00:01.88, |
Honey, what is all this? |
亲爱的 你弄来些啥玩意儿啊 |
00:04.78, |
Hey, Mam, I'm trying to write these stupid college essay questions. |
老妈 我在纠结大学申请的论文题目 |
00:07.93, |
And I really even don't know how to start. |
但我真不知道该如何下笔 |
00:09.62, |
OK, what's the question? Tell me. |
好吧 告诉我是什么题目 |
00:11.07, |
what's the biggest obstacle you've ever had to overcome? |
你有生以来遇到的需要克服的最大困难是什么 |
00:14.08, |
Didn't my third grade teacher say |
我三年级的老师是不是说 |
00:15.58, |
I had,Like, A.D.D. or something? |
我有注意力不足症什么的 |
00:17.09, |
Oh, no, honey. She said you couldn't ADD. |
不 宝贝儿 她是说你不会做加法 |
00:20.41, |
and she put it that way because she also knew you couldn't s-p-e-l-l. |
她用字母说明 是因为她知道你也不会拼写 |
00:23.42, |
Wait,slow down... Oh... |
等一下 慢点 原来如此啊 |
00:26.24, |
Sweet heart. |
亲爱的 |
00:27.84, |
What's this? |
究竟啥玩意儿 |
00:28.77, |
We talked about this last week. |
我们上周讨论过了不是吗 |
00:30.21, |
I said i'm building luke a tree house. You said "fine." |
我说要给卢克建个小木屋 你说好吧 |
00:33.12, |
You know,sometimes I think you just tune me out. |
有时候 我觉得你总是否定我要做的事 |
00:36.22, |
I never told her. She just would have said "No." |
我从没跟她说过 因为肯定会被她一票否决 |
00:38.86, |
I don't remember agreeing to this, Phil. |
菲尔 我不记得同意过这事儿 |
00:41.34, |
This is like the time you backed down the driveway |
就像上次 你在车上装滑翔翼扮大雁 |
00:43.45, |
with a hang glider sticking out of the car. |
倒出车道 都是先斩后奏 |
00:45.21, |
If you'd let me keep that, |
如果当初你不阻止我 |
00:46.16, |
Those geese would have followed me to the wetlands. |
那些鹅就会跟着我滑向湿地了 |
00:48.01, |
-You would have died. -A hero. |
你会死的-死的光荣 |
00:52.50, |
So we spread out a nice blanket, |
于是我们铺开毯子 |
00:54.65, |
opened up a bottle of vino, |
打开一瓶红酒 |
00:56.55, |
and watched the sun set over the water. |
然后欣赏日落海平线 |
00:58.54, |
It was majestic. |
好壮丽哦 |
01:00.51, |
Majestic. |
非常壮丽 |
01:01.36, |
Why? Why we never have the picnic? |
为什么我们从来不去野餐 |
01:03.84, |
Who wants to sit on a blanket? There's no back support. |
谁喜欢坐在毯子上啊 连个靠背都没有 |
01:06.45, |
It's majestic. |
但好壮丽的 |
01:08.04, |
Last week, Shorty took me to see the cirque du soleil-- |
上周"小短"带我去看太阳竞技团演出 |
01:11.72, |
It's like a circus, but classy. |
有点像马戏团表演 不过更高雅 |
01:14.66, |
So if you like elephants, |
所以如果你喜欢大象的话 |
01:16.63, |
don't hold your breath. |
赶紧去看吧 |
01:18.15, |
She's so cute. |
我老婆可爱吧 |
01:19.92, |
Jay hates the crowds, the beach, the rainbows. |
杰总是嫌人多 讨厌海滩 厌恶彩虹 |
01:23.71, |
Rainbows? It's just colors in the sky. |
彩虹 不就是天上多点颜色嘛 |
01:25.95, |
Do we have to pull over every time and take a picture? |
至于每次看到都停车拍照吗 |
01:28.30, |
Shame. There's an expression in Italian, Jay-- |
真可惜 意大利有句俗话说得好 杰 |
01:31.03, |
Dammi la tua mano e corriamo uniti per tutta la vita. |
执子之手 与子偕老 |
01:36.48, |
Give me your hand and we will run together our whole lives. |
手牵手 我们一起走 把你一生交给我 |
01:40.93, |
Jay also hates running. |
杰也不喜欢"走" |
01:56.66, |
Here you go. |
您点的东西 |
01:57.34, |
Oh, thank you. |
谢谢 |
01:58.54, |
-And here you go. -Oh. What is this? |
这是您的-噢 这是什么 |
02:01.64, |
You said to knock your socks off. |
您说要让您"哇"地一声惊喜嘛 |
02:01.95, |
[本意为弄掉袜子 另意为意外惊喜 |
02:03.32, |
Oh, well, look. It's already working! |
快看 "袜"子已经不见了哦 |
02:06.53, |
Well, two more of those, |
好吧 再来两杯 |
02:07.52, |
and you won't be wearing any underwear either. |
估计你连内裤都没了哦 |
02:09.67, |
Oh'!Look...-Cam,down. down. |
-快看 我内裤也 -小卡 坐下坐下 |
02:11.46, |
-Maybe later. -Oh, okay, maybe... Maybe later. |
过后再给我看吧-好吧 过后再说 |
02:15.27, |
Did you hear that? Waitress is flirting with me. |
你听到吗 那服务员正在跟我调情呢 |
02:17.04, |
No, no. She's not flirting with you. |
不 她没跟你调情 |
02:18.47, |
She's--she's trolling for tips, okay? |
只不过是她要小费的伎俩而已 |
02:20.72, |
She totally knows you're gay. |
她一眼就看出你是同性恋了 |
02:22.28, |
How would she know I'm gay? |
少来了 怎么可能看出来 |
02:23.88, |
Uh, maybe it's the way you ordered a drink-a-doodle-doo. |
或许是你点那杯酒的方式吧 |
02:27.21, |
Cam has this crazy theory that if he were straight... |
小卡一直痴人说梦 说自己如果是直男 |
02:30.08, |
And Julia Roberts were single... |
而朱莉亚·罗伯茨单身的话 |
02:31.99, |
-They'd be dating. -It's not crazy. |
他们早就搞到一起了-才不是痴人说梦 |
02:33.65, |
I met her once at an A.I.D.S. Walk, |
我在反歧视艾滋活动中见过她一次 |
02:34.98, |
and our chemistry was palpable. |
当时我们火花四溅啊 |
02:36.58, |
No, you handed her a bottle of water. |
不 你只不过给了她一瓶水 |
02:38.10, |
And her fingers lingered. |
可她的手指在勾搭我 |
02:39.05, |
Because you wouldn't let go. |
那是因为你死不放手 |
02:42.43, |
I could totally pick up any woman in here. |
在场的所有妹子 爷我想钓谁都能上钩 |
02:44.27, |
If by that, you mean lift her off the ground, |
如果你说的上钩 是指把她抱起离开地面 |
02:46.20, |
then yes, I'll give you that. |
那我承认 你绝对够力气 |
02:47.86, |
I for sure could be a womanizer. |
爷天生拥有"情场必杀技" |
02:49.58, |
Or you could be someone |
恐怕你是个变性人 |
02:50.67, |
who just stepped out of a machine called the womanizer. |
刚刚从"女人变身机"里走出来的 |
02:53.51, |
Okay, you know what? That's it. |
好吧 受够你们的讽刺了 |
02:54.81, |
Pick anyone in here. |
随便挑个妞儿 |
02:55.95, |
If I can get their number, you do the laundry for a month. |
如果我能拿到她的电话号码 你就洗一个月的衣服 |
02:58.00, |
If I fail, I'll do it. |
如果失败了 爷来洗 |
03:00.10, |
Okay. I hate doing laundry. So, um... |
好吧 洗衣服什么的最讨厌了 就... |
03:02.98, |
No, um... |
那个不行 |
03:05.17, |
Oh, okay. Right here. |
好吧 就这个 |
03:07.27, |
Her. |
她 |
03:11.51, |
Okay, great. |
好 成交 |
03:12.79, |
Great. Just get rid of my flair... |
很好 先去一下我的基味 |
03:17.09, |
Whoa. Where did Cam go? |
哇 我们熟悉的小卡哪去了 |
03:19.13, |
I don't know. Where is he? |
不知道啊 脱胎换骨了啊 |
03:22.80, |
Dinner was absolutely wonderful. |
晚餐实在太丰盛了 |
03:24.44, |
Amazing. |
太美妙了 |
03:25.64, |
Hey, you know what? |
对了 |
03:26.19, |
Why don't you guys come salsa dancing with us tomorrow night? |
明天一起去跳莎莎舞吧 |
03:28.37, |
Oh, yeah! That would be great! |
对啊 一起跳很欢乐哦 |
03:30.34, |
It sounds like so much fun. I love salsa dancing. |
听起来很诱人 我最爱莎莎了 |
03:32.74, |
Jay, let's go salsa dancing with them. Look. |
杰 我们去跳吧 快看 |
03:36.32, |
Why not? |
为什么不去 |
03:37.91, |
I just bought that pay-per-view fight. |
我刚买了按次计费的拳击票 |
03:39.61, |
I tell you what-- we'll compromise. |
那我们互相妥协一下吧 |
03:41.08, |
We'll watch the fight. We'll eat salsa. |
我们去看拳赛 然后去吃"莎莎" |
03:43.36, |
Who needs him? Come dancing with us. |
别带他去了 咱仨去跳吧 |
03:45.17, |
Ay, no, I wouldn't want to-- |
算了 我不想当灯泡 |
03:46.29, |
No, no! You'd be doing me a favor. |
没有啊 你来可是帮我大忙了 |
03:48.54, |
Shorty never wants to stop, and I could use a break. |
小短一跳起来就停不下 让我偶尔歇歇也好 |
03:51.82, |
You hear that Jay? I never stop. |
你听到了吗 杰 我一跳就停不下来哦 |
03:53.65, |
All I hear is she could use a break. |
我只听到她说想喘口气 |
03:58.60, |
Hey! Oh, my god! How are you? |
嗨 天哪 你好吗 |
04:03.46, |
Wow. Look at you. You look fantastic. |
哇 你看起来美极了 |
04:07.26, |
Thank you. So do you. |
谢谢 你也是 |
04:09.19, |
How long has it been? |
我们多久没见了 |
04:11.57, |
-It feels like forever. -Yeah. |
宛如隔世啊-是啊 |
04:13.11, |
Um, when is the last time we saw each other? |
我们上次见面是什么时候来着 |
04:15.93, |
Oh, let's see. I think it was at Dave's thing. |
我想想 好像还是在达夫办的什么活动上吧 |
04:19.02, |
You know what? I'm sorry. |
好吧 我很抱歉 |
04:21.98, |
I don't know if you've heard. |
不知道你听说没有 |
04:23.63, |
I was in a terrible car accident, |
我遭遇了一次可怕的车祸 |
04:25.98, |
And ever since the coma, |
自从那次昏迷以后 |
04:28.49, |
I have a really hard time placing names and faces. |
我就记不得谁是谁了 |
04:32.90, |
So who are you again? |
请问你是谁 |
04:33.82, |
Oh, my god. I am so sorry. |
噢 天啊 我真抱歉 |
04:35.12, |
It was just a clever way to try to approach you. |
我只是在跟你套近乎 |
04:36.90, |
We don't know each other. |
我们压根儿不认识 |
04:39.50, |
I've never been in a coma. |
其实根本就没昏迷这件事儿 |
04:41.62, |
But you so deserved that. That was the worst pick-up ever. |
你自找的 你的搭讪太糟糕了 |
04:46.19, |
Oh, my god! |
我的神呀 |
04:49.17, |
That was genius! And mean! |
你个小滑头 真讨厌 |
04:52.17, |
Now I know why we're old fake friends. |
现在我知道为什么我们是伪老友了 |
04:56.65, |
Oh. Can I buy you a drink? |
不介意请你喝一杯吧 |
04:57.67, |
Yeah. I'm Katie. |
行啊 我叫凯蒂 |
04:59.82, |
Cameron. |
我叫卡梅隆 |
05:01.21, |
If she were a hot guy, |
如果她是一个俊男 |
05:02.37, |
I would never have been that smooth. |
我不可能那么顺利上手的 |
05:04.54, |
It's ironic. |
真是讽刺 |
05:06.07, |
[其实他想说麦琪的礼物 来自欧亨利的小说 |
05:06.07, |
Like the gift of the vagi. |
就像《玛琪的礼物》 |
05:11.41, |
There you go. |
好了 |
05:12.76, |
Thank you. Nice to meet you. |
谢谢 很高兴认识你 |
05:14.28, |
- You, too. Bye! - Bye! |
-我也是 拜拜 -拜 |
05:18.03, |
Wham, bam, thank you, Cam. |
哦也 承让承让 |
05:19.80, |
Seriously? You got her number? |
太假了 你搞到她电话了 |
05:21.36, |
Sure did. and all my shirts get ironed, |
当然 记得把我的衬衫熨一下 |
05:23.25, |
And their seams should appear straight, |
接缝要熨得笔直哦 |
05:24.86, |
Just like their owner. |
要比直男主人还直哦 |
05:31.36, |
Should you be using screws instead of nails? |
不该用钉子吧 该用螺丝不是吗 |
05:34.51, |
America was built with nails, son. |
美国就是钉子建造起来的 孩子 |
05:37.12, |
So was that gazebo you built for our 4th of July party. |
你国庆节派对上造的露台也是用的钉子 |
05:40.89, |
I'm telling you, you are gonna love this bad boy. |
跟你说 你会喜欢上这个树屋的 |
05:43.89, |
You know what can't climb trees? |
你知道什么东西爬不上来吗 |
05:45.79, |
Raccoons? |
浣熊嘛 |
05:46.73, |
Worries. |
是烦恼 |
05:48.27, |
Raccoons can and will get up here, |
浣熊会爬树 也迟早会爬上来的 |
05:49.53, |
so don't leave any food, |
所以不要在这里留吃的 |
05:50.37, |
or they'll get territorial and attack. |
要不它们就会为保护地盘而攻击你 |
05:53.41, |
Are you sure this is a good idea? |
你确定这是个好主意吗 |
05:55.34, |
Are you kidding me? |
开玩笑 |
05:56.32, |
You're gonna have so much fun hanging out up here with your buddies. |
将来你和你的小伙伴们会在这儿玩得很开心的 |
05:58.92, |
Trust me, when you get older, it all changes. |
相信我 等你长大了 一切都会不同了 |
06:01.24, |
Why?-Well,life gets in the way. |
为什么-生活所迫 |
06:05.01, |
Did I just say "Wife gets in the way"? |
我是不是说了"老婆所迫" |
06:06.31, |
cause sometimes I do that. |
有时候我会说错 |
06:07.70, |
Nope, you're good. |
没有 没说错 |
06:09.29, |
And you have lots of friends. |
你还有很多朋友 |
06:10.89, |
Yeah, I have work friends, |
是啊 我有工作上的朋友 |
06:11.86, |
And your mom and I have couples friends, |
我和你妈还有夫妻档朋友 |
06:13.70, |
And there are my college friends, |
还有我大学朋友 |
06:15.68, |
But they're scattered all over the country. |
但是他们各奔前程了 |
06:17.67, |
It's not the same as just shouting out |
不像以前对着 |
06:19.00, |
to your neighborhood buddies, |
邻居朋友吼一声 |
06:20.28, |
Hey, fellas! I'm up here in the tree house! Uhh! |
伙计们 我在树屋上呢 嗷 |
06:23.95, |
Fix that... board. |
得修一修这个 地板 |
06:29.19, |
I can't do this. |
做不来啊 |
06:31.23, |
Why are you so frustrated? |
你火什么火 |
06:32.87, |
Because I've never had any obstacles to overcome. |
因为从来就没有什么困难需要我克服 |
06:35.76, |
Oh, honey, that's not true. |
亲爱的 可不是这样的 |
06:38.08, |
Really? Name one. |
是吗 举个例 |
06:42.11, |
You're lactose-intolerant. |
你有乳糖不耐受症 |
06:43.83, |
Oh, "Dear college, cheese makes me gassy. |
哦 "亲爱的大学 奶酪让我屁多多 |
06:46.39, |
See you in September." |
9月见" |
06:47.57, |
Sweetie, you're not really starting your essays |
亲爱的 你该不会把"亲爱的大学"作为 |
06:49.14, |
Dear college, Are you? |
你论文的开头吧 |
06:51.19, |
What difference does it make? |
那又怎么了 |
06:52.42, |
I've lived a boring, sheltered, pathetic life. |
我活在你们的庇护下 日子无聊而苦逼 |
06:55.15, |
I am sorry we have made things too easy and comfortable for you. |
让你日子过得太滋润了 真是对不起啊 |
06:58.50, |
Oh, you should be! It is all your fault! |
你应该道歉 都是你的错 |
07:01.76, |
You have shielded me |
你老是护着我 |
07:02.90, |
from everything interesting and dangerous! |
任何有趣和危险的事情都不让我去干 |
07:05.74, |
You are blaming me |
你是在指责我 |
07:07.08, |
because I kept you from getting hurt? |
保护你不受伤害吗 |
07:09.61, |
Gaby's mom's a hoarder. |
加布的妈妈是收藏癖 |
07:11.28, |
That essay practically writes itself. |
她写论文就毫无障碍 |
07:14.29, |
Maybe it is our fault. |
可能是我们的错 |
07:15.72, |
But did you ever consider there's a reason? |
但是你有没有想过原因 |
07:19.99, |
What are you talking about? |
你在说什么 |
07:23.49, |
There's a reason why we were so easy on you. |
我们对你那么娇惯 是有原因的 |
07:26.49, |
I don't understand. |
我迷糊了 |
07:28.18, |
Oh, honey, you're old enough now. |
亲爱的 你已经不小了 |
07:30.11, |
Old enough for what? |
什么不小了 |
07:31.16, |
The truth. |
该告诉你真相了 |
07:32.24, |
Okay, come on. Gotta show you somethin'. |
跟我来 给你看样东西 |
07:35.15, |
We're gonna go for a ride. |
我们要开车去 |
07:36.70, |
Mom, just tell me. |
妈 跟我说就是了嘛 |
07:39.58, |
You are my mom, right? |
你是我亲妈 对吧 |
07:44.54, |
I'm a bad man. |
我是个坏人 |
07:45.62, |
Oh, no. What did you eat? |
哦 不 你吃啥了 |
07:47.16, |
Mitchell, remember the girl I met last night? |
米奇尔 记得昨天晚上那女孩吗 |
07:50.05, |
How can I forget her? |
终身难忘啊 |
07:51.08, |
She's super famous for having the world's worst gay-dar. |
她的"辨基能力"全世界倒数第一 |
07:53.49, |
How could I be so cavalier with her emotions? |
我怎么能无视她的感情呢 |
07:56.44, |
You know, we had a real connection. |
你知道我们心有灵犀 |
07:57.91, |
She gave me her number, |
她把电话给了我 |
07:59.44, |
And right now she's probably sitting by the phone |
现在她很可能坐在电话旁边 |
08:01.32, |
waiting for me to call. |
等我的电话 |
08:05.59, |
I don't think you understand how charmed she was by me. |
我觉得你不懂我让她多着迷 |
08:07.85, |
Oh, my god. Where did you get all this self-confidence? |
老天 你这自信从哪里来的 |
08:11.09, |
I won cutest baby at the 1974 Jasper County Fair. |
1974年的杰斯珀集市会上 我赢得了最可爱宝宝奖 |
08:14.41, |
[嘉小宝:著名婴儿用品嘉宝公司的卡通形象 |
08:14.41, |
People at the time said I could go Gerber. |
那时人们说我像嘉小宝 |
08:16.68, |
You know what? I'm calling her. |
我决定了 我要打电话给她 |
08:18.43, |
What? |
什么 |
08:19.43, |
No, I can't carry this around. |
不行 我不能一直拖着 |
08:21.91, |
I have to come clean so she can move on with her life. |
我得跟她说实话 让她放下我 |
08:24.65, |
This is crazy. She is not waiting-- |
这太疯狂了 人家才不会等 |
08:26.59, |
Hi. Katie. It's Cam. |
嘿 凯蒂 我是小卡 |
08:29.72, |
First ring. |
电话一响她就接了 |
08:31.36, |
I was hoping I would call, too. |
我也很期待打电话给你 |
08:34.17, |
Oh, smooth. |
真顺啊 |
08:35.33, |
So listen, I forgot to mention something last night, |
昨晚 我有些事没有说 |
08:37.92, |
and I'm--I'm actually not really quite sure how to say this. |
我不知道该如何说起 |
08:42.28, |
I'm a gay guy. |
我是个同志 |
08:45.81, |
Um, it's actually somewhat delicate. |
其实是个比较微妙的话题 |
08:45.99, |
[Delicate 一词多意 微妙 娇柔 |
08:47.35, |
As am I, on account of the gay. |
就像我一样娇柔 因为我是同志 |
08:49.61, |
No, no, I had a great time with you, too, Katie. |
不 凯蒂 那天我也聊得很愉快 |
08:51.76, |
It's--well, it's just that-- |
只是 只是 |
08:53.15, |
- I don't dig the ladies. - No, no. And I want you to sit-- |
我对妹子不敢兴趣-不 你坐下来 |
08:55.61, |
I want you to have a seat on a chaise lounge. |
你先在卧榻上坐稳了 |
08:58.95, |
Hey, you wanna go out and |
想在比赛开始前 |
09:00.25, |
grab some dinner before the fight tonight? |
出去吃个晚饭吗 |
09:01.54, |
No, thank you. |
不用 多谢了 |
09:03.36, |
Wanna eat at home? |
想在家里自己开伙吗 |
09:04.86, |
I'll grill some steaks, open a bottle of wine. |
我来烤点牛排 开瓶小酒 |
09:07.44, |
Whatever you want, because I'm not going to be here. |
随你便 我晚上要出去 |
09:10.20, |
She's going Salsa Dancing without me. |
她要出去跳莎莎舞 居然不带我 |
09:13.14, |
Ay, Manny, I told you, it's a 21 and over club. |
曼尼 我说了那俱乐部得年满21岁才能进 |
09:17.03, |
A forbidden dance floor. Only makes me want it more. |
禁入的舞所 才散发致命的诱惑 |
09:19.52, |
Wait a second. You're going dancing with Shorty and Darlene? |
等一下 你要同"小短"和达琳去跳舞吗 |
09:23.25, |
Yes, because even though he's old like you, |
没错 虽然他和你年纪一样大 |
09:25.53, |
he still likes to have fun. |
可他仍然喜欢出去找乐子 |
09:27.35, |
We like to have fun. |
我们也喜欢找乐子啊 |
09:29.06, |
Last week I took you to dinner, |
上周我还带你去吃晚饭了呢 |
09:30.86, |
went to the boat show, |
还看了船展 |
09:32.35, |
got some sherbet? |
还品尝了冰冻果子露 |
09:33.74, |
And we were home by 8:30 with no boat. |
结果一艘船也没买 才8点半就回家了 |
09:36.25, |
What do you want from me? I don't like dancing. |
你想要我怎么做 我不喜欢跳舞 |
09:38.53, |
- I don't like sherbet. - Yeah, right. |
我还不喜欢果子露呢-是吗 |
09:40.34, |
How about coconut? |
那椰子呢 |
09:41.97, |
Who doesn't like the coconut, hmm? Who? |
谁不喜欢椰子啊 谁 谁啊 |
09:44.62, |
And anyways, I'm going dancing with or without you. |
不管你去不去 反正我要去跳舞 |
09:46.31, |
Fine. I hope you have a good time with Shorty. |
行 我祝你和"小短"玩得愉快 |
09:48.60, |
I don't need Shorty! |
我才不要和"小短"跳 |
09:50.26, |
I won't have any problem finding a partner on my own! |
我随便找个舞伴 简直手到擒来 |
09:54.75, |
Wow. Way to rub it in, mom. |
妈 你又戳到我的痛处了 |
10:00.60, |
How'd it go, heartbreaker? |
谈得如何啊 爱情杀手 |
10:02.02, |
That is one classy lady... |
她真是个优雅的女士 |
10:04.61, |
- Which is why I couldn't tell her. - What? |
所以我对她开不了口-啥 |
10:06.87, |
Well... I just couldn't do it on the phone. |
我没法在电话上说这事 |
10:08.77, |
She seemed so excited to hear from me, |
她接到我的电话时那么开心 |
10:10.92, |
and I'm very bad at disappointing people, Mitchell. |
我又不擅长伤别人的心 米奇尔 |
10:13.96, |
Not all people. |
我心已伤 |
10:15.64, |
Mama was right when she said |
我妈说的对 |
10:16.74, |
my charm was like a wild stallion-- |
她说我的魅力好比脱缰的种马 |
10:18.58, |
If not properly bridled, it'll bust down a barn. |
如果控制不当 定将毁家灭棚 |
10:21.26, |
Okay, you wanna get rid of your girlfriend? |
你想甩掉你的女友吗 |
10:23.12, |
Tell her that story. |
把你妈的话复述一遍就是了 |
10:24.30, |
Maybe I will when she comes over. She's coming over. |
她过来时我会说的 她一会儿就到 |
10:26.97, |
Are you serious? |
你没开玩笑吧 |
10:28.51, |
She said she was in the area running errands. |
她说她正在附近办事 |
10:30.23, |
What was I supposed to say, "Don't come over"? |
那我能说什么 别来我家 |
10:32.25, |
Well, I guess I could have said that, |
也许我是该那么说 |
10:33.35, |
but it's too late now, |
可为时已晚 |
10:34.52, |
Plus I wanna break it to her gently. |
而且我想温柔地和她分手 |
10:36.17, |
So come on. Help me un-gay this place. |
所以 快来帮我将此地"去基化" |
10:37.91, |
You know what? I'll make it less gay by half. |
我干脆走掉 就少了一半基味了 |
10:39.91, |
Oh, these flowers should go, too. |
这些花也得藏起来 |
10:41.21, |
You mean the ones underneath |
你是说那些放在 |
10:42.14, |
the portrait of you cuddling another man? |
你和某男勾肩搭背的照片下的花吗 |
10:43.81, |
Oh, good catch. |
说得对 |
10:49.75, |
Manny. |
曼尼 |
10:50.82, |
What's up, big guy? |
什么事 老爹 |
10:52.24, |
How hard is it to learn this salsa dancing stuff? |
那个莎莎舞是不是很难学 |
10:54.92, |
Not hard at all. |
一点都不难 |
10:55.95, |
It's about tapping into your emotion, |
重点是在舞步中带入你的感情 |
10:58.00, |
your passion, and your inner fire. |
你的激情 你心中暗藏的火焰 |
11:00.47, |
Crap! |
狗屁 |
11:03.13, |
I stink at dancing. |
我跳舞超烂 |
11:04.53, |
First dance at our wedding, |
我们跳婚礼上的第一支舞时 |
11:05.70, |
Gloria was all graceful and gorgeous, |
歌洛莉亚集优雅与华丽为一身 |
11:07.81, |
and I was all big and clunky. |
我则是又笨又拙的大块头 |
11:09.87, |
Like that scene from "Beauty and the beast." |
就像动画片《美女与野兽》里的那一幕 |
11:12.01, |
Actually, that was the song. |
事实上 我们用的就是同名主题曲 |
11:13.81, |
Manny picked it. |
是曼尼选的 |
11:15.42, |
He didn't like me back then. |
当时他诚心让我出丑 |
11:19.31, |
Back straight. Okay. |
背挺直 很好 |
11:20.75, |
Do as I do. |
跟我一起做 |
11:23.22, |
Other leg. |
另一只脚 |
11:24.50, |
Okay, stop marching. |
别像行军一样 |
11:25.58, |
You're dancing, not invading Poland. |
你是在跳舞 不是德军入侵波兰 |
11:34.49, |
Hello, hi! |
爷俩好啊 |
11:36.87, |
I'm looking for Jay Pritchett. |
我想找一下杰·普里契特 |
11:38.18, |
He's about 6'2", tough guy, |
他身高188 硬汉一个 |
11:39.88, |
wrestles with homophobia... |
努力克服着恐同症 |
11:41.65, |
The hell are you doing here? |
你来这干嘛 |
11:42.39, |
Uh, I had to get out of the house. |
我得离开家门 |
11:44.48, |
Cam needed a little alone time with his new girlfriend. |
小卡和他的新女友要单独处处 |
11:47.45, |
- Don't ask. - Don't tell. |
别问-别说 |
11:47.45, |
["别问 别说"是美军过去对待军队内同性恋者的政策 |
11:49.63, |
What's going on here? |
你们在干嘛 |
11:50.69, |
He's learning to dance, but he's just so tense. |
他在学怎么跳舞 可他太僵硬 |
11:53.11, |
- It's not working out. - 'cause you're not letting go. |
完全不行-因为你放不开自己 |
11:54.88, |
I'm trying. Don't you think I want to be all smooth |
我尽力了 你以为我不想舞步翩翩 |
11:56.90, |
and make your mom happy out there? |
博得你妈笑开颜吗 |
11:58.74, |
But I just can't do it, that's all. |
可我就是不会跳舞 就这样 |
12:00.46, |
Jay, I'm not giving up on you. |
杰 我不会放弃你的 |
12:03.18, |
Okay. Hey, Manny, would you give us a second? |
好了 曼尼 能让我们单独聊聊吗 |
12:05.62, |
Thanks. |
谢了 |
12:07.27, |
Dad, look, I-I know this is weird, |
爸 我知道这样做有点怪 |
12:09.95, |
but you and I are a lot alike. |
但我们爷俩其实很像 |
12:11.79, |
We're self-conscious, okay? |
我们都太扭捏了 |
12:13.51, |
So, um, here. Just... |
所以 这个 |
12:16.44, |
The hell is this? |
这是啥玩意儿 |
12:17.30, |
It's just something that some people take at clubs |
就是有些人会在夜店吃的那种东西 |
12:19.36, |
to, you know, loosen up. |
用来放松自己 |
12:21.01, |
You take this? |
你吃过这玩意儿? |
12:22.54, |
A gay man who hates dancing |
一个痛恨跳舞的基佬 |
12:24.11, |
Lives in a sad and lonely little world. |
只能烂在自己的孤独小世界里 |
12:25.48, |
This just melts your inhibitions, |
这玩意儿能让你不再拘谨 |
12:27.28, |
And--and you can dance all night, |
让你激情欢跳一整晚 |
12:29.08, |
Plus it gives you a raging-- |
同时也能让你"性致"大发... |
12:30.61, |
I don't wanna-- |
我不想听 |
12:31.62, |
I don't like this at all. |
我不喜欢搞歪门邪道 |
12:33.20, |
Just hold on to it. Just in case. |
你就拿着吧 以防万一 |
12:34.89, |
Come on. It's fine. |
好啦 没事 |
12:36.18, |
Jay, I wanna show you something. |
杰 我要给你看点东西 |
12:37.98, |
A farmer in new zealand taught a pig to dance. |
一位新西兰的农民教会一头猪翩翩起舞 |
12:43.57, |
See how he keeps his snout up? |
瞧人家猪兄那鼻子挺的 |
12:50.73, |
Yep. This is it. |
对 就是这里 |
12:54.38, |
This is what? |
来这儿干嘛 |
12:56.92, |
This. |
这个 |
13:00.19, |
I-I can't do this. I can't get out of the car. |
我 我做不到 我没办法下车 |
13:02.91, |
I'm sorry. I'm too embarrassed. |
对不起 我太难为情了 |
13:04.54, |
Would you just tell me what's going on? |
你能不能告诉我到底怎么回事 |
13:06.35, |
Okay. I-I want you to go read |
好吧 我需要你读一下 |
13:09.44, |
what's carved in that tree. |
刻在那棵树上的字 |
13:12.59, |
Mom, you're freaking me out. |
妈 你有点吓着我了 |
13:14.02, |
Just do it. Do it, Haley. |
照做就行了 去读吧 海莉 |
13:35.08, |
Have fun getting home! |
回家路上玩的开心呦 |
13:37.38, |
There's your obstacle! |
摆在你眼前的就是困难 |
13:39.58, |
What?! Are you kidding me?! |
什么 你跟我开玩笑呢吧 |
13:47.65, |
Oh! Son of a... |
妈的... |
13:49.47, |
Brisket! Why does that keep happening? |
擦啊 怎么老是这样 |
13:52.45, |
Maybe I need a nail gun. |
或许我需要个射钉枪 |
13:54.20, |
Okay, that's it! I'm out! |
得嘞 行了 我不玩了 |
13:55.99, |
What do you mean, you're out? |
什么意思 你不玩了 |
13:57.43, |
Where are you going? |
你去哪啊 |
13:58.46, |
Dad, no offense, |
老爸 恕我冒犯 |
14:00.15, |
But I've seen you with a glue gun. |
我见识过您拿喷胶枪搞出什么状况 |
14:01.71, |
I think a nail is gonna be harder to get out of my hair. |
要是把钉子弄进我脑袋 可比胶水难伺候多了 |
14:05.08, |
No, don't go! I'm doing this for you! |
别 别走啊 我建这个可是为了你啊 |
14:07.50, |
Are you, dad? |
是吗 老爸 |
14:09.22, |
Are you? |
是吗 |
14:11.22, |
The kid made me think with that one. |
孩子的话令我深思 |
14:13.53, |
Who was I really doing this for? |
我做这个到底是为了谁 |
14:16.33, |
Sometimes I just say, |
有的时候我只要一说 |
14:17.65, |
Are you, dad? Are you? |
是吗 老爸 是吗 |
14:19.41, |
Because he gets real quiet |
老爸就会沉默不语 |
14:20.58, |
And doesn't notice when I walk away. |
而且不会意识到我已经闪人了 |
14:26.58, |
It's weird, |
好奇怪啊 |
14:27.59, |
because I feel so comfortable around you already. |
只要在你身边 我就觉得很心安 |
14:30.12, |
You know, last night when I got home, |
昨晚我回到家后 |
14:31.81, |
I just started thinking about |
我就开始想那些 |
14:33.67, |
all of the fun things that we could do together, you know? |
我们可以一起做的趣事 知道吗 |
14:37.25, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
14:38.27, |
I don't wanna scare you off, |
我不想把你吓跑 |
14:39.29, |
But my sister's getting married in a couple of weeks, |
但是我姐姐几周后就要结婚了 |
14:41.70, |
And I so don't wanna go to that thing alone. |
我可不想一个人参加婚礼 |
14:44.88, |
Maybe you could be my date? |
或许你可以做我的男伴 |
14:46.61, |
Katie, you're an amazing woman. |
凯蒂 你是个很好的女人 |
14:50.05, |
You're smart, you're beautiful, |
你聪明 又美丽 |
14:52.73, |
And how fun is that handbag? |
而且手袋都那么好看 |
14:55.28, |
This is gonna come as a little bit of a shock. |
我接下来要说的 你可能会有点震惊 |
14:59.12, |
I'm fairly gay. |
我是个货真价实的基佬 |
15:01.37, |
I don't know why I said that. |
我不知道我怎么冒出这么一句 |
15:03.15, |
I'm--I'm totally gay. |
我 我是个彻头彻尾的基佬 |
15:05.12, |
Just gay. |
基的无可救药 |
15:08.71, |
You're telling me you're gay? |
你是在告诉我你是同性恋吗 |
15:10.58, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
15:12.77, |
Why? |
为什么 |
15:13.42, |
I was born that way. I mean, you know, it's just-- |
我生来如此 我是说 你知道... |
15:15.28, |
No, why are you telling me? |
不是 你干嘛告诉我啊 |
15:16.86, |
I mean, I know you're gay. |
我是说 我早知道你是同性恋啊 |
15:18.59, |
It's obvious. |
很明显啊 |
15:20.12, |
Well, it's not that-- it's not that obvious. |
也没...也不是那么明显吧 |
15:22.19, |
Well, yeah. |
基爆了啊 |
15:23.26, |
The way you talk and walk and dress |
你说话 走路 穿衣的方式 |
15:24.83, |
And your theatrical hand gestures-- |
还有你那很戏剧性的手势 |
15:26.96, |
I do not have theatrical hand gestures. |
我没什么戏剧性的手势 |
15:28.83, |
Okay, maybe I am moderately...expressive. |
好吧 我确实有点...基态外露 |
15:32.78, |
But why would you give me your number? |
但你干嘛给我你的电话号码啊 |
15:35.40, |
Oh, because I want a gay friend-- |
因为我想有一个基佬闺蜜啊 |
15:37.40, |
Someone I can dish with, |
一个能陪我闲聊八卦 |
15:39.27, |
Give me guy advice, and I can shop with-- |
给我男生的建议 也可以一起血拼 |
15:42.04, |
Those are totally offensive stereotypes. |
那些绝对是世人对同志陈旧片面的认识 |
15:44.65, |
We could go see Julia Roberts movies together. |
我们可以一起去看茱莉亚·罗伯茨的电影 |
15:46.79, |
I know her, and she's as nice as she seems on screen. |
我知道她 而且她无论银幕内外都很美 |
15:49.06, |
- Shut up. Really? Is she? - She is, yeah. |
-不是吧 真的吗 -当然是 |
15:51.63, |
Wait, what--so you were pretending to be straight, |
等等 如此说来 你是想假装成直男 |
15:54.30, |
And hitting on me? |
然后勾搭我 |
15:55.76, |
I was just a stupid bar bet. |
只不过是个愚蠢的酒吧赌罢了 |
15:58.25, |
My boyfriend--oh, he's here... |
我男友 他回来了 |
16:00.87, |
Bet me that I couldn't get a beautiful woman's number. |
打赌说没有哪个美女会留电话号码给我 |
16:03.46, |
And as a proud gay man, I know it shouldn't matter, |
身为一个自豪的同志 我知道女人都是浮云 |
16:06.12, |
But I-I just wish everyone could find me attractive. |
但 我就是希望自己的魅力能通杀男女 |
16:10.10, |
Oh. But now he's gonna get to gloat, |
但是 现在轮到他幸灾乐祸了 |
16:12.88, |
And I guess I deserve it. |
不过这也是我活该 |
16:16.93, |
Oh my god! |
我的天啊[唇语 |
16:17.90, |
How's--how's it going? |
谈得 谈得怎么样啊 |
16:19.34, |
Hello. |
你好 |
16:20.00, |
This is Katie, and, uh, it turns out, well... |
这位是凯蒂 结果发现 事实上 [很好 |
16:23.09, |
[Well此处是个语气词 本身也有好的意思 |
才会引起下文的误会 |
16:23.79, |
No, actually. |
事实上 不好 |
16:26.00, |
It doesn't turn out well. |
进行得相当不好 |
16:27.51, |
Because I thought I finally met a nice, funny guy, |
因为我以为我终于找到一位又好又风趣的男人 |
16:31.95, |
Who is also hot! |
而且还超级性感 |
16:33.91, |
And now he's telling me he's gay?! |
但现在他告诉我说他是同性恋 |
16:36.30, |
He's, like, the least gay person i have ever met in my entire life! |
他简直是 我这辈子碰见的最不像同性恋的人 |
16:41.96, |
And I thought he was the one! |
而且我以为他就是我的真命天子呢 |
16:44.31, |
And I even told my mom about him! |
而且我还告诉我妈呢 |
16:47.22, |
You better cherish him! |
你最好给我好好珍惜他 |
17:03.60, |
Are you sure you're gay? |
你确定你是同性恋吗 |
17:05.37, |
No.-Cam. |
不确定-小卡 |
17:06.81, |
Yes. |
确定 |
17:08.57, |
Yes. Look... |
确定 听着 |
17:10.99, |
You're gonna find somebody, |
你会找到你的真命天子的 |
17:13.08, |
Because you're an amazing girl, Katie. |
因为你是个出色的女人 凯蒂 |
17:15.03, |
You're the whole package. |
你是个极品好女人 |
17:17.06, |
I just prefer somebody who has one. |
但我喜欢的是有"鸡"的男人 |
17:21.24, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
17:29.84, |
Oh... My... God! |
我 的 天 哪 |
17:31.71, |
That was a lot of girl tongue! |
爷我刚才啃的可是女人的香舌呢 |
17:34.55, |
I think I need a drink-a-doodle-doo. |
看来我可得好好喝上一杯了 |
17:40.76, |
What was that? |
你那算什么 |
17:42.89, |
Hello, Haley. How was your day? |
你好啊 海莉 今天过得怎样 |
17:45.03, |
I have no money, no cell phone... |
我身无分文 又没手机 |
17:47.60, |
You're welcome. |
不用谢哦 |
17:48.96, |
What?! |
你说什么 |
17:49.96, |
I listened to you. |
我听取了你的意见 |
17:50.93, |
I stopped coddling you, and look-- |
我不再娇惯你了 你看看 |
17:52.53, |
You overcame an obstacle. |
你成功克服了困难 |
17:54.40, |
Oh! Yeah! I did! |
是哦 我做到了 |
17:56.34, |
I grew up normal despite my crazy mom! |
家有疯母 我很庆幸自己是个正常孩子 |
17:58.64, |
Well, that sounds like the beginning of a great essay. |
拿这句当你的论文开头挺不错的 |
18:00.56, |
Dear college... |
亲爱的大学 |
18:01.73, |
Oh, honey, if you get stuck, let me know, |
亲爱的 要是你又卡住了 告诉我 |
18:04.68, |
And I'll make you sleep out in the yard. |
我会让你睡在院子里的 |
18:06.21, |
You're psychotic! |
你是个神经病 |
18:07.53, |
Use spell check! |
记得检查拼写哦 |
18:18.80, |
Don't just sit there! Get out here! |
别干坐在那儿 快过来 |
18:20.98, |
I'm good, I'm good. |
不用了 我很好 |
18:23.23, |
Okay! |
好吧 |
18:24.74, |
Hola! You're looking so good! |
你好啊 你看上去真漂亮 |
18:26.10, |
How long has it been? |
我们多久没见了 |
18:27.17, |
We don't know each other. Go away. |
别装作我们认识 滚开 |
18:29.31, |
Fair enough. |
好吧 |
18:31.93, |
Hola! |
你好啊 |
18:32.72, |
You're looking so good. How long has it been? |
你看上去真漂亮 我们多久没见了 |
18:35.80, |
What was wrong with that guy? |
那人怎么不好了 |
18:37.52, |
Yeah, I would have danced with him. |
就是啊 我都想和他共舞呢 |
18:38.45, |
He's got nice shoulders. |
他的肩膀超级正 |
18:39.37, |
Aw, you know, Salsa is so intimate and sensual |
跳莎莎舞要与舞伴亲密接触 欲情荡漾 |
18:41.94, |
that it feels wrong to do it with somebody else that is not Jay. |
和别的男人跳 感觉好罪恶 |
18:45.47, |
Aw. You know, Darlene feels the same way. |
达琳也是这么觉得的 |
18:46.95, |
If I wasn't here, she's be holding up the wall. |
要是我不在 她会去找道墙 |
18:48.82, |
Yeah. A wall of men. |
是啊 男人墙 |
18:51.39, |
You know, I think I should go home to my loving husband |
我觉得我该回家陪我那可爱的老公了 |
18:54.56, |
and pull him close and tell him that I danced with 20 men. |
然后在他耳边说我和20个男人跳了舞 |
18:59.22, |
He's not home. |
他不在家 |
19:00.70, |
He's in a dicey neighborhood |
他此刻身在一个治安差劲的地方 |
19:02.14, |
worried about his car. |
时刻担心他的车被盗 |
19:05.47, |
Jay! |
杰 |
19:08.14, |
What, are we gonna kiss or dance? |
怎么 你是要亲亲还是要跳舞 |
19:09.14, |
Let's dance! |
舞起来吧 |
19:11.72, |
I'm dead set against drugs. |
我是坚决抵制嗑药的 |
19:13.13, |
Just say no And all that stuff. |
面对禁药 必须坚决说不 |
19:14.65, |
But I thought, |
可我觉得 |
19:15.96, |
Just this once for Gloria. |
为了歌洛莉亚破一次例又何妨 |
19:21.03, |
And if I was gonna make a complete ass of myself, |
要是我真嗑高了 出尽洋相 |
19:23.00, |
I didn't wanna remember it. |
我可不要记起来 |
19:28.86, |
The big drug I gave him-- baby aspirin. Orange-flavored. |
我给他的那粒药 其实是儿童阿司匹林 桔子口味 |
19:31.94, |
He could have chewed it. |
他应该咀嚼的 |
19:37.05, |
Home come you never surprise me like that? |
为什么你就从未给我这样的惊喜 |
19:39.18, |
I do surprise you. |
我当然给过你惊喜 |
19:40.06, |
No, you don't. You never surprise me... |
你才没有 你从来都没有 |
19:48.61, |
That's gonna be a hell of a tree house. |
一定会是座很了不起的树屋的 |
19:50.78, |
Oh, thanks. I'm trying. |
谢谢关心 我正努力呢 |
19:54.25, |
It's for my son, but he's kind of lost interest. |
本来为我儿子造的 可貌似他失去兴趣了 |
19:56.53, |
It's kind of like my daughter with the dog. |
和我女儿养狗一样 |
19:58.62, |
Which is why I'm the one out here doing this. |
最后只能由我来拣狗屎了 |
20:01.87, |
Did you just move in? |
你刚搬进来吗 |
20:03.19, |
Lived here eight years. You? |
都住了8年了 你呢 |
20:05.59, |
12 |
12年了 |
20:09.03, |
You know, me and my friends, |
当年我和我的朋友 |
20:10.23, |
We, uh, we built a te house when I was a kid. |
儿时造过一个树屋 |
20:12.21, |
We spent hours in that thing. |
我们在那里面度过很多美好时光 |
20:13.71, |
Loved it. |
但很享受 |
20:14.74, |
Me, too. |
我也一样 |
20:16.81, |
You need any help? |
需要帮忙吗 |
20:19.11, |
Yes, a lot. |
当然 |
20:20.35, |
But I-I don't wanna bother you. |
可我不想麻烦你 |
20:22.70, |
Only thing that bothers me |
唯一让我不爽的 |
20:23.88, |
is that drunken amish roof you got up there. |
是你那东倒西歪的屋顶 |
20:25.72, |
Do you even have a level? |
你没有水平测量仪吗 |
20:26.74, |
I did, but I might have gotten frustrated |
本来有的 可我感觉有点受挫 |
20:28.91, |
and thrown it into your yard. |
一气之下扔到你院子里了 |
20:31.03, |
Let me find it. I'll be right over. |
我找找看 马上就过来 |
20:32.53, |
Thanks. |
多谢啊 |
20:34.03, |
I'm Phil, by the way. |
顺便提下 我叫菲尔 |
20:35.82, |
I'm Andre. Nice to meet you, phil. |
我叫安德瑞 很高兴认识你 菲尔 |
20:38.24, |
Nice to meet you, Andre. |
很高兴认识你 安德瑞 |
20:39.74, |
So I guess I was wrong when I said once you get older, |
看来我之前说一旦长大后 |
20:42.12, |
it's harder to make new friends. |
很难再交到朋友是错的 |
20:44.26, |
Hey, honey! There's a dude in the tree that's cool! |
快看 亲爱的 树上那人酷极了 |
20:46.94, |
Andre, it turns out, is an orthopedic surgeon, |
安德瑞其实是一个整形医生 |
20:49.71, |
Handy with tools, and a great guy to hang out with. |
任何工具都得心应手 同时也是个好玩伴 |
20:53.38, |
Plus he's a badass black man |
而且 他是个犀利的黑鬼头 |
20:55.46, |
that gives me extra street cred. |
让我在社区增加不少威望 |
20:57.96, |
That's his joke. |
那个是他编的笑话 |
20:59.99, |
He's my brotha from a different motha. |
他是我同父异母的兄弟 |
21:03.48, |
- What was that? - Different-- |
你胡说什么-异... |
21:05.20, |
- That's not it. - What is it? |
不是那样的-那是什么 |
21:06.34, |
It's "Brother from another mother." |
应该是 亲如兄弟 |
21:07.57, |
Brotha from anotha motha-- |
亲如兄弟 |
21:08.68, |
Slow down. Slow it down. |
慢慢来 慢慢来 |
21:10.15, |
Brotha from another motha. |
亲如兄弟 |
21:12.13, |
Forget it. Don't-- just don't say it. Forget it. |
算了 别说了 算了 |