All right well, go get 'em. 好啊 自己去拿吧
    10:24.48, It's too high, daddy. 爸爸 太高了
    10:26.21, I can't reach. 我够不着
    10:28.13, For the record, I am not a neat freak. 声明一下 我这人没洁癖
    10:30.40, I-in fact, in my first long-term relationship, 其实 在我第一次谈恋爱时
    10:32.52, I was the messy one, which is why she broke up with me. 我才是邋遢的那个 所以被妹子甩了
    10:38.24, - No, thanks. - Okay. -不必了 谢谢 -好吧
    10:42.01, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me show you how it's done. 别急别急 让你瞧瞧我是怎么搞定的
    10:47.88, Hi. Uh, Jay Pritchett here. 你好 我是杰·普里契特
    10:49.21, Holidays are just around the corner. 节日的气氛越来越浓
    10:50.83, I'm sorry. I don't believe in wrapping paper. 不好意思 我不信包装纸这套
    10:53.35, What do you mean you don't believe in wrapping paper? 啥叫不信包装纸啊
    10:54.75, It's not bigfoot. It exists. 又不是大脚怪传说 是实用品啊
    10:56.85, It's not eco-friendly. It's wasteful. 这不环保 很浪费
    10:58.44, No, not this stuff. 不不 我卖的可不是
    10:59.40, This paper was made from 100% recycled materials. 这是百分之百再生纸
    11:02.70, I don't think so. 别忽悠了
    11:05.55, I can't understand what you're saying. 我听不懂你在说什么
    11:08.05, She's an ugly little fresh bulldog 她是条又丑又小的斗牛犬
    11:09.99, with the tiny ears and the smushy face. 长着小耳朵和苦逼脸
    11:12.60, What is so hard to understand? 这有啥听不懂的
    11:14.58, Maybe I should translate. 可能我得翻译一下
    11:16.91, I really don't like people coming to my door unannounced 我很不喜欢别人在我做雕刻的时候
    11:19.73, While I'm working on my carving. 不请自来
    11:21.65, I understand, but a stop sign is really important. 我明白 但是停车标志真的很重要
    11:27.37, What exactly are you carving? 您在忙着雕什么呢
    11:29.38, Hello, ma'am. Do you love Christmas? 你好 夫人 你喜欢圣诞节吗
    11:31.46, Actually, I'm jewish. 其实 我是犹太人
    11:33.39, Oh, well, then you must appreciate a good value. 这么说 你肯定很爱捡便宜
    11:36.80, Oh, jeez. 苍天啊
    11:38.50, If you see her, let us know. 如果你看到她了 告诉我们一声
    11:43.77, Oh, my god. No, no. No, no. 天哪 不 不
    11:46.44, Are you kidding? Seriously?! 开什么玩笑 有没搞错
    11:48.94, See? You're not keeping your head in the right position. 瞧 你的脑袋没保持在正确的位置
    11:52.01, I know that's me, but I'm not remembering any of this. 能认出视频里是我 但当时的场景我已经记不得了
    11:54.86, Oh. Those stupid neighbors! 这群笨蛋邻居
    11:57.07, - What's wrong? - I can't ask for a simple signature. 怎么了-我要个签名都不行
    12:00.52, But it's fine for them to build a house 但他们把房子建得
    12:02.09, that looks like the Beverly hillbillies just moved in. 就像比弗利富豪就可以
    12:04.94, Did you do any better? 你们进展如何
    12:06.13, We came close a few times, 有几次差点儿成功了
    12:07.66, But you're not talking about the basketball, are you? 不过 你说的不是篮球这档子事对吧
    12:10.70, Phil, tell me you got some signatures. 菲尔 拜托告诉我你拿到了些签名
    12:13.31, I have to be at city hall in, like, two hours. 还有两个小时我就要去市政厅了
    12:15.52, Oh, god. Haley, how about you? 老天啊 海莉 你那边怎样
    12:18.60, I've been busy with my college essay. 我正忙着写高校入学申请论文呢
    12:20.62, Really? Where is it? 真的吗 在哪儿呢
    12:22.21, It's in a rough, rough draft right now. 目前只有草稿 尚未成型
    12:24.24, I've been thinking that maybe that I should-- 我在想也许我该写
    12:25.94, Alex has been skyping with her boyfriend since you left. 你出门这会 艾丽克斯一直在男友网聊
    12:28.25, That's so not true! 才不是呢
    12:29.80, Thank you. 谢谢你
    12:30.72, Really, thank all of you so much for your help. 真的 非常感谢各位的帮助
    12:37.38, Really? 不是吧你
    12:38.08, Sometimes those things need to warm up, like the car. 有时候灯泡像车一样 也需要预热一下
    12:40.55, Phil, don't even. I have been out there, 菲尔 别鬼扯了 我今天一直在外奔波
    12:42.15, trying to do something good for our community, 为社区邻里谋福利
    12:44.60, because let me tell you, change doesn't just happen. 因为改革不会自己发生
    12:47.74, It is forged by empowered women like me 改革是要靠女权人士来推动的
    12:52.21, And Norma Rae and the lady from "The Blind Side." 比如我 诺玛·蕾 还有《弱点》的那位女士
    12:55.21, Do you know what the difference is between me and her? 知道我和她有什么不同吗
    12:57.20, Blind side's family had her back. 那位"弱点妈妈"有家人的支持
    13:02.58, Okay. 好吧
    13:03.73, Huddle up, everybody. 大伙都过来
    13:06.44, Your mother's right. 你妈妈说的对
    13:08.17, She's the quarterback of this family, 家庭似球队 母如四分卫
    13:10.17, And we need to protect her like blind side did. 我们要像"弱点"一样守护她
    13:12.51, She just said the mom was blind side. 她刚说"弱点"是那个妈妈
    13:14.31, Well, she's confused. 她那是气糊涂了
    13:15.27, Blind side was the black kid who played tight end. 弱点指的是打右边锋的黑人小孩[其实是左边锋
    13:17.65, Offense line. 防守球员准备
    13:19.58, Sorry. African-american kid. 抱歉 我的小黑孩儿们
    13:29.85, There she is. 她在那边
    13:31.70, Ay! Stella! 嘿 斯黛拉
    13:34.32, Ay, thank god you found my dog. Thank you. 谢天谢地 狗被你找到了 多谢你
    13:38.39, This is my dog. Her name's pinky. 这是我的狗 她叫小粉
    13:40.78, No, it's not. Her name is stella. 不 不对 她叫斯黛拉
    13:42.48, It says right here on the tag. Look. 狗牌上写的清清楚楚 看
    13:44.48, Uh, uh, uh, excuse me. Hi, sweetie. What's your name? 等下 抱歉 亲爱的 你叫什么名字
    13:46.93, Blanche. 布兰奇[欲望号街车女主角的名字
    13:47.98, Shut up. Mitchell would die. 太巧了吧 米奇尔上边去
    13:50.21, Listen, we don't know you. 听着 我们不认识你
    13:51.63, You seem like a very sweet little girl, 但我们觉得小姑娘很乖很听话
    13:53.47, And right now we're forced to-- 我们没得选择 只有
    13:55.02, I can't believe I'm saying this to you-- 终于说到这句了我好开心
    13:57.27, rely on the kindness of strangers. 要依赖陌生人的善心[欲望号街车著名对白
    13:59.70, I'll sell her to you for $200. 两百块卖给你们
    14:01.63, That's it. Give me my dog. 够了 把狗还给我
    14:05.00, Oh, really? The little girl thinks because she can scream, 来真的吗 小姑娘当真以为
    14:07.10, she can get away with everything? I can scream, too. 会尖叫就可以不讲理吗 尖叫我也会
    14:18.28, What the hell sound is that? 这是什么鸟声音
    14:20.25, Coyotes must've got a cat. 估计猫被郊狼逮住了
    14:22.46, Jay, can we stop now? I'm getting hungry. 杰 我们能停了吗 我饿了
    14:24.98, You know what the problem is? You're not hungry. 知道吗 问题就在于 你卖不出去也不会挨饿
    14:27.14, I had a carrot at 3:00. 我只在3点钟时啃过一根胡萝卜
    14:28.64, What if you couldn't feed your family 如果你下笔再卖不出去
    14:30.08, Unless you made this next sale? 全家都要饿肚子怎么办
    14:31.62, What if you were gonna lose your house? 再卖不出去房子就要被收怎么办
    14:34.00, I know I was pushing the kid hard, but here's the thing-- 我知道这么教孩子有点太严 但是
    14:37.98, I'm an older dad. I'm not gonna be around forever. 我是老来得子 在他身边的日子没那么多了
    14:41.10, And I'll sleep better knowing he's got something to fall back on. 要确保他有门吃饭的手艺 我才能睡个安稳觉
    14:44.16, Come on! Let's hit another one. 快 我们再走一家
    14:45.72, - I can't do it. - What? 我做不到-什么
    14:47.40, - I don't have what it takes. - What kind of talk is that? 我没这本事-这叫什么话
    14:50.41, It's the truth, Jay. 这是事实 杰
    14:51.76, I'm not a great salesman. I'm not a great businessman. 我不是推销员的料 更不是商人的料
    14:55.00, I'm not you. 我跟你不一样
    14:56.82, Do you know what it's like to see all the amazing things 看到你成绩卓越 却知道自己永远无法企及
    14:58.70, You've accomplished, knowing I never will? 这种感觉你懂不懂
    15:00.82, How am I supposed to live up to you? 我怎么才能与你比肩
    15:02.86, How is anyone? 谁能做出你的成就
    15:06.64, Ah, so the fish weren't biting today. 看来鱼今天都不上钩
    15:08.63, So what? That's life. 那又怎么样 人生不如意者八九
    15:11.08, You tried hard, and that's what matters. 重点在于是否为此努力
    15:13.59, Yeah. 没错
    15:16.14, You know, I-I actually need some wrapping paper. 听着 其实我需要一些包装纸
    15:19.50, You know where I can find some? 知道从哪能买到吗
    15:20.69, - You don't have to do that. - I want to do it. 你不用帮我的-我真心想帮你
    15:23.42, You'll never go broke playing to a rich guy's ego--- 拍富人马屁 定一本万利
    15:26.30, Write that down. 把这话记下来
    15:29.59, Thanks so much, you guys. 非常感谢大伙
    15:30.94, Maybe you should make a wish. 先许个愿吧
    15:32.39, Uh, hi. Oh, I'm sorry. 打扰一下
    15:33.88, Um, I'm here for the Traffic Committee meeting? 我是来参加交通委员会会议的
    15:36.75, The meeting's been adjourned. 已经休会了
    15:38.42, - Yeah. Um... - It's my birthday. 是吗-我正开生日会呢
    15:39.94, I'm sorry. Happy birthday. 我很抱歉 祝你生日快乐
    15:41.84, Uh, just--someone sent me to the wrong room, 有人把我带到错误的房间去了
    15:43.59, and you guys don't meet again for months, 你们下次开会又得等好几个月
    15:45.01, and this is pretty much a matter of life and death, so... 而这事可是生死攸关 迫在眉睫
    15:49.30, Uh, yeah, it's fine. 好吧 随便你
    15:50.62, Uh, just-- if you could make it quick. 只要 你能尽快说完
    15:52.57, We--it's an ice cream cake. 这可是冰激凌蛋糕
    15:54.22, - Okay. - A-actually, it's not. 没问题-其实 这不是冰激凌的
    15:56.07, What?-No. 什么-不是冰激凌
    15:58.09, Really? Oh, then we-- we're not in a rush, I guess. 真的吗 那我们就没什么可急的了
    16:02.24, At all. No rush. Go ahead. 完全不用急 慢慢来 说吧
    16:04.73, Great. My name is Claire Dunphy, 太好了 我叫克莱尔·邓菲
    16:06.87, and my family and I live near 我家就住在离那个危险十字路
    16:08.67, - that intersection of -- - Why not? Why not? 不远的地方-为啥不买冰激凌的
    16:11.04, The freezer was broken, and we couldn't keep it here. 冰箱坏了 没法保存冰激凌蛋糕
    16:13.94, See? This is why I ask you to think ahead, okay? 你看 我就跟你说过提前做好准备
    16:16.64, Do you have your 50 signatures? 你征集到50个签名了吗
    16:18.25, Uh, almost. I have 34, but I-- 差不多了 我征集了34个 可是
    16:21.58, Oh. That's the same thing. 多点少点差不多
    16:25.53, Wow. I'm confused. 可把我说糊涂了
    16:26.94, - It's not the same thing. - No. 其实是差得多-绝对
    16:28.27, No. 34 is not the same thing as 50, 34和50差得多了
    16:30.82, just like a cake is not the same thing 普通蛋糕和冰激凌蛋糕
    16:34.16, - as an ice cream cake. -Right. 也相差很多-好吧
    16:36.62, - I get that. Sir, I'm trying to save lives here, - Mom -您的意思我懂 但这可是生死攸关的大事 -妈妈
    16:39.38, - and I can get you the rest of the signatures. - Mom. Mom. Mom. 我征集够签名再来-妈 妈
    16:41.23, - Mom! -Oh, my god. What are you doing here? Girls. 妈-姑娘们 你们来这干什么
    16:43.06, We--we went door to door and we got you 20 more signatures. 我们挨家挨户地敲门 又凑齐了20个签名
    16:47.07, That is so sweet of you. 你们真是太贴心了
    16:49.04, Well, you were freaking out at us, so... 你把我们吓得不轻 所以
    16:50.91, Okay, you know, let's not ruin it. 行了 打住 别破坏气氛
    16:52.26, All right, 54 signatures. 给你 54个签名
    16:56.03, So what do you say? 怎么样
    16:56.92, Let's start saving lives one intersection at a time. 拯救生命 从十字路口做起
    17:00.03, Okay, thank you very much. 非常感谢你
    17:00.92, We will, uh, take these under advisement. 我们会好好研究这事
    17:02.72, just leave 'em here, and thank you-- 签名留在这里 再次感谢
    17:04.02, Wait a minute. I know what that means. 等一下 我可知道"研究"什么意思
    17:06.40, Oh, here we go. 这下惨了
    17:07.26, That's Washington-speak for "Get lost." 这是"滚吧"的官方说法
    17:09.65, Well, um, wow, Phil. 那个 菲尔
    17:12.06, what are you doing here? 你来干嘛
    17:13.56, I'm your husband. 我是你老公
    17:15.29, I'm blindsiding you. 我在守护你的弱点
    17:18.61, Your honor, permission to approach. 法官大人 请允许我发言
    17:20.80, - Not a judge. -I'll allow it. 他不是法官-准了 说吧
    17:23.25, I'll get straight to the point because this is important, 我就开门见山了 因为事关重大
    17:25.53, and that appears to be an ice cream cake. 冰激凌蛋糕又耽搁不得
    17:26.92, Well, it's not! 这不是冰激凌的
    17:28.73, Okay. I present to you 好吧 我向你们呈上
    17:31.52, Stop in the name of life. 《停车吧 以生命的名义》
    17:34.96, Kick it. 开始播放
    17:37.21, Clive Bixby. 克里夫·比克斯比
    17:38.86, Can I meet you at Harry's bar in two minutes? 两分钟后在哈里酒吧见 好吗
    17:43.14, Baby, I can do anything in two minutes. 亲爱的 两分钟内我什么都能办到
    17:47.57, I'll just speed through 我就要加速通过
    17:49.11, the intersection of Greenleaf and Bristol. 绿叶街和布雷斯托街之间的十字路口了
    17:51.08, It's easy 'cause there's no stop sign. 反正没有停车标志 超速无下限
    17:56.28, I love being a kid. 做小孩很快乐
    17:57.55, I have my whole life ahead of me. 青春年少书写大好前程
    18:04.49, No! 不要啊
    18:06.31, No! 不要啊
    18:07.68, No! 不要啊
    18:13.32, Okay. Well... 够了 这个
    18:14.66, Powerful. 太有说服力了
    18:15.93, And unconventional, but I believe it makes our point, 而且独树一帜 但也证明了我们的观点
    18:20.90, so what do you say? 你们意下如何
    18:22.88, Well, the kid was all right. I didn't care for you so much. 这孩子没事嘛 我倒不太关心大人的情况
    18:26.78, But if I were to give a stop sign 可要是我随便就答应
    18:28.50, to everybody who wanted a stop sign... mm-hmm. 任何人想设立就设立 那么...
    18:31.41, This city would grind to a halt. 城市将会拥堵不堪
    18:33.96, - I understand, sir, but-- - Thank you, ma'am. -我明白 可是 -谢谢配合 女士
    18:35.19, - Thank you. Thank you. -Allow me. Allow me. 谢谢配合-听我说几句
    18:36.74, Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们 先生们
    18:37.87, I've lived with this woman for 20 years. 我和这女士共同生活了20年
    18:39.99, If she wants a stop sign... 她想要什么
    18:42.62, There's gonna be a stop sign. 就一定得得到
    18:43.92, Mm-hmm. He's right. 没错 他说的对
    18:45.21, - Listen to the man. -Yeah. 句句真言-是的
    18:47.02, Still--no good? 还是 不咋地
    18:48.78, No bueno? 不好吗
    18:52.32, I'm home! 我回来了
    18:53.97, Oh, hey. Did you find Stella? 你回来啦 找到斯黛拉了吗
    18:56.06, Safe and sound. Mm. 完狗归杰
    19:01.23, I did it! I left the mess. Aren't you proud of me? 我做到了 我没整理 是不是为我感到骄傲
    19:04.58, I sure am. Good for you! 当然啦 你做的太棒了
    19:06.58, You know, it wasn't easy at first, 知道吗 刚开始挺艰难的
    19:08.10, But I just-- I took Lily to the park, 可后来我带莉莉去了公园
    19:09.72, and I completely put it out of my mind. 把这事完全忘了
    19:12.49, And I think I really cleared a hurdle today. 今天我真的克服这道难关了
    19:14.73, Oh, that's great. I'm super proud of you, 太好了 你太令我骄傲了
    19:16.81, And you're--and you're not even tempted to clean it up now? 而现在你也没有任何想打扫的意愿吗
    19:19.38, - No! -That's great. 没有-这下好了
    19:20.53, No, not now that you're home. 没有 正好你回来了嘛
    19:22.25, So guess I'd better get started. 看来我得开始打扫了
    19:24.36, Yeah. 是的
    19:30.77, I don't like it. 好讨厌哦
    19:34.86, It's so gross. 好恶心哦
    19:36.10, Oh, my god. 我得天哪
    19:37.64, What? 怎么
    19:38.24, I was right. You wanted me to clean it up. 我是对的 你就是想让我打扫
    19:40.98, Oh, that's preposterous. 荒谬至极
    19:42.81, I will not stand here and take this from you. 我才不要站在这里接受你的指责呢
    19:44.78, Oh, Cam! 小卡 得了吧
    19:45.98, Life is messy. I love chaos. 生活就是一团糟 我就喜欢混乱的感觉
    19:48.96, You are so full of it. Well, you know what? 你满嘴虚伪谬论 知道吗
    19:53.22, That's all right. No worries. Hey, come on. 没关系 不用担心 一起来糟蹋吧
    19:55.56, Come on. Just embrace it. It's life. 忍忍就过了 生活就是这样
    19:57.44, Oh! Okay, now that is gratuitous. 够了 你这是在无理取闹
    19:59.09, - Oh, it's okay. - No! That's Lily's favorite cereal. 没关系-不 那是莉莉最爱的谷物早餐
    20:00.81, This is ridiculous. 真是荒唐至极
    20:02.30, Relax! Hey, Lily! Honey, come here! 放轻松 莉莉 亲爱的 快过来
    20:05.30, Sweetheart, do you want a princess hat? 亲爱的 想要一顶公主帽吗
    20:08.17, Yes! Yes! Yes! 要 要 要
    20:09.59, Okay. 好的
    20:10.84, Oh. Oh, okay. That--that is enough! No! 够了 够了 别
    20:12.81, You've proven your point. I don't like to clean up. 你说得对 我不喜欢打扫
    20:15.34, It's smelly, it's sticky, and after I eat, 这活又脏又臭 而且吃完饭后
    20:16.84, I'm tired, and I just want to lay down. 我就犯困 只想躺下休息
    20:18.48, And you put it off, knowing that I would do it? 而你就弃之不顾 知道我会打扫的
    20:20.22, Yes! Are you happy? 是的 现在开心了吧
    20:22.10, Yes... I... Am. 我 很 高 兴
    20:31.74, Hi. I'm Ellen Roberts from the adoption agency. 你们好 我是来自领养机构的艾伦·罗伯茨
    20:35.61, I'm... Here for the home visit. 我是来家庭拜访的
    20:41.59, I might need to tweak my system. 看来我是得改改习惯了
    20:47.41, Hey, dad. Think fast. 老爸 接招
    20:51.53, Sacagawea! 苍天大地啊
    20:56.98, Wait,wait,wait...I need a break. 等等 我需要休息下
    20:57.99, Oh! John philip sousa! 打的哥灵魂出窍啊
    21:01.10, 78 views. 点击率78了
    21:02.90, We are on our way. 我们就要红了
    21:04.82, Yeah, we are. 那可不是
    21:06.09, You know what, Lukey? My dad was away a lot. 知道吗 小克 我老爸几乎从来不跟我一起疯
    21:09.02, And I'm not gonna do that to you. 我可不会让你跟我一样缺少关爱
    21:14.14, I'm gonna be the kind of dad... 我要做一个好爸爸
    21:17.81, How many more of these do you wanna do? 你还想玩多久

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第3集:艰难的减肥 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第5集:非暴力不能解决问题


