00:01.27, |
So the five keys to investing wisely in a down real estate market are... |
在低迷的房地产市场中 明智投资的五大秘诀就是 |
00:06.25, |
KEYp your cool... |
诀对保持冷静 |
00:10.38, |
KEYp informed... |
诀对信息灵通 |
00:13.97, |
Legwork. |
腿脚勤快 |
00:15.32, |
I recently became a partner in a new agency, |
我刚成为一家新房地产公司的合伙人 |
00:18.35, |
so I put together a seminar |
所以我要办个解说会 |
00:20.17, |
to recruit first-time home buyers. |
来吸引第一次买房的新手 |
00:22.69, |
I want to give 'em a step-by-step description |
我希望给他们一步步讲解 |
00:24.73, |
of exactly what I can do for them. |
我如何帮他们选到满意的房子 |
00:27.09, |
Am I worried tha they might write it all down |
你问我会不会担心他们记下步骤后 |
00:28.83, |
and just do it themselves? |
自己去挑选房子 |
00:30.44, |
Quite frankly, I hadn't thought about it until just now. |
坦白说 我现在才察觉到这个问题 |
00:34.44, |
Do I really have to go to this thing? |
我非得去参加吗 |
00:35.70, |
Yes. You're a big part of today. |
当然 你今天戏份大着呢 |
00:37.13, |
You're my support staff. |
你是我的后勤人员 |
00:38.38, |
Then why am I not getting paid? |
那你为什么不付我工钱 |
00:40.74, |
That is a good question. |
问得好 |
00:41.84, |
And I think I'm gonna text you the answer |
我会把答案用短信发到 |
00:43.84, |
on that cell phone we pay for. |
我们买给你的手机上 |
00:45.13, |
Honey, do you wanna practice your part again? |
亲爱的 要再练习一下你的部分吗 |
00:46.92, |
Uh, no. It's just one question. I think I got it. |
不 就一个问题而已 我记住了 |
00:49.32, |
Yeah, but it's the most important question |
是的 可那是最关键的问题 |
00:50.99, |
because it launches me into my big finish. |
它将引出我的压轴好戏 |
00:52.80, |
Yes.-that way,people leave excited. |
没错-那样人们会高高兴兴地离开 |
00:55.29, |
Oh, I think people will be excited to leave. |
我看是很高兴能离开吧 |
01:01.78, |
Luke... |
卢克 |
01:03.59, |
Why? |
你在干嘛 |
01:04.36, |
I'm sorry. It's for school. |
抱歉 我是为了完成学校作业 |
01:06.42, |
I have to design a container that'll protect an egg |
我必须设计一个容器保护鸡蛋 |
01:08.75, |
in a 1-story drop. |
从1层楼高处跌落而不摔碎 |
01:09.73, |
Yeah, so, um, |
好吧 所以 |
01:10.76, |
you thought you would go with an egg carton? |
你准备用包装鸡蛋的纸盒吗 |
01:13.20, |
What if the best idea was under my nose the whole time? |
也许最佳方法就藏在我眼皮底下呢 |
01:16.65, |
You're gonna need to come down and clean this up now. |
你得下来把这一摊收拾干净 |
01:18.27, |
Ugh! I wouldn't have to do any of this |
其实我本来完全不用瞎折腾的 |
01:20.19, |
if Alex would just let me use hers from when she took the class. |
都怪艾丽克斯不肯让我用她当年上这课时的作品 |
01:23.29, |
Never. |
门都没有 |
01:23.94, |
That design is my intellectual property. |
那设计是我的知识产权 |
01:26.53, |
I think it has applications for unmanned space flight. |
我觉得它足以应用在无人"驾"驶太空飞行上 |
01:28.87, |
Keep talking like that |
你再继续当科学怪胎 |
01:29.76, |
and you'll go through life unmanned. |
一辈子都无人可"嫁"了 |
01:31.61, |
Funny.-Girls. |
真会搞笑-姑娘们 |
01:33.06, |
Luke, honey, listen to me. |
卢克 亲爱的 听我说 |
01:34.36, |
You're gonna need to do this project on your own. |
你得独立完成这个作业 |
01:36.48, |
And you can do it. Just... really think. |
你能做到的 只要努力动动脑子 |
01:39.48, |
I've got it! |
我想到了 |
01:40.23, |
What if I'm the container? |
用我自身做容器如何 |
01:42.10, |
There's a thought. You could be... |
算是个想法 你可以... |
01:44.07, |
No, Luke! Luke! |
别 卢克 卢克 |
01:56.52, |
摩登家庭 |
第三季 第十二集 |
02:07.83, |
Okay, si, te quiero. Mwah, mwah, mwah! |
好 好 亲亲 爱你哦 |
02:11.97, |
I understood "Crazy old witch," |
我听懂了"疯老巫婆子" |
02:13.75, |
Go kill yourself, Then "I love you." |
去死吧 以及 "爱你哦" |
02:15.70, |
I'll never get this, how you all yell at each other. |
我一直搞不懂 你们家人怎么老互相嚷嚷 |
02:18.76, |
That's how you know that your family loves you |
如何感受家人爱 |
02:21.09, |
when they feel free to scream at you. |
就在他们嚷你时 |
02:23.13, |
Oh, I guess I owe my ex-wife an apology. |
那我应该对我前妻说声抱歉了 |
02:24.99, |
Apparently,she was nuts about me. |
显然 她当年爱我爱得如痴如狂 |
02:28.35, |
Darn it! |
该死 |
02:29.59, |
Try the next one over a frying pan. |
下次在炒锅上试验吧 |
02:30.97, |
I could use some breakfast. |
正好给我当早饭 |
02:32.55, |
This is so frustrating. |
真让人丧气 |
02:33.94, |
At least you're getting your hands dirty for a change. |
至少你是在亲自动手做事 |
02:35.81, |
It is a nice break from the life of the mind I usually live. |
平时都沉迷于精神世界 现在能动动手也不错 |
02:38.48, |
That's the spirit. |
说得很对 |
02:40.36, |
Plus it's a metaphor for the human condition. |
再说也是对人类境况的一种暗喻 |
02:41.87, |
Aren't we all just fragile eggs |
我们不都是易碎的鸡蛋吗 |
02:43.26, |
hiding behind bubble wrap and bravado? |
躲藏在气泡垫的背后 虚张声势 |
02:45.02, |
And we're back. |
又回到老样子了 |
02:46.08, |
Well, I'm sure that your egg-droppy thing |
我保证你的鸡蛋坠落作品 |
02:47.87, |
is going to be the best in the class. |
会是全班最棒的 |
02:49.69, |
Except for Luke's. |
肯定比不上卢克的 |
02:50.92, |
Really? Our Luke? |
是吗 我们家卢克吗 |
02:53.87, |
But isn't he, like, a little, like... |
可他不是 有点...天然呆 |
02:56.03, |
I bet Claire's gonna help him, |
克莱尔肯定会帮他忙的 |
02:57.19, |
just like she did with his self-portrait for art class. |
就像上次美术课帮他画自画像一样 |
03:00.48, |
There was life in those eyes. |
那双眼睛囧囧有神 |
03:02.09, |
It was haunting. |
让人难以忘怀 |
03:02.84, |
Tell you what. I'm gonna nip this in the bud. |
那行 我要将此不正之风扼杀于萌芽中 |
03:05.86, |
You deserve a fighting chance. |
你应该有公平竞争的机会 |
03:09.31, |
Hey, I'm calling about that, uh, egg project the boys are doing. |
我是为孩子们的那个鸡蛋坠落作业打来的 |
03:12.43, |
Parents aren't supposed to help out on that, right? |
家长不该插手帮忙 对吧 |
03:14.04, |
Why would the parents be helping? |
家长干嘛要帮呢 |
03:15.82, |
Why do they cut grapes for 8-year-olds? |
那干嘛要帮8岁的孩子切葡萄呢 |
03:17.55, |
I figure if you can eat a chicken finger, |
我觉得他们都会啃炸鸡条了 |
03:19.05, |
you can tear your way through a grape. |
肯定也能成功解决一颗葡萄 |
03:20.45, |
Again, dad? |
又旧事重提吗 爸爸 |
03:21.34, |
Oh, I'm sorry, it just... |
抱歉 那事... |
03:22.83, |
bugs me, is all. |
总让我不爽而已 |
03:24.96, |
The point is, I'm not helping, |
我要说的是 我不会帮忙 |
03:27.05, |
and I hope no one else is helping, either. |
我希望大家也都别帮忙 |
03:29.57, |
Okay, dad. Thanks for the heads-up. |
好吧 爸爸 多谢你提醒 |
03:31.70, |
Love you. Bye-bye. |
爱你哦 再见 |
03:34.27, |
Well, my dad is doing Manny's project for him. |
我爸要帮曼尼做作业了 |
03:36.50, |
He called to tell you that? |
他专门打电话来告诉你吗 |
03:37.88, |
Oh, no. He called to tell me that he wasn't, |
不 他打来告诉我他不会帮忙 |
03:40.23, |
which is exactly what you say when you are, |
那正是当你要插手帮忙时 |
03:42.50, |
but you don't want anybody to suspect it. |
又不想引人怀疑的说辞 |
03:44.38, |
Really? |
是吗 |
03:45.85, |
What would you say if you had issues with your father? |
那你和你爸之间的问题又是什么说辞呢 |
03:48.29, |
Claire and Jay are incredibly competitive. |
克莱尔和杰非常喜欢一较高低 |
03:51.21, |
Tennis games, card games, everything. |
网球比赛 扑克比赛 任何事 |
03:53.82, |
Who knows why? |
没人知道原因 |
03:55.24, |
Claire is the son that my dad never had. |
克莱尔就像是我爸期望中的儿子 |
03:57.77, |
I mean, he just wanted someone to throw a ball in the backyard. |
他希望有个儿子一起在后院投球玩 |
04:01.39, |
I did once, but... |
我投过一次 可是 |
04:03.50, |
He did not attend. |
他没有来 |
04:06.84, |
Looks like fun. |
看起来挺有趣的 |
04:07.99, |
It was, but now it's hard. |
开始是 可现在变难了 |
04:09.49, |
Oh, I'm sure you're gonna do great, buddy... |
你一定能做得很好 老弟 |
04:15.54, |
Claire? |
克莱尔 |
04:16.27, |
Uh, I am just showing interest in our son's project, |
我只是对咱儿子的作品感兴趣 |
04:20.28, |
which any parent would-- |
任何家长都... |
04:21.50, |
Think! Think... to do. Thinking... I am, |
想想 好好想 我在想 |
04:25.00, |
that maybe I should stay here |
或许我应该留在这儿 |
04:26.56, |
in case Luke has any questions. |
以防卢克有什么问题要问 |
04:29.09, |
Do you think you can find somebody else |
你能找到其他什么人 |
04:30.61, |
to help you with your seminar? |
去帮你完成解说会吗 |
04:31.55, |
I don't know. That's a little last-minute. |
估计不行吧 现在让我去哪儿找啊 |
04:33.47, |
You're kind of irreplaceable. |
你是不可替代的啊 |
04:35.38, |
Well, I mean, it's just one question, |
我意思是说 反正就只有一个问题 |
04:37.34, |
and the seminar isn't for a few hours... |
而且那个解说会也不会花太多时间 |
04:40.18, |
Hey, Gloria? Quick favor. |
喂 歌洛莉亚 帮个小忙 |
04:44.07, |
Okay. See you there. Bye-bye. |
好吧 那边见 拜拜 |
04:46.13, |
What was that? |
什么事 |
04:47.26, |
Phil. |
是菲尔 |
04:47.73, |
He needs help with a seminar that he's giving. |
他请我去帮他完成一个解说会 |
04:50.76, |
Why can't Claire help him? |
怎么不找克莱尔帮他 |
04:52.54, |
- He didn't say. - I'll tell you why |
他没说-我告诉你为什么 |
04:54.07, |
because she's knee-deep in Luke's egg drop project. |
因为她投身于卢克的鸡蛋坠落实验了 |
04:56.79, |
She said that she was not going to help. |
她说过不会插手帮忙的 |
04:58.27, |
That's exactly what I would say to me |
那正是我对自己的惯用说辞 |
04:59.94, |
if I was helping my kid and didn't want me to know. |
用于我想帮孩子 又想骗自己说没插手的场合 |
05:02.26, |
Why would you be talking to you? |
你为什么会跟自己说话 |
05:04.26, |
I'm just saying it's unfair to Manny. |
我只是说 那样对曼尼不公平 |
05:06.15, |
The kid doesn't stand a chance on his own. |
那孩子只靠自己是没希望赢的 |
05:08.55, |
I'm tagging in here. |
我要插手了 |
05:09.64, |
Jay, he doesn't need you to baby him. |
杰 他不需要你插手 |
05:11.27, |
I'm just gonna give him a few tips. |
我就给他一点点指导而已 |
05:12.74, |
Kid, get yourself a snack. |
孩子 去吃点东西 |
05:14.23, |
Okay, I'll cut him some grapes. |
好吧 我给他切点葡萄 |
05:16.51, |
Damn it! |
别捣乱 |
05:17.21, |
Not like that, Jay. |
不是那种切片 杰 |
05:18.41, |
Like this. Look. |
是这样 瞧着 |
05:20.70, |
It just irritates me, you know what I mean? |
那个能惹毛我 你懂的 |
05:25.74, |
We're meeting with prospective birth mothers. |
我们近期在见一些孕妇 以预备将来领养 |
05:27.73, |
We've had a few of these meetings, |
我们曾有过一些类似的见面 |
05:29.06, |
and they're very nerve-racking. |
那种事让人十分伤脑筋 |
05:30.38, |
You want to look good, |
你希望打扮得帅气迷人 |
05:31.48, |
You want to make a good first impression |
给对方留下良好的第一印象 |
05:33.42, |
kind of like a first date. |
有点像初次约会 |
05:34.59, |
Actually, it's--it's the opposite of a first date. |
事实上 跟初次约会正好相反 |
05:36.81, |
You don't wanna have sex, but you do want a baby. |
你不想做爱 但却希望直接要个孩子 |
05:40.56, |
I have to say, Lily is adorable, |
我必须承认 莉莉太可爱了 |
05:42.56, |
and such a good eater. |
而且很能吃哦 |
05:43.95, |
Oh, not all the time. |
并非总是如此 |
05:45.35, |
She just happens to love my tuna salad. |
她只是喜欢我做的金枪鱼沙拉而已 |
05:48.61, |
Dolphin safe, of course. |
当然 我们没吃海豚 |
05:49.75, |
Oh, who cares about that? |
谁在乎那个啦 |
05:51.48, |
Well, I bet the dolphins do. |
我觉得海豚们介意 |
05:53.55, |
It's okay to eat tuna, but not dolphin? |
你意思是说吃金枪鱼可以 吃海豚就不行 |
05:56.53, |
My theory is, a fish is a fish. |
我却觉得 鱼就是鱼而已 |
05:59.40, |
Well... |
其实呢 |
06:00.95, |
A dolphin's actually a mammal, so... |
海豚实际上是哺乳动物 所以说 |
06:03.12, |
Eh, to-may-to, to-mah-to. |
就像番茄和西红柿 都一回事 |
06:04.32, |
More like tomato, cow. |
那番茄和母牛还一回事呢 |
06:05.94, |
Mitchell, can you help me with the scones in the kitchen? |
米奇 来厨房帮我弄一下司康饼 |
06:08.12, |
Okay. |
好的 |
06:09.44, |
Excuse us. |
失陪一下 |
06:12.26, |
Okay, this is not really about the scones. |
好吧 我们不是来弄司康饼的 |
06:13.88, |
Oh, really? You didn't need help carrying six scones? |
是吗 你一个人能拿得了六块饼吗 |
06:15.87, |
No, this is about your need to correct |
不 问题是你得改掉 |
06:17.84, |
everyone's every little mistake. |
偏执地纠正别人小错误的毛病 |
06:19.35, |
I am sorry. |
不好意思 |
06:20.41, |
I thought that she could use a basic biology lesson. |
但我觉得她需要学习一些基础生物知识 |
06:22.87, |
Well, let me give you a basic biology lesson-- |
好吧 我来告诉你一点基础生物知识 |
06:24.95, |
you and I can't make a baby. |
你跟我生不了孩子 |
06:26.91, |
So if she points to a lamp and calls it "Uncle George," |
所以如果她指着一盏灯 说那是乔治叔叔 |
06:30.24, |
What are you gonna say? |
你怎么说 |
06:31.81, |
Pleased to meet you, Uncle George. |
很高兴见到你 乔治叔叔 |
06:33.22, |
Very good. Now let's get out there, |
很好 现在我们出去 |
06:35.15, |
smile, nod, and get ourselves a baby. |
微笑 点头 弄个孩子回来 |
06:37.18, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
06:38.01, |
And those are your five keys. |
眼前就是你们的五把钥匙[关键要点 |
06:41.77, |
Now if there are no more questions... |
如果没有别的问题的话 |
06:45.32, |
Ah, yes, the lovely home buyer right here |
哦看 这边有位可爱的买家 |
06:47.63, |
On the edge of her seat. |
正跃跃欲试呢 |
06:49.99, |
I was wondering... |
我想问的是 |
06:52.48, |
I was wondering, |
我想问的是 |
06:54.61, |
Is there a sixth key? |
有第六把钥匙吗 |
06:56.38, |
As a matter of fact, |
事实上 |
06:58.62, |
There is. |
的确有 |
07:01.08, |
We'll work on that. |
待会儿得再练练 |
07:02.00, |
It's the key to the new home you've purchased below market. |
此乃你能够以低于市场价买到新居的关键 |
07:04.69, |
Thanks to Woosnum, Keneally, and Dunphy. |
感谢沃斯南&肯尼利&邓菲公司吧 |
07:09.06, |
Bravo! |
精彩绝伦 |
07:10.92, |
Fire the confetti cannon, drop the banner, |
放彩花 落帷幕 |
07:12.89, |
autographs, autographs, autographs, |
签名 签名 签名 |
07:14.33, |
and we're done. |
然后搞定 |
07:15.34, |
We still have, like, an hour left. |
我们还剩一个小时呢 |
07:16.71, |
Can I go shopping? |
我能去购物吗 |
07:17.75, |
No. I-I have vocal exercises to do, |
不行 我得做一些发声练习 |
07:19.84, |
and I need you to do a sound check for me. |
我需要你帮我检查一下嗓音 |
07:21.31, |
I was hoping we could go to my hair salon. |
我打算和海莉去一趟发廊来着 |
07:23.80, |
It's nearby. I didn't have time to finish my hair this morning. |
就在附近 今天早上我没时间弄头发 |
07:27.05, |
Really? That just happens? |
不是吧 就要弃我而去了吗 |
07:28.10, |
Ooh, and I can get my nailse done. |
真好 我可以去做美甲 |
07:30.25, |
Is it okay? |
行吗 |
07:31.07, |
Okay. Sure. |
好吧 走吧 |
07:32.47, |
Oh, oh! |
对了 |
07:32.95, |
Could one of you guys stick this under a chair on your way out? |
你们出去时谁能把这个钉在某一个椅子下面 |
07:34.84, |
One of the lucky attendees is going home |
某个幸运参会者可以带回家 |
07:36.35, |
with a brand-new mouse pad. |
一个新型鼠标垫哦 |
07:37.99, |
Wait, wait, wait, wait! |
等一下 等一下 |
07:39.18, |
I don't wanna see which chair. |
我不想知道是哪个椅子 |
07:40.25, |
I wanna be blown away like everyone else. |
我想到时候和其他人一样被震撼到 |
07:45.37, |
Yes. Now that is feng shui. |
没错 那就叫顺应风水 |
07:48.03, |
Doesn't that feel better? |
现在是不是感觉舒服多了 |
07:49.22, |
Oh, yes. It's wonderful for conversation. |
还真是 现在的格局"真适合"聊天 |
07:51.13, |
Yes, this is nice. |
没错 感觉真好 |
07:52.03, |
It gives the room a nice flow, which I'm really liking. |
让室内有一种流通感 我真的好喜欢 |
07:55.44, |
Sometimes, your furniture tells you where it wants to be. |
有时候 你的家具会告诉你 它们想被放在哪里 |
08:01.47, |
Yeah. |
对 |
08:02.35, |
Do you mind if I use your restroom? |
我能用一下卫生间吗 |
08:04.28, |
Not at all. It's-- it's just down the hall. |
请 大厅一直走就是 |
08:06.77, |
Just be warned--there's some furniture in there |
顺便说一下 里面有些家具 |
08:08.51, |
that kind of likes where it is! |
貌似就喜欢现在的摆放位置哦 |
08:11.13, |
Okay, I know it's killing you to do this whole song and dance, |
好吧 我明白让你如此卑躬屈膝装孙子很折磨人 |
08:13.00, |
But I think it's going great. |
但是我觉得进行的很顺利 |
08:14.78, |
Cam, there's a limit, okay? |
小卡 得有个度才行 懂吗 |
08:16.03, |
We already promised her that we would show her son all 52 states. |
我们已经答应会带她儿子逛遍52个州 |
08:19.27, |
Oh, wow, you have a keyboard. |
哇哦 你们还有电子琴耶 |
08:20.94, |
Oh, yes. That's mine. |
是的 那是我的琴 |
08:21.96, |
You're musical. I love that. |
你是音乐家 我喜欢 |
08:24.03, |
It's very important to me. |
那对我很重要 |
08:25.62, |
Oh, well, you're preaching to the choir. |
噢 还用你来向我鼓吹音乐的重要性嘛 |
08:27.26, |
Literally. I've sung in several. |
真的 我真在几个唱诗班唱过呢 |
08:29.02, |
Yeah, we sing to Lily... all of the time. |
我们经常 给莉莉唱歌 |
08:31.22, |
I wish I could hear you guys. |
我真希望能听听你们的歌声 |
08:32.62, |
Oh, well, that's very sweet. |
噢哈 谢谢夸奖 |
08:34.56, |
No, now. |
不是 我现在想听 |
08:36.22, |
The baby's father is a musician, |
宝宝的亲生父亲是个音乐家 |
08:37.86, |
and I would love to know |
所以我真的很希望 |
08:39.20, |
that he's growing up in a musical househo. |
他能在一个音乐氛围浓厚的家庭成长 |
08:44.18, |
Okay.-Great. |
好吧-太好了 |
08:47.61, |
Okay. Now we are actually doing a song and dance. |
好吧 现在我们真得歌舞欢腾了 |
08:50.07, |
Okay, well, look at it this way-- |
好吧 你应该这么想 |
08:50.94, |
We're not only adopting a baby, |
我们不仅是是领养了一个宝宝 |
08:52.16, |
we're saving it from a life spent searching for east Dakota. |
也避免了他将一生都用于寻找东达科他州 |
08:56.66, |
Oh, God. |
神啊 |
08:57.23, |
This is acally nice. |
这灯其实不错的 |
08:58.16, |
This is actually very nice to lean on. |
用来靠着确实挺不错的 |
09:03.40, |
It broke again. |
又摔破了 |
09:04.09, |
Mm. Yes, I saw. |
是啊 我看见了 |
09:05.06, |
We'll just need to double up on the cotton. |
我们只需要把棉层加倍就好了 |
09:07.54, |
Here, let me save you a step. |
瞧着 反正都是碎 不如直接摔 |
09:11.26, |
Alex! |
艾丽克斯 |
09:12.51, |
Knock, knock! |
开门开门 |
09:14.12, |
Dad! Hey! What are you doing here? |
爸爸 你来这干什么 |
09:16.03, |
Manny needs that solder iron I lent to Phil. |
曼尼需要用我借给菲尔的电烙铁 |
09:18.56, |
One of the screws on his project keeps coming loose. |
他那装置上的一个螺钉总是拧不紧 |
09:20.96, |
Other than that, it's flawless. |
除了那个毛病 其余的就无懈可击了 |
09:22.89, |
Huh. His latest test run, he dropped it off the roof, |
最新的一次测试中 他在楼顶松手后 |
09:25.45, |
he walked downstairs, it hadn't landed yet. |
走下楼梯 这时候鸡蛋还没落地呢 |
09:28.22, |
I had nothing. I had to get in Claire's head. |
我毫无进展 我必须扰乱克莱尔的方寸 |
09:30.94, |
Sometimes the best thing to do in race to the top... |
有时候想要在竞争中拔得头筹 |
09:34.24, |
is grease the pole behind you. |
最好是玩点阴的 |
09:36.32, |
Wow. So Manny's still working? |
这么说 曼尼还在做吗 |
09:37.99, |
Luke finished a couple hours ago. |
卢克几小时之前就完成了 |
09:39.31, |
Is that why all these eggs are on the floor? |
所以地上才有这么多烂鸡蛋吗 |
09:41.30, |
Oh, well, you know, after so many landed safely, |
其实是经历了多次的成功试验后 |
09:44.34, |
we thought we should test 'em, |
我们觉得应该测试一下这些鸡蛋 |
09:45.51, |
make sure we weren't working with a super strong batch. |
确保这些不是超级摔不烂鸡蛋 |
09:48.68, |
Sounds like you knocked it out of the park. |
听起来你们相当成功嘛 |
09:49.88, |
Oh yeah!We did. |
那是当然 |
09:51.83, |
Um, so dad, |
那么 爸爸 |
09:53.02, |
if I find out what Phil did with that soldering iron, |
如果我知道菲尔把电烙铁搁哪了 |
09:55.09, |
I'll run it over. |
我就给你送去 |
09:56.69, |
Great. . 'cause, uh, |
太好了 因为 |
09:58.36, |
we're gonna test it later today at the school. |
我们今天晚些时候会在学校试验 |
10:01.33, |
Fun. Maybe we'll meet you. |
有意思 说不定到时能碰见你呢 |
10:03.65, |
We can come anytime, right? |
我们随时都能去 是吧 |
10:04.99, |
Cause we don't have a-a spring problem. |
因为我们的弹簧什么的可没出故障 |
10:07.89, |
Run 5? |
5点见 |
10:08.94, |
Perfect. |
一言为定 |
10:12.75, |
Okay. Bear with us. We're a little rusty. |
您多担待 我们久未开过嗓了 |
10:14.79, |
Yes, and please put all cell phones on vibrate. |
没错 请把手机调至震动状态 |
10:20.49, |
*Don't go breaking my heart* |
*不要把我心伤* |
10:23.25, |
*I couldn't if I tried* |
*我怎能把你心伤* |
10:26.61, |
*Honey, if I get restless* |
*宝贝 如果我焦躁不安* |
10:29.77, |
*Baby, you're not that kind* |
*宝贝 你不是那种人* |
10:36.57, |
*Nobody knows it* |
*无人知晓* |
10:38.61, |
*Nobody knows* |
*无人知晓* |
10:40.50, |
*When I was down* |
*当我心潮低落* |
10:42.23, |
*I was your clown* |
*我就是逗你笑的小丑* |
10:44.48, |
I really am a clown. |
我真的是个小丑 |
10:47.74, |
*I gave you my heart* |
*我把心都给了你* |
10:52.19, |
*So don't go breaking my heart* |
*所以不要把我心伤* |
10:55.33, |
*I won't go breaking your heart* |
*我不会把你心伤* |
10:57.12, |
*Don't go breaking my* |
*不要把我心伤* |
10:58.61, |
*Don't go breaking my heart.Yeah* |
*不要把我心伤 耶* |
11:03.90, |
- Thank you. - It was wonderful. |
谢谢-唱得太好了 |
11:05.49, |
Oh. I'm confused, though. |
但是我有点疑惑 |
11:06.81, |
I thought Cameron was the singer. |
我以为卡梅隆是歌手 |
11:08.32, |
Yeah. |
是 |
11:09.99, |
Yes, yes, I am. |
是 是 我是 |
11:11.45, |
Really? Because mitchell has such a lovely voice. |
真的 因为米奇尔的嗓音那么甜美 |
11:14.56, |
Well, I think he was following my lead. |
其实 我想是他只是跟着我的调 |
11:16.50, |
You know, a good leader can make all the difference. |
一个好的领唱可以带动全场呢 |
11:18.34, |
Actually, you were a little pitchy. |
事实上 你的音不太准 |
11:20.26, |
But it was terrific, really. |
但总体真的很棒 真的 |
11:22.96, |
Thank you. |
谢谢 |
11:24.19, |
Yes. Thank you for your opinion. |
谢谢你的点评 |
11:29.86, |
Faster! Faster! We're going to be late to your father. |
快点 快点 你爸那边要迟到了 |
11:33.60, |
Why did you have to do your toes, too? |
为什么你还得给你的脚趾头做美甲 |
11:35.90, |
Well, there's this really cute boy at school |
学校里有个超可爱的男生 |
11:37.96, |
who's kinda into my feet. |
好像有点迷上我的玉足了呢 |
11:39.36, |
Be careful. That can get really creepy fast. |
小心点 说不定那人是个变态 |
11:43.48, |
Ay. Where is the car? I parked it here! |
咦 车呢 我刚就停这了 |
11:45.81, |
It's a tow zone. |
这是禁停区 |
11:46.93, |
Somebody just put that there, |
那牌子肯定是刚刚挂上的 |
11:47.24, |
交通畅行区 |
全天禁止停车 |
11:47.71, |
because that wasn't here when I parked! |
因为我停车的时候还没有那块牌呢 |
11:49.29, |
It looks pretty old to me. |
我觉得那块牌已经风吹日晒很久了啊 |
11:50.68, |
Haley, don't lie. That was not here! |
海莉 别瞎说 刚刚真没那块牌 |
12:04.00, |
Ladies and gentlemen... |
女士们先生们 |
12:06.67, |
Get ready for one of the giants |
准备好欢迎 |
12:09.51, |
of residential real estate... |
房地产行业巨子 |
12:12.74, |
A salesman's salesman... |
推销员中的推销员 |
12:14.98, |
Where are you guys? I've been calling you! |
你们在哪 我刚刚一直给你们打电话 |
12:17.19, |
A realtor's realtor... |
房产经纪人中的翘楚 |
12:19.67, |
You were supposed to do my intro. |
本该由你来引入我的出场 |
12:21.09, |
Now I have to. |
现在只能我自己干了 |
12:22.15, |
2-time non-consecutive winner of the realtor of the year award... |
两届非连续年度房地产经纪人奖得主 |
12:25.50, |
Just get back here by the end. |
在活动尾声时务必回来 |
12:26.87, |
Future investors, |
未来的投资者们 |
12:28.07, |
Stop making excuses! |
别再找借口了 |
12:30.93, |
And start... making your dreams come true! |
开始 让你们的梦想成真 |
12:36.10, |
Ladies and gentlemen, Phil Dunphy! |
女士们先生们 有请菲尔·邓菲 |
12:43.25, |
How are you? |
你们好吗 |
12:44.83, |
Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. |
谢谢 麦克 多谢了 |
12:48.06, |
Welcome. |
欢迎各位 |
12:49.59, |
Taxi! |
计程车 |
12:51.57, |
You see? They don't stop because I'm latina. |
看到没 见我是拉美裔就不停车 |
12:53.69, |
Or because that was just a yellow car. |
或者因为那是辆黄色私家小轿车 |
12:56.99, |
My dad is gonna freak out. |
我爸肯定气坏了 |
12:58.32, |
You have to take the blame for this. |
你得把错都揽在自己身上 |
13:00.05, |
Why me? |
为什么 |
13:01.11, |
Oh, because he'll never get mad at you. |
因为他永远不会生你的气 |
13:03.31, |
He totally puts you on a pedestal. |
他把你当女神一样膜拜 |
13:05.24, |
That's not true. |
才不是呢 |
13:06.09, |
Yeah, it is. |
就是 |
13:07.68, |
Let me just call the cab company. |
我打电话到计程车公司叫车吧 |
13:10.24, |
Taxi! |
计程车 |
13:12.92, |
It's not rocket science, people, it's just a little red card. |
有那么难找吗 各位 红色的小卡片而已 |
13:17.48, |
Okay. I guess nobody needs a mouse pad. |
好吧 看来没人需要鼠标垫 |
13:22.74, |
How's my favorite kid doing? |
我最爱的女儿在做什么呢 |
13:25.79, |
Favorite? |
最爱 |
13:27.03, |
Yeah, I know, we're not supposed to have favorites. |
我知道 父母不该偏爱哪个孩子 |
13:29.28, |
But you know what? We do. |
可事实是 我们的确有偏爱 |
13:30.68, |
And the good news is, it's you. |
好消息是 宝贝疙瘩就是你 |
13:34.85, |
I'm not giving you my design. |
我不会把我的设计给你的 |
13:36.19, |
Who said anything about giving? |
谁说要你白给了 |
13:38.29, |
We can work out an arrangement. |
可以商量下条件嘛 |
13:39.59, |
It's cheating. |
你这是作弊 |
13:40.89, |
What do you want? Money? |
你想要什么 钱吗 |
13:42.83, |
I got a little something set aside. |
我有点私房钱 |
13:45.00, |
Okay. I shouldn't even be giving you this hint, |
好吧 我根本不该给你提示的 |
13:47.73, |
but, first get a mirror. |
但是 首先找面镜子 |
13:50.72, |
A mirror? |
镜子 |
13:52.01, |
Then you're gonna look in it, |
接着你看向镜子 |
13:52.98, |
and you're gonna see a crazy woman. |
你会看到一个疯婆子 |
13:54.20, |
She needs your help. |
她需要你的帮助 |
13:56.81, |
You know, I made the egg that made you, |
我产出的卵子[蛋 |
13:59.62, |
that made that project, |
你又产出了那个科学设计 |
14:01.10, |
so in a lot of ways, that design is already mine! |
说来说去 你的设计本来就是属于我的 |
14:05.83, |
Oh, you're fine. |
你挺好的 |
14:08.28, |
Are you sure that there are no more questions? |
大家确定没有任何问题了吗 |
14:14.20, |
No more questions? Yes! |
没问题了吗 很好 |
14:15.63, |
If we could just get that over to the mustachioed gentleman. |
请将麦克风递给那位大胡子先生 |
14:20.82, |
Yes, I was-- |
我想问 |
14:21.59, |
Oh, hey, I think we're all tired of that sound. |
这声音大家都听烦了吧 |
14:23.72, |
Let me just come to you. |
我走过来好了 |
14:24.82, |
I bet I know what your question is. |
我敢肯定我知道你想问什么 |
14:26.06, |
You're probably wondering |
你可能好奇 |
14:27.39, |
if there's sixth key. |
有第六把钥匙吗 |
14:29.64, |
No, I was wondering about-- |
不 我是想问 |
14:30.55, |
I was wondering about accelerated escrow. |
我是想问关于加急契约的问题 |
14:34.78, |
If it works for both parties, |
如果买卖双方都愿意 |
14:36.07, |
it's a great way to expedite the deal. |
可以加快过户速度 |
14:37.90, |
But back to your first question |
回到你第一个问题 |
14:39.64, |
about this mysterious sixth key. |
神秘的第六把钥匙 |
14:42.41, |
- I didn't say anything-- - The sixth key is the key |
我没说...-第六把钥匙 |
14:44.52, |
to the new home that you purchased below market. |
就是以低于市场价购入新房的关键 |
14:47.60, |
Using the simple principles that you learned here today... |
利用你们今天所学到的简单原理 |
14:51.64, |
But not so simple that you don't still need |
也不是那么简单 你们依然需要 |
14:53.32, |
the professional services |
专业的房地产公司的服务 |
14:54.69, |
of Woosnum, Keneally... And Dunphy! |
即沃斯南&肯尼利&邓菲公司 |
15:03.34, |
Thank you for coming. |
感谢各位的光临 |
15:07.14, |
Son of a-- |
你妹的... |
15:15.00, |
So is--is there anything that you'd like to know about us? |
关于我们 你还想了解什么 |
15:17.75, |
I don't think so. |
我看不用了 |
15:19.01, |
In fact, I don't think I need to interview any more people. |
事实上 我觉得不用再面试其他人了 |
15:21.84, |
You guys are perfect. |
你们太合适了 |
15:24.60, |
Are--are you saying what I think you're saying? |
你的意思是像我想的那样吗 |
15:26.43, |
I'm not supposed to say anything to you directly, |
我不应该直接对你们说什么 |
15:29.43, |
but I think you guys should be expecting good news. |
但是 你们就等着好消息吧 |
15:33.18, |
Aah! Oh, gosh! |
我的天啊 |
15:35.53, |
Oh, I know, I know, you're not saying anything! |
了解 了解 你什么都没说 |
15:37.01, |
But what you're not saying is wonderful! |
但你没说出口的话 是天大的好消息 |
15:39.95, |
Um, all right. I'm gonna get some sparkling cider? |
好了 我去拿起泡苹果酒 |
15:42.13, |
Yes, yes. Okay, okay. |
好的 好的 |
15:43.37, |
It wouldn't be a celebration without cider |
没有苹果酒就没有庆祝氛围 |
15:45.23, |
or a celebratory song. |
没有庆祝之歌也一样 |
15:47.28, |
But this time, I want you to sit right here. |
不过这次 我希望你坐在这里 |
15:49.84, |
So have a seat here. |
坐下吧 |
15:50.74, |
Let's just get this mop out of the way there. |
把你乱掉的头发拂到肩后 |
15:59.89, |
*If you leave me now* |
*如果你现在离我而去* |
16:02.51, |
*You'll take away the biggest part of me* |
*你将带走我人生的大部分意义* |
16:09.03, |
*Ooh, ooh, ooh, no, baby, please don't go* |
*不要 宝贝 求你别走* |
16:14.92, |
*Ooh, ooh, ooh, no, I just want you to stay* |
*不要 我只想要你留下* |
16:25.31, |
Yes, she was upset, but on a positive note, |
没错 她很伤心 不过往好处想 |
16:27.99, |
what I take from this experience is, I can sing. |
从此事中得到的结论就是 我的歌声很能打动人 |
16:31.40, |
Uh, what we didn't take away from the experience is a baby, |
从此事中我们没得到的 是孩子 |
16:33.65, |
Because she decided to keep it. |
人家决定留下孩子自己养 |
16:39.63, |
No. Did we missed everything? |
不好 我们完全错过了吗 |
16:42.47, |
Yeah. They cleared out of here pretty fast. |
是的 来宾都迅速退场了 |
16:44.96, |
Bummer. |
扫兴 |
16:45.85, |
More than a bummer, Haley. |
又岂止扫兴 海莉 |
16:46.99, |
This was really important to me, and you blew it. |
此次推广对我来说很重要 却被你弄砸了 |
16:49.03, |
Ay, no, Phil, it was my fault. |
不 菲尔 全是我的错 |
16:50.33, |
It was not her fault. |
不关她的事 |
16:52.27, |
Okay. What's done is done. |
算了 木已成舟 |
16:53.82, |
Can you take the brochures out to the car? |
你把宣传册子拿上车吧 |
16:56.35, |
Wow. It's still full. |
满满一盒都没动 |
16:57.88, |
Yeah, it is. |
是的 |
16:59.45, |
So it was not very good? |
推广效果不好吗 |
17:01.40, |
Um... no. |
不好 |
17:03.97, |
I kind of need to sweep here. |
我得打扫这里 |
17:05.28, |
Okay. But--but I'm so sorry, Phil. |
好的 不过我真的很抱歉 菲尔 |
17:08.63, |
It's okay. |
没关系 |
17:09.60, |
No, it's not okay. |
不 有关系 |
17:11.01, |
We came late and we ruined your whole presentation. |
我们迟到了 我们毁了你的解说会 |
17:14.13, |
These things happen. |
人都有倒霉的时候 |
17:15.22, |
Yeah, it happens, and people get angry. |
没错 可这个时候一般人都会发火 |
17:17.31, |
Gloria, it's fine. |
歌洛莉亚 没事的 |
17:18.69, |
No, it's not fine! |
不 有事 |
17:19.58, |
I'm trying to have a real conversation, |
我努力与你沟通 |
17:20.91, |
and all you do is put me on a pedestal! |
17:26.30, |
Wait a minute. You'mad at me? |
等等 你在生我的气吗 |
17:27.95, |
Yes, because that's not how family's |
是的 因为家人之间 |
17:29.85, |
supposed to treat each other! |
不应该是这种态度 |
17:31.46, |
You know how family's supposed to treat each other? |
你知道家人之间应该是什么态度吗 |
17:33.09, |
They're supposed to actually think about each other! |
家人之间应该为对方考虑 |
17:35.50, |
I asked you to do one thing... |
我求你帮一个忙 |
17:36.68, |
And you were too selfish and irresponsible |
但你却这么自私 这么不负责任 |
17:38.36, |
to come through for me on a day that, believe it or not, |
连一天都不支持我 信不信由你 |
17:40.40, |
was really important to me! |
今天对我真的很重要 |
17:43.33, |
Oh, my god. You're crying. I'm so sorry. |
天哪 你居然哭了 真对不起 |
17:46.01, |
No! That's what I want! |
不 这正是我想要的 |
17:48.34, |
You yell at me because you love me! |
你吼我是因为爱我 |
17:51.53, |
Well, you made me mad. |
你惹我生气了嘛 |
17:53.32, |
And you should be. |
你生气也是应该的 |
17:54.55, |
Well, I'm not anymore. |
好吧 我已经不气了 |
17:56.36, |
Don't treat me like that, Phil. |
别把我不当家人嘛 菲尔 |
17:57.49, |
Because now I'm furious! |
因为我现在出离愤怒了 |
17:58.68, |
Ay, mi familia! Si. |
噢 这才是我的亲人 |
18:01.56, |
Oh, how do you do that? |
你怎么能这样呢 |
18:03.45, |
It makes me so... |
你真是... |
18:05.29, |
Mad. |
气死我了 |
18:08.44, |
That's a pretty nice piece of handiwork for a 13-year-old. |
对一个13岁孩子来说 手工做的相当不错啊 |
18:10.80, |
Yeah, Luke did pretty good, too, |
是啊 卢克做的也很好啊 |
18:11.80, |
for a kid who still needs help getting out of his backpack. |
毕竟平时他脱下书包都需要人帮助 |
18:13.98, |
- Still your grandson. - Felt bad when I said it. |
他可是您外孙啊-怒其不争啊 |
18:16.15, |
Okay, let's do this. |
我们开始吧 |
18:16.95, |
Watch out, kids! They're coming down! |
孩子们看着点儿 扔下来了哦 |
18:18.36, |
One, two, three. |
一 二 三 |
18:22.77, |
How'd we do? |
怎么样 |
18:24.91, |
Both eggs are okay. |
两只蛋都完好无损 |
18:26.28, |
Great. So we both win. |
太好了 看来我们都是赢家 |
18:27.54, |
Unacceptable. |
无法接受 |
18:28.51, |
We're going up another level. |
我们升级一层楼吧 |
18:29.39, |
Absolutely. Come on. Third floor. |
没错 来吧 三楼了哈 |
18:30.86, |
Meet us there, Alex. Let's go. |
艾丽克斯 上来找我们 走吧 |
18:32.18, |
Wait. |
等等 |
18:32.90, |
You don't have to do this. |
没这必要啊 |
18:34.24, |
The assignment was for a 1-story drop. |
作业是从一层楼高扔下来就行的 |
18:36.09, |
We both get A's. |
我们都能得到A |
18:37.14, |
We're doing this. |
就按我们说的办 |
18:40.61, |
I don't like this. |
真讨厌 |
18:41.85, |
The two of them talking up there-- |
他俩在一起一合计 |
18:43.17, |
they're gonna figure out what we did. |
肯定会发现我们的诡计 |
18:44.69, |
We did what we had to. |
我们是迫不得已 |
18:46.22, |
We're gonna get caught. |
我们会被抓现行的 |
18:48.70, |
Look at them down there. |
看看他们 |
18:49.56, |
They're not even paying attention. |
他俩压根就不关心 |
18:51.16, |
This is the best part. |
现在才是最精彩的嘛 |
18:53.06, |
Actually, Manny looks kind of upset. |
事实上 曼尼好像挺不乐意的 |
18:55.08, |
Why would he be? He's about to kick Luke's butt. |
他不乐意啥 他马上要让卢克好看了哎 |
18:57.38, |
Oh, knock it off. |
拉倒吧 |
18:58.25, |
Luke and Manny had as much to do with this project |
卢克和曼尼在这个项目中根本毫无付出 |
18:59.92, |
as they did with the Manhattan Project. |
就好比曼哈顿计划跟他们完全无关一样 |
19:02.80, |
You think that's what's going on? |
你觉得是这么回事吗 |
19:04.24, |
They're upset because we took over for them? |
他们烦是因为我们抢了他们的活儿 |
19:06.17, |
Maybe. |
也许吧 |
19:07.12, |
They were supposed to--to learn from this, |
他们本该从中学到东西 |
19:09.18, |
and--and we ruined it. |
却被我们毁的干干净净 |
19:11.53, |
- We should go talk to them. - Yeah. |
我们应该去跟他俩谈谈-没错 |
19:17.67, |
Boys, we need to talk. |
孩子们 我们谈谈吧 |
19:18.87, |
Oh, god. Oh, god. |
天哪 天啊 |
19:20.48, |
Just stay frosty. |
淡定点 |
19:21.58, |
So, uh, we realized couple things up there, |
我们明白了一些事情 |
19:24.54, |
and I think apologies are in order. |
我觉得该道歉了 |
19:26.35, |
Ok, we admit it. |
好吧 我们坦白 |
19:28.11, |
We tricked you into doing our projects for us. |
我们使计让你们替我们做这个任务来着 |
19:30.86, |
What? |
什么 |
19:31.39, |
This is the first I'm hearing of this. |
我也是才知道的 |
19:33.77, |
We knew you'd do all the work |
我们知道如果要让你们把活儿全都揽下来 |
19:34.89, |
if you thought you were competing with each other. |
就得让你们之间相互较劲儿 |
19:37.00, |
So I told you I thought Claire was helping Luke, |
所以我告诉你 克莱尔可能在帮卢克的忙 |
19:38.99, |
and then you called Claire... |
然后你就打给了克莱尔 |
19:40.03, |
which got me involved, and... |
所以就这么把我扯进来了... |
19:41.28, |
All right. Here's what's gonna happen-- |
行了 接下来这样子 |
19:43.06, |
You're gonna get in the car, we're gonna drive home, |
你给我上车 我们马上开车回家 |
19:45.35, |
and you're each gonna do your own projects. |
然后你们各做各的 自己动手 |
19:48.27, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
19:52.56, |
You know, this is your fault. |
说到底 都是你的错 |
19:55.29, |
What? |
什么 |
19:55.82, |
The way we compete with each other it's--is sick. |
我们父女一直争来争去 太病态了 |
19:58.35, |
It's so sick, two 13-year-olds |
极度不正常 就连俩十三岁的孩子 |
19:59.92, |
Know how to take advantage of us. |
都知道怎么利用我们这点 |
20:00.95, |
And you know what? You made me this way. |
而且 其实 是你把我变成这样的 |
20:03.62, |
How do you figure that? |
你怎么能这么想 |
20:05.47, |
Dad! You pushed me into sports. |
老爸 你逼着我参加体育运动 |
20:07.27, |
You never let me win. You know, that stuff-- |
但却从来不让我赢 这种事情 |
20:08.93, |
it does something to a girl. |
对女孩子是会有影响的 |
20:10.49, |
For your information, you came out of the womb like that. |
在我看来 你天生就是这么争强好胜啊 |
20:13.20, |
I'm not entirely sure there wasn't a twin in there |
我有时都怀疑 你妈怀的是不是双胞胎 |
20:15.38, |
you bumped off. |
另一个被你在子宫里干掉了 |
20:16.71, |
If you saw that in me, why didn't you discourage it? |
如果你早看出我这性格 为何不纠正我 |
20:19.49, |
Why would I discourage something that I love? |
我为什么要纠正我爱的东西 |
20:22.69, |
Really? |
真的吗 |
20:23.88, |
You kidding? |
开什么玩笑 |
20:24.87, |
You're a fighter. |
你可是个斗士 |
20:26.21, |
The thing I love about you is you never give up. |
我爱的就是你这种永不放弃的个性 |
20:30.05, |
Dad. |
老爸 |
20:33.60, |
Even though I clearly designed a superior egg container. |
尽管我的设计明显比你的好 |
20:35.93, |
Out of your mind, old man. |
又在说疯话 老头 |
20:37.17, |
Only one way to find out. |
只有一种方法能证明 |
20:42.56, |
Give up. |
放弃吧 |
20:43.14, |
You're all just playing for second. |
你俩再怎么争都只能得第二 |
20:47.68, |
There's something wrong with that one. |
那妞也遗传了点不正常基因 |
20:52.97, |
I'm not wrong. |
我才没有不正常 |
20:54.17, |
Mom can be crazy, right? |
老妈有时候很疯狂 对吧 |
20:56.15, |
Hello! |
喂 |
20:58.34, |
Thank you. |
谢谢你 |
21:00.05, |
At the same time, I feel guilty when I get mad at her. |
但是生她气的同时 我也挺内疚的 |
21:03.56, |
I don't think that's weird. |
我不觉得那算古怪啊 |
21:05.21, |
Just really proud of my project. |
我真为我的手工骄傲 |
21:06.81, |
I don't wanna share it. |
我可不想与人分享 |
21:07.98, |
Everybody has his own thing. |
每个人都有自己的癖好嘛 |
21:10.45, |
Thanks, Haley. |
谢谢你 海莉 |
21:11.99, |
I know it might sound dorky, |
我知道这么说挺傻的 |
21:13.34, |
but this late-night conversations really mean a lot to me. |
但与你的深夜长谈对我来说很有意义 |
21:16.78, |
They're the only time that I feel like I... |
只有在此时我才觉得... |
21:18.06, |
Ok, Corey, just one picture. |
好吧 科瑞 就一张照片哦 |
21:20.36, |
Hold on. |
稍等 |
21:22.51, |
My feet look fat from this angle. |
从这个角度看我的脚好胖啊 |
21:25.38, |
Hey, Alex, wake up. |
艾丽克斯 醒醒 |
21:26.99, |
I need you to take a picture for my feet. |
帮忙给我的脚拍张照片吧 |