听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第24集:领养宝宝失败
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    00:00.73, One, two, three, four. 一二三四
    00:01.81, And skip, two, three, four. 跳个步 二二三四
    00:04.77, And turn, two, three, four. 转个圈 三二三四
    00:07.01, I don't like this part. 我不喜欢这一段
    00:08.41, Well, honey, if you spot the wall, 没事宝贝 墙上找个点盯住
    00:10.04, then you won't get dizzy. Here, watch daddy, okay? 就不会头晕了 爸秀给你看 好吗
    00:15.21, How cool would it be 你说你要是
    00:16.03, if you turned into Wonder Woman right now? 转着转着就变身神奇女侠得有多酷
    00:17.62, Can't even talk about it. 那我将兴奋地难以言表
    00:20.16, Oh, it's the adoption agency. 是领养中心打来的
    00:21.21, Oh, my gosh. It is?! It is?! It is?! 我的妈呀 有戏吗 有戏吗
    00:22.98, Cam, you need to stop doing that. 小卡 别总跟打了鸡血似的
    00:24.39, Last time, they were just calling To confirm our billing address. 上次他们打来不过是确认账单地址而已
    00:26.52, Hello? 你好
    00:28.05, - Uh-huh. - "Uh-huh" What? -是吗 -"是"什么啊
    00:29.32, Yep. 好的
    00:30.95, - Really? - "Really" What? -真的吗 -什么"真的"啊
    00:32.59, [美国墨西哥边境城市  
    00:32.59, That--that mother from Calexico, she picked us. 那个住在卡莱克西科的孕妇选中了我们
    00:34.81, She did? 真的吗
    00:36.47, She--she went into early labor. She's having the baby today. 她预产期提前 今天就要生了
    00:38.72, She is?! 真的吗
    00:40.51, We have to go to Calexico right now. 我们得马上赶往卡莱克西科
    00:41.94, - We do?! - Just assume everything I say is the truth. 真的吗-全是真话你就别做惊讶状了
    00:44.31, Okay, yeah. 好吧
    00:45.16, Okay. Oh, okay, yes. 行 没问题 好的
    00:47.95, Well , thank you so much. Okay, bye. 太感谢你了 好 再见
    00:50.77, Um... we're getting a baby today. 咱今天就能带个新娃回家了
    00:53.09, Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! We're... 我的亲娘耶 我的七舅老爷耶
    00:56.88, Wait, wait, wait. What do we do about Lily's recital? 等等 莉莉的表演会怎么办
    01:00.37, Um... well, you know what? We'll--we'll just sit her down. 那啥 我们先让她坐稳了
    01:03.63, We'll--we'll tell her. We'll-- we'll give her a popsicle. 先晓之以理 再用冰棒动之以情
    01:05.70, She'll be fine. 她能理解的
    01:07.21, We have to do this. 我们必须得赶过去
    01:08.04, Okay, okay. Yeah, you're right 好吧 你说得对
    01:09.06, Um, all right, I'm gonna go dig up the old car seat. 这样吧 我先去把旧婴儿车座找出来
    01:10.93, And listen, let's just... 听着 我们先
    01:12.58, take a deep breath before we tell anyone, okay? 深呼吸缓一缓 别急着奔走相告好吗
    01:14.55, Yeah.
    01:16.27, Jay! Manny! Good news! 杰 曼尼 天大的喜事
    01:18.79, Mitch and Cam are getting a new baby today! 米奇和小卡今天要领养一个新宝宝了
    01:21.41, Really? That's fantastic. 真的吗 真是大好事啊
    01:22.91, And it's Latino! 是个拉丁宝宝哦
    01:24.79, [美国在美墨边境修建屏障防止偷渡客  
    01:24.79, How's that giant fence working out for ya? 国界线上那些栅栏也没起多大作用嘛
    01:29.12, It's Claire. 是克莱尔
    01:30.67, Hello?
    01:32.28, Did you hear? 你听说了吗
    01:36.08, Hey, Claire. 克莱尔 你好呀
    01:36.90, You are driving to some California border town 你们这就要开去某个加州边境小镇
    01:38.86, to adopt a baby, and I have to hear about it from Gloria? 领新宝宝了 我却才从歌洛莉亚那知道这事
    01:42.41, I was outside for two minutes. 我就出去了两分钟
    01:43.95, I kept it in as long as I could. 人家已经忍耐到极限了
    01:46.25, We're having a baby! 我们家要来新宝宝了
    02:01.84, - What the heck is that? - What?! 这是什么啊-搞毛啊
    02:03.39, We're back. 我们回来了
    02:04.86, We got Alex the cutest prom dress. 艾丽克斯买到了最萌的毕业舞会裙
    02:06.60, Show your dad. 给你爹开开眼
    02:09.30, Well, I don't like how far down that zipper goes, 这拉链怎么一路开到胯下 我不喜欢
    02:10.92, but on the plus side, it looks water-resistant. 但要说优点的话 它貌似挺防水的
    02:13.65, I can't believe Haley's not going 真不敢相信海莉不去舞会
    02:15.38, to the prom and Alex is. 要去的是艾丽克斯
    02:17.08, What's that supposed to mean? 你这话什么意思
    02:18.41, I know I keep saying it, Haley, but you should be going. 虽然不知说了多少遍 不过海莉你真应该去
    02:21.26, It's a major moment in a teenager's life, 那将是你青春岁月里浓墨重彩的一笔
    02:23.01, And you're missing it. 你却要将它错过
    02:24.00, Proms are lame. 毕业舞会最没劲
    02:24.73, It's just an excuse for dressed up dorks 一群书呆子找借口打扮得花枝招展
    02:26.61, to ride in limos and hump each other. 以便坐加长礼车 互相乱搞罢了
    02:28.71, Okay. Now I don't like the idea of Alex going. 是吗 现在我倒有点不想让艾丽克斯去了
    02:31.75, Sweetie, I think we're fine. It's--it's Alex. 亲爱的 没事 她可是艾丽克斯啊
    02:33.86, What's that supposed to mean? 你这话又是什么意思
    02:35.21, It means you're a geek. 意思是你就一宅女
    02:37.00, You know what? You know what? 好吧 告诉你们
    02:38.01, I might just go crazy tonight 我今夜没准也要放纵一把
    02:39.88, And--and--and hook up all over him. 跟某人来个肌肤之亲什么的
    02:43.38, Okay. 好吧
    02:44.09, Why are you laughing? That's not funny. 你们笑个屁啊 有什么好笑的
    02:46.15, I'm not even gonna wear my glasses! 我今晚连眼镜都不会戴
    02:49.27, I feel better now. 看来是不用操心了
    02:50.72, All right, I'm going to the mall. 好了 我要去商场了
    02:55.27, Um, we need to talk, honey. 我们得谈一谈 宝贝
    02:57.99, We're worried about you. 我们很担心你
    03:00.46, You haven't heard back from the college that wait-listed you, 自从大学把你列入候补名单后 就音信全无
    03:02.26, and all the rest of your friends have. 而你的其他朋友都收到了回复
    03:03.83, And now you're just wasting time at the mall. 现在你每天都在商场里打发时间
    03:05.88, For your information, 权当知会你们一声
    03:07.40, I've already filled out and dropped off 我的社区大学申请表格
    03:08.78, my community college application. 已经填好并寄出了
    03:10.62, And plus also 另外呢
    03:11.78, I'm going to the mall because I have a job interview. 我去商场是因为我有个工作面试
    03:14.81, What?-Really? 什么-真的吗
    03:17.71, [Gap意译为"空档" 也是著名服装品牌名 呼应下文  
    03:16.65, My guidance counselor suggested I take a gap year. 我的指导顾问建议我给自己一年"空档"期
    03:19.03, You know, a year between high school and college 就是在高中毕业和上大学之前这段时间
    03:20.58, where you take some courses, have some life experiences, 你可以上几门课 丰富一下生活阅历
    03:23.53, and get inspired. 并从中汲取灵感
    03:25.03, And obviously, work at the GAP. 所以这不 我就去Gap工作了
    03:29.33, The first step in plane building-- 搭建模型飞机第一步
    03:30.83, Organize the parts. 整理部件
    03:32.59, You got your power plant. You got your fuselage. 一边是动力装置 一边是机身
    03:35.26, You got your control surfaces. 那一边是操纵界面
    03:37.54, What's that? 那是什么玩意儿
    03:38.86, A charcuterie. 熟食拼盘
    03:39.91, You got your prosciutto, your pancetta, 一边是熏火腿 一边是咸猪肉
    03:41.44, your salami. 一边是腊肠
    03:42.31, That's charcuterie? 这就是熟食拼盘吗
    03:43.32, I've been avoiding that on menus for years. 多年来我每次点菜都回避它
    03:45.92, They're killing themselves with that name. 起这么个破名字 谁还想要吃
    03:48.04, They're here! They're here! 他们来了 他们来了
    03:53.46, Thank you so much for doing this. Thank you. Thank you. 多谢你愿意帮我们 千谢万谢
    03:55.18, - Of course. - Okay, so her recital's at 6:00. 别客气-好 表演会6点开始
    03:57.75, - Okay. - That's the address. Here's her outfit. 好-这是地址和她的演出服
    04:00.31, This is our camcorder. 这是我们的摄像机
    04:01.10, Get the whole show and some backstage color. 麻烦录下整场演出 还有幕后花絮
    04:03.01, Guys, you wanna take our charcuterie for the road? 各位 要带上熟食拼盘在路上吃吗
    04:04.56, Bup, bup, bup, bup. They're good. We may need that. 不不不不 他们不用 我们自己吃吧
    04:07.45, Hello?
    04:09.10, Yeah, um... 是的
    04:10.79, H-hold on one second. 请稍等
    04:11.69, I think it's the baby's family. They're speaking Spanish. I-- 应该是宝宝的家人 他们在说西班牙语
    04:14.51, HOLA, SOY CAMERON. OMO ESTA? 你好 我是卡梅隆 有事吗
    04:17.76, Uh, b--excuse me. Could you s-- 不好意思 麻烦你
    04:19.18, Could you slow down just a little bit? 麻烦你说慢点
    04:21.83, What does frenetico mean? 疯男迭戈是什么意思
    04:23.02, - It's when... - Or just let her do it. 就是-让她接电话好了
    04:24.48, - Yeah. There you go. Okay. - Hello? -就这样 你来讲 -喂
    04:26.97, Si, si. 是 是
    04:28.77, I was doing fine. 我说得挺好的呀
    04:29.82, He thinks he's some sort of an expert 他以为自己是个专家了
    04:31.17, because for the past two weeks, he's been watching 就因为这两周来 他一直在看
    04:32.67, this ridiculous Spanish soap opera. 一部荒诞的西班牙语肥皂剧
    04:34.38, Fire and ice? 《水生火热》吗
    04:34.38, [详见本季第6集 杰先唾弃后迷恋的肥皂剧  
    04:34.91, Don't say a word about the ending of last night's episode. 千万别把昨晚的大结局剧透了
    04:37.67, G-gloria watches that. You'll ruin it. 歌洛莉亚看那剧 剧透就全毁了
    04:39.45, Si. Muchisimas gracias. 好的好的 谢谢
    04:43.34, It was the mother's sister Juanita. 是孩子的阿姨 安妮塔
    04:45.35, She said that she doesn't know the exact hospital yet, 她说她还不知道是哪所医院
    04:48.19, but that she will call you, like, in the next hour. 但是她大概一小时后会再打给你
    04:50.23, Oh, thank you, Gloria. I-I hate to ask this of you, 谢谢 歌洛莉亚 我想麻烦你帮个忙
    04:52.13, but would you mind coming with us? 你能和我们一起去吗
    04:53.81, We need someone who actually knows how to speak Spanish. 我们需要个真正会说西班牙语的人
    04:55.92, Frio. Muy frio. 我的心拔凉拔凉的
    04:57.70, Ay, yes, of course! I would love to! Thank you! Thank you! 好啊 当然可以啦 谢谢 谢谢
    05:01.38, I'm gonna grab my stuff, and we go, okay? 我这就去收拾东西 然后就出发 好吗
    05:03.54, All right, sweetheart. All right, come here. 好了 宝贝 快过来
    05:05.96, Daddies gotta go, okay? 爸爸要出发了
    05:07.73, Okay, we're so sorry we're missing your recital, sweetie. 宝贝 抱歉不能看你表演了
    05:09.91, But you know what? 但是你知道吗
    05:10.60, You're getting a brand-new baby brother! 你马上就会多个刚出生的弟弟啦
    05:12.83, Cam, come on. Come on. 快走吧 快走吧
    05:13.93, Okay. All right, breathe, breathe, breathe. 好的 好的 深呼吸 深呼吸
    05:15.25, Ciao, Jay! Ciao, Manny! I see you later, okay? 再见杰 再见曼尼 回头见啦
    05:20.03, What just happened here? 这是怎么一回事
    05:21.37, I have to go to the bathroom. 我要上厕所
    05:23.25, - She's talking to you. - You wanna take that? 她是跟你说话-要不你来管吧
    05:27.33, Always keep the rhythm in your feet. 首先脚步一定要跟上节奏
    05:29.62, Then we're gonna add just a little party in the shoulders. All right? 然后肩膀上再加点花活 懂吗
    05:32.80, Now let's get those arms going. 再来点手臂动作
    05:35.30, No, no, no. Arms down here says, 不 不 不 手放下面是在说
    05:36.72, I'm white and I'm sorry, 哥是白人 对不起
    05:37.69, But arms up here says, 但手举起来是表示
    05:38.73, You don't know what I am. 哥很神秘 猜不透
    05:40.15, I-I don't. 的确猜不透
    05:41.55, You're never gonna believe it! 你们不会相信的
    05:42.62, You're never gonna believe it! 你们不会相信的
    05:43.69, You're never gonna believe it! 你们不会相信的
    05:45.05, Guess who got a job! I did! 猜猜谁找到工作了 是我
    05:47.49, Oh, shoot. I just told you. 哎呀 包袱抖早了
    05:48.71, - Oh! Honey, congratulations! - That's amazing! -亲爱的 恭喜你 -太棒了
    05:51.17, You got a job! 你找到工作了
    05:52.17, And what is all this? 这是些什么
    05:53.60, I stopped by the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner. 我路过杂货店 就买了点菜做晚饭
    05:56.54, You know where the grocery store is? 你知道杂货店在哪儿吗
    05:57.88, Yes, mother. 当然了 老妈
    05:59.07, I'm celebrating by making dinner for me and Dylan tonight. 我今晚要为自己和迪兰做顿晚饭 以表庆祝
    06:01.59, Would you and dad like to join us? 你和老爸要一起吗
    06:04.17, - What's happening? - I don't know. 这是什么情况-不知道
    06:06.10, Tonight at dinner, 今晚吃晚饭时
    06:06.99, I'm telling my parents the biggest news of all. 我要告诉爸妈一个爆炸性的消息
    06:09.73, After graduation, I'm moving in with someone. 毕业之后 我要搬出去和某人同居
    06:12.79, And his name is me. 那个人 就是我
    06:19.57, Watch me dance. 看我跳舞
    06:20.61, Honey, you don't need to practice anymore. 宝贝 你不必再练习了
    06:22.42, The turning, the jumping, the little bird thing-- 旋转 跳跃 小鸟飞天状什么的
    06:25.40, You've got it. 你都练熟了
    06:26.18, What's this? 这是什么
    06:26.91, Sweetie, please don't play with the pieces. 宝贝 请你不要动这些零件
    06:29.18, I've told you, they're very delicate. 跟你说过了 它们脆弱得很
    06:31.21, What are you building? 你们在造什么
    06:32.48, [首位独自驾机飞跃大西洋的女飞行员  
    06:32.48, It's a model of a plane that was built for amelia earhart. 造飞机模型 著名女飞行家艾米莉亚的座驾
    06:35.56, Why? 为什么
    06:36.19, Because she wanted to fly around the world. 因为她想飞遍整个世界
    06:38.35, Why? 为什么
    06:39.04, Because she probably needed to get away from her kids. 也许她是被家里的娃整疯了
    06:41.76, Why?-you know How to stop this? 为什么-小哥来想个招
    06:43.60, I'm on it. 看我的
    06:45.26, Lily, we really need you to let us concentrate 莉莉 请你让我们专心工作
    06:48.07, for a few minutes, okay? 就一会儿 好吗
    06:49.55, Your hair is weird. 你的发型真奇怪
    06:51.16, Um, now I'm flustered. 这回我没辙了
    06:55.38, Oh, you look adorable! 你真可爱
    06:58.63, Adorable? I'm not a puppy. 可爱 我又不是小狗
    06:59.96, Oh, honey, it was meant as a compliment. 宝贝 我是在赞美你
    07:01.51, Claire, I got this. Honey, you look super sexy. 克莱尔 看我的 宝贝 你真性感
    07:04.75, Ew. 真恶心
    07:05.94, Well, we tried everything. 好吧 她是油盐不进啊
    07:08.07, Oh, good-bye! 拜拜啦
    07:08.99, Wait! Wait, wait! 等等 等等
    07:10.55, We wanna meet this casanova. 让我们见见你的翩翩公子嘛
    07:12.50, Oh, no, parents aren't really his scene. 别了 见父母这事还是饶了他吧
    07:15.09, Alex, open the door. We are going to get a picture. 艾丽克斯 快开门 我们要给你俩照张相
    07:17.97, Fine. 好吧
    07:20.78, You... look... flawless. 你 真是 完美无暇
    07:23.57, Thanks. 谢谢
    07:24.43, Did I not say coral was the color for you? 我没说错吧 珊瑚色很适合你
    07:27.02, Look what it does for your skin. 跟你的肤色很搭啊
    07:30.81, - Hi! - Hi, buddy. 嗨-嗨 小弟
    07:32.08, Hi.
    07:33.05, Yes, my bad boy prom date is gay. 好吧 我毕业舞会的男伴是个基佬
    07:36.12, He just doesn't know it yet, 只是他自己还蒙在"柜"里呢
    07:37.34, so I'm basically his beard. 我基本上只是他的"胡须"
    07:37.73, Beard本意为胡须 有些人希望借此 增加男子气概加以掩饰
    07:37.73, Gay beard指同性恋 通过交往异性伴侣 来掩盖同性性取向
    07:40.68, Pre-beard. 未发育的胡须
    07:42.72, His stubble. 嫩毛茬
    07:44.31, Okay, say "Cheese"! 好啦 喊"茄子"
    07:46.51, Cheese. 茄子
    07:48.02, Okay, now one with flash. 好 开闪光再来张
    07:50.32, - Cheese. - Cheese! 茄子-茄子
    07:53.43, Okay, I think you got the picture. 行了 照片你们该拍够了吧
    07:55.32, Well, you guys have fun. 你们开开心心去玩吧
    07:58.20, Do you want me to touch up your hair, honey? 亲爱的 要我帮你把头发整理一下吗
    07:59.77, Oh, no, I'm good. 不用了 没关系
    08:03.88, Ay, please stop driving the car like a snake. 开车别总左摇右摆跟蛇似的
    08:06.49, It's making me nauseating. 搞得我直犯恶心
    08:07.91, Well, uh, if you want to switch places, 你要是想换个地儿可以来后面
    08:09.42, there's plenty of room to stretch out back here. 后面地方足够大 你也好伸展得开
    08:11.12, Yeah, that's why we traded our old Prius in for the new one. 所以我们才把旧车换成现在这辆
    08:13.27, You know, bigger family, bigger backseat. 你知道的 更多成员 更多空间
    08:14.86, You can fit two car seats 后面都能放下两个安全座椅
    08:15.91, and a prize-winning pig back there. 外加一头重量冠军级的肥猪了
    08:18.41, Please don't put a pig in the backseat with our children. 能别把我们的孩子和猪一起放后座上吗
    08:20.36, I'm not being literal. 我就是打个比方
    08:21.47, It's a unit of measurement we used on the farm. 拿不过是我们农场上的计量方法
    08:23.27, You know, like, "That bed's a double-pigger." 比如 那张床是"两头猪"的大小
    08:26.90, Oh, uh, sorry. Maybe think about something else. 不好意思 要不想点儿别的
    08:29.02, You know, I missed "Fire and Ice" on Monday. 你看 我星期一没看到《水生火热》
    08:30.41, What happened? 演了些什么
    08:31.31, My guess is a bunch of ridiculous plot turns 我猜是一群极其养眼的神经质演员
    08:33.38, done by overwrought actors who are impossibly good-looking. 共同演绎了一段狗血至极的故事情节
    08:35.88, - Don't listen to him. - Nothing, really. 别听他胡说-没关系 真的
    08:37.91, Antonio hired a hooker to marry his father 安东尼奥雇了个妓女和他老爹结婚
    08:39.95, so that he can get back the money, 这样他就能把钱夺回去了
    08:41.80, but the hooker ended up being his long lost sister, 结果发现那个妓女是他失散多年的妹妹
    08:44.65, the former beauty queen. 就是那个前选美皇后
    08:45.94, Oh. Well, I stand uncorrected. 看来我没猜错啊
    08:48.21, Ay, please just drive straighter. 开车你就开得"直"一点行不
    08:48.21, 小卡的销魂兰花指 因此误以为歌洛莉亚说他不像直男
    08:49.86, Oh, sorry. Are my pinkies up again? 对不起 我又翘兰花指了吗
    08:51.34, I--they do that when I get excited. 我激动的时候就会这样
    08:52.82, Down, girls! 下去 姐妹们
    08:55.69, Well, Alex should be hitting the dance floor right about now. 艾丽克斯现在应该在跳舞了
    08:58.66, Must be fun. 肯定很开心
    08:59.91, Really, dad, let it go. 真的 爸爸 别说了
    09:01.29, I'm sorry, sweetie. 对不起 亲爱的
    09:02.27, I'm just sad you're missing it. 只是你不去舞会我很难过
    09:03.71, I can still totally picture my prom night. 我还清楚记着我参加毕业舞会那晚
    09:05.96, My date was Angela Wilkins. 我的女伴是安吉拉·威尔金斯
    09:08.37, My dad dressed as a limo driver and spoke with a British accent. 我爸爸扮成了豪车司机 操着英国口音
    09:11.89, He even announced our arrival. 我们到达的时候 他还大声通报
    09:14.62, Sir Philliam Dunphy and the Lady Wilkins! 菲廉·邓菲大人和威尔金斯小姐驾到
    09:19.71, All the cool kids were totally laughing with us. 所有的酷小子都和我们一起乐翻了
    09:21.71, Oh, I'm just so glad we met after that. 真高兴我们是在那之后认识的
    09:26.29, - Me, too. - Yeah. 我也是-没错
    09:28.80, Wonder what ever happened to Angela? 知道后来安吉拉怎么样了吗
    09:30.85, You don't know? 你不知道吗
    09:31.64, I haven't seen her in over 20 years, 我二十年没见过她了
    09:33.18, but that's what's special about prom. 不过这才是毕业舞会的魅力所在
    09:35.76, No matter what... 无论如何
    09:37.13, the Lady Wilkins and I will always have that night. 那晚永远是我和威尔金斯小姐共同的回忆
    09:42.36, Oh, no, no, no! We got this. 放下 放下 我们来
    09:43.71, We'll clean. 我们来收拾
    09:46.04, You're cleaning up? 你们来收拾
    09:47.57, What kind of day is this? 今天是什么日子
    09:48.37, Cam and Mitch get a new son, 小卡和米奇有了新儿子
    09:49.70, we get a new daughter. 我们又得了新女儿
    09:51.04, That was really fun, you guys. 伙计们 今晚很开心
    09:52.39, Yeah, and next time, we'll just do it at our place. 没错 下次去我们家聚
    09:56.20, I'm in. Just give me a heads-up. 我去 提前说一声就好
    09:58.62, Our place? What? What? 我们家 什么意思
    10:00.46, Um, well, 那个
    10:01.70, Since I have a job now 既然我现在有工作了
    10:04.12, and I'm going to community college, 又打算去上社区大学
    10:07.00, uh, Dylan and I were thinking that, you know, 我和迪兰考虑呢
    10:09.37, we would get an apartment together. 一起租个房子什么的
    10:11.94, What?-are you doing sex? 什么-你们会做爱吗
    10:14.19, Okay.-Luke,can we have a minute,please? 行了-卢克 你先回避一会儿
    10:16.77, Listen... 听着
    10:17.65, I know that you're concerned, 我知道你们不放心
    10:19.36, but I'm designing t-shirts now, and they're gonna be huge. 不过我现在在设计T恤 会有大号的
    10:19.36, [huge有大卖之意 迪兰说的只是T恤的尺寸  
    10:23.23, Also medium and small. 还有中号和小号的
    10:25.83, Dylan, would you excuse us for a moment so we can talk to Haley? 迪兰 我们想单独和海莉说会儿话
    10:29.56, Sure, but you stay. I'll go. 当然 你们在这聊 我回避就好
    10:38.02, Hi. Uh, uh, buenos noches. 你好 晚上好
    10:40.33, Uh, uh, we're looking for... uh, English? 我们想找... 会说英语吗
    10:42.01, Uh, well, Juanita. We're looking for juanita. 安妮塔 我们要找安妮塔
    10:44.14, - Hola! - Hi. 你好-你好
    10:45.17, Mitchell y Cameron? 是米奇尔和卡梅隆吗
    10:46.86, Ah, she says, "Hello, Mitch and Cameron." 她说 你们好 是米奇和卡梅隆吗
    10:49.36, I think we got that. 这个我们听得懂
    10:50.24, Ay, you brought me here. 是你们请我来的
    10:52.04, 诚招西班牙语人才  
    11:00.88, Thank you... 谢谢
    11:02.83, Did you get that, too? 这段你们也能听懂吗
    11:04.05, Yeah, a lot of it. Mm-hmm. 对 大部分听懂了
    11:05.06, Just... just tell us. 还是告诉我们吧
    11:06.30, The baby was born half-hour ago, that he's in perfect health. 宝宝半小时前出生了 很健康
    11:10.62, He was 7 pounds, 4 ounces, with thick hair and brown eyes. 他有六斤五两 头发浓密 褐色的眼睛
    11:15.08, That's so good! 太好了
    11:18.35, Juanita! 安妮塔
    11:28.18, Gloria, what's going on? 歌洛莉亚 什么情况
    11:29.29, I don't know. The priest comes with great warning. 不知道 牧师有要事告诫
    11:32.53, That can't be good. 肯定没好事
    11:33.56, Shh! Something about the grandmother. She's sick. 轻点 是关于祖母的 她病了
    11:37.63, But now she's better. 不过现在好多了
    11:39.57, - And now she knows! - Knows what? 现在她知道了-知道什么
    11:53.88, What was that for?! 这是干嘛
    11:55.23, The nurse stole her grandmother's almonds. 那个护士偷了她祖母的杏仁
    11:57.37, No, the nurse is mad at Juanita 不是 那护士记恨安妮塔
    11:59.57, because Juanita stole her lover, 因为她把护士的爱人给抢走了
    12:01.56, and Juanita is mad at the nurse 安妮塔也恨那个护士
    12:03.28, because the nurse told the grandmother about the baby! 因为那护士把宝宝的事告诉了她祖母
    12:06.97, - Our baby? - Our baby? 我们的宝宝吗-我们的宝宝吗
    12:24.40, We're both thinking it. I'm just gonna say it. 既然都这么想 不如让我说出来吧
    12:27.01, Lily's dance is not up to the standard of what we just saw. 莉莉的舞姿跟刚这水准可差着十万八千里呢
    12:29.71, In my head, I'm golfing right now. 我已经神游着 去打高尔夫了
    12:32.45, Hi, Mr. Pritchett? I'm Lily's dance teacher Lucy. 普里契特先生 我是莉莉的舞蹈老师露西
    12:36.00, We have a little bit of an issue. 我们遇到了点小麻烦
    12:38.05, Lily doesn't want to perform. 莉莉不想上台表演了
    12:39.54, Oh, the poor thing. 噢 那小家伙
    12:41.18, - You get the kid, I'll get the car. - Oh, no. -你去牵莉莉 我去取车 -不不
    12:42.81, It's really important for Lily's self-esteem that she go on. 能否顺利上台对她自尊心的建立很重要
    12:45.86, I think one of you should talk to her. 我觉得你们谁应该去跟她谈谈
    12:47.74, You know she stinks, right? 你知道她跳得很烂 是吧
    12:49.25, And I think it should be you. 所以我想应该你去
    12:58.59, Lily. 莉莉
    13:01.06, Your teacher tells me you don't want to dance. Is that true? 你的老师说你不想上台了 是真的吗
    13:06.15, But you were so good back at the house when you were practicing. 可你在家练习的时候 跳的多好啊
    13:09.57, I wanna go home, to my house. 我想回家 回我家
    13:11.41, Ah, to your house, huh? 回你自己家
    13:14.86, Are you sad your dads aren't here? 是因为爸爸们都不在而伤心了吗
    13:18.16, Yeah. Well, I know they're sad to miss this, 是啊 他们也同样因为错过你的演出而伤心
    13:20.91, But they're getting you that baby brother. 但他们去接你的小弟弟了
    13:22.89, That's good, right? 这是好事 对吧
    13:26.48, You know, honey, 你知道的 亲爱的
    13:28.97, Your dads are gonna love you just as much 你两个爸爸还是会一样爱你的
    13:31.55, when you get this brother. Trust me. 小弟弟来了也不会变 相信我
    13:34.17, I first had your Aunt Claire, and then your dad came along, 我先有了你克莱尔姑妈 然后你爸出生了
    13:36.26, and I loved them just the same, 我对他们都的爱都一样深
    13:38.75, no matter what he tells you. 虽然你爹可能不这么说
    13:40.43, You believe me? 你相信我吗
    13:42.86, Close enough. 这就够了
    13:44.05, So what do you say? 你说呢
    13:45.22, You gonna go out there and dance for everybody? 你会上去跳舞给大家看吗
    13:47.07, No.
    13:48.19, Honey, there must be something I can do to get you out there. 亲爱的 我总能干点什么让你上台的吧
    13:52.70, Come dance with me, grandpa. 来跟我一起跳 爷爷
    13:54.52, No, honey, that's not gonna happen. 不 亲爱的 这是不可能滴
    13:56.21, How about I give you 50 bucks? 我给你五十块钱咋样
    13:58.86, I don't see why I can't do this. 我不理解为什么我就不能这样做
    14:00.31, I'm totally getting my life together. 我完全有能力掌控自己的人生
    14:02.24, Uh, allow me, if you will, 请允许我给你
    14:03.52, to paint an accurate picture of this life 准确描绘一下你以为自己想要的生活
    14:06.17, you think you want, okay? 是什么样的 好吗
    14:08.00, Um, at first, it's a blast-- 起初 分分钟妙不可言
    14:09.76, buying a dish rack, 去买个餐盘架
    14:11.16, hanging a sheet up to turn one room into two. 挂个床单 把房间一分为二
    14:13.96, Allen-wrenching a bookcase called a nurnk... 用通用扳手捣鼓出个"四不像"书柜
    14:16.37, because you couldn't afford the sklurg. 因为你连宜家的组装货的买不起
    14:18.98, But then... 接下来呢
    14:20.29, Then those bills start rolling in... 账单源源不断地涌进来
    14:22.63, Oh. So you gotta pick up some extra shifts. 这样你就不得不多轮几班
    14:24.01, Yeah. And suddenly... 对 然后猛不丁的
    14:25.09, Uh-oh, what's that? You're pregnant. 意外发生了 你怀孕了
    14:27.56, Should've been safe. 早该注意的
    14:28.60, Ooh, and you're stressed and exhausted. 弄得你焦头烂额 精疲力尽
    14:30.82, You've got a garage filled with unsold huge t-shirts. 车库里装满了卖不出去的大号T恤衫
    14:34.12, And, honey, if you think this kind of stress 还有 亲爱的 如果你觉得这种压力
    14:35.77, is not gonna take its toll on that body and that face, 还不足以对你的身材长相造成任何影响
    14:39.27, think again. 再想想吧
    14:40.41, Good-bye, beautiful skin. 好皮肤只能再见
    14:42.85, Farewell, silky hair. 秀发也永别了
    14:45.31, And hello, Alex's hand-me-downs, 就等着穿艾丽克斯的旧衣服吧
    14:47.32, cause you can't afford to shop. 因为商店里的你是买不起了
    14:49.93, Good one. 这针见"血"了
    14:53.33, Do you think that this is gonna work out? 你觉得这行得通吗
    14:55.71, Yes. 能啊
    14:57.00, Well, for my parents, I mean. 我说的是我爹妈那边
    14:58.83, For you? 至于你嘛
    15:00.23, No. 不能
    15:01.71, God. 天呐
    15:03.27, I just wanna live with Haley so bad. 我真的太想跟海莉一块生活了
    15:07.02, It's like, I missed all this time with her in Wyoming. 我在怀俄明那么长时间 没办法和她在一起
    15:10.24, Then I thought I was gonna lose her again to college. 现在回来了她又要去上大学 我怕失去她
    15:12.83, Don't worry. I got your back, buddy. That's not gonna happen. 别担心 我罩着你 有我在就不可能
    15:16.08, What does that mean? 你那是什么意思
    15:17.80, Dylan, shut the door. 迪兰 把门关上
    15:23.90, The bedroom door. 卧室的门
    15:31.24, Excuse me. Excuse me. 抱歉 抱歉
    15:32.38, Okay. 好吧
    15:33.39, We're very confused. 我们非常困惑
    15:34.24, Can somebody please just tell us what's happening? 能有人告诉我们到底发生什么事了吗
    15:36.81, Somebody told the grandmother about the baby, 有人跟祖母说了宝宝的事
    15:38.91, and she wasn't supposed to know. 她本来不该知道的
    15:40.73, If you ask me, it was the sexy priest. 要我说 是那性感神父说的
    15:44.06, Enough! 够了
    15:45.74, It wasn't the priest. 不是神父
    15:47.39, It was me. 是我
    15:48.28, Eduardo! 爱德华多
    15:50.51, What's happening? 到底咋回事
    15:52.32, Yes, I am alive. 是的 我还活着
    15:54.64, And I may be just a ranch hand, 没错 我是个放羊的
    15:56.25, but I'm the one that told your abuela about the baby. 但是我告诉了你祖母孩子的事
    15:59.05, I told her because I swore to your mother 我告诉她是因为我向你母亲发过誓
    16:01.25, to look after your family. 要照顾你们家人
    16:02.90, Your mother... 你的母亲
    16:04.51, was my lover. 是我的情人
    16:07.76, Ay, wait a minute. Now I go from English to Spanish. 等一下 我现在得把英文翻成西语
    16:10.99, C-can we please just see our baby? 我们现在能见宝宝了吗
    16:14.08, No! 不能
    16:16.91, Abuela?-Abuela? 祖母-祖母
    16:29.98, She's saying that she's going to raise the baby. 她说她要抚养孩子长大
    16:35.18, No. 不是吧
    16:36.37, Cam. 小卡
    16:40.43, Come here. Come on. 过来 过来
    16:44.49, Guess what? Suddenly, you're 60 years old, 你猜怎么的 突然间你就已经60岁了
    16:46.43, wandering toothless and alone in a postapocalyptic wasteland. 牙都掉光了 在一块不毛之地上瞎晃悠
    16:49.89, Wait a second. How did Dylan get the nuclear codes again? 等一下 迪兰是怎么拿到核武器代码来着
    16:52.66, During the robot wars. 在机器人战争的时候
    16:53.73, Okay, I think your father might have gotten a little bit off-track here. 好了 我想你爸有点扯太远了
    16:56.27, Honey, listen, the point is, 亲爱的 重点是
    16:58.00, The choices you make today-- 你今天所做的一切决定
    16:59.24, No, no, the point is, 不 重点是
    17:00.14, is that it doesn't have to turn out so bad. 事情不一定就会向坏的方向发展
    17:02.86, She's right. 她说的对
    17:04.29, It doesn't. Luke? 不一定 卢克
    17:06.78, This came yesterday. 昨天寄来的
    17:08.14, What is it? 是什么
    17:09.01, It's from that college. 是那大学寄来的
    17:10.98, You got in, Haley. 你被录取了 海莉
    17:12.14, - Oh, D-- - Oh, my god. 迪...-我的天
    17:12.97, - You got into college? - What?! 你被大学录取了-什么
    17:14.37, That's amazing! 太好了
    17:18.45, It came yest-- yesterday? 是昨天寄来的
    17:20.35, Luke, why were you hiding this? 卢克 你为什么要藏起来
    17:23.22, I don't know. 不知道
    17:24.27, Do you not want her to go to college? 你不想让她去上大学吗
    17:26.02, I don't care. 我不关心
    17:26.89, Aw! You're gonna miss me! 你会想我的
    17:28.80, Shut up! I am not! I'm never telling you anything again. 闭嘴 我才不会 再也不告诉你任何事了
    17:32.42, Sorry, little dude, but she's gotta go to college, 抱歉 小兄弟 但大学她还是得去上的
    17:35.82, Even if that means that she can't live with me. 哪怕这意味着她不能和我同居
    17:38.45, Oh, Dylan. 迪兰
    17:39.93, Could you do one thing for me, though? 不过你能答应我一件事吗
    17:42.68, Could you take me to your prom? 能让我陪你去参加毕业舞会吗
    17:44.92, Really?-Yeah. 不是吧-是啊
    17:46.73, I mean, if you go off to college and you don't come back here, 如果你去上大学 不再回来了
    17:49.99, I want you to remember me. 我希望你能记住我
    17:51.83, I wanna be your Angela Wilkins. 我要做你的安吉拉·威尔金斯
    17:55.55, Mom?-Yes. 妈-什么事
    17:56.51, Can I borrow that purple dress I said you were too old for? 我说你太老了 不合适穿的那条紫裙子 能借我吗
    17:59.20, Mm, in spite of that, yeah. Yeah. 你可真会借东西 好吧
    18:03.21, Mr. D. 邓先生
    18:05.72, Do you have a tuxedo I could borrow? 你有没有礼服可以借我的
    18:07.32, Yeah, sure. I mean, it's the tux I got married in, 当然有 那可是我的结婚礼服
    18:09.47, So it's double-breasted. 是双排扣的[两块胸肌
    18:10.95, Perfect. So am I. 太好了 我也是
    18:14.49, Okay. 好吧
    18:21.98, I'm going to get something for my stomach. 我去买点吃的垫垫肚子
    18:28.56, Oh, come on, swipe. 快刷呀
    18:30.70, Swipe! 刷呀
    18:32.04, M-mitchell, I need your help. 米奇尔 来帮我一下
    18:34.13, It won't swipe, and I'm in no condition to "See cashier." 刷不了 我现在也没心情找收银员
    18:37.78, Mitchell. 米奇尔
    18:39.55, Mitchell. 米奇尔
    18:40.89, Mitchell? 米奇尔
    18:41.77, Mitch--Mitchell! Where are you going?! 米奇 米奇尔 你去哪里啊
    18:45.07, I'm just sick of it, Cam. 我受够了 小卡
    18:46.60, Mitchell, come back here and talk to me. 米奇尔 回来我们聊聊
    18:48.60, There are coyotes out here and--and meth addicts! 这里有土狼 还有吸毒的
    18:51.49, Every time, Cam. 小卡 每一次
    18:53.08, Every time someone says that we're getting a-a baby, 每一次有人说我们能领养个孩子
    18:55.49, I get my hopes up and then... 我都寄以希望
    18:56.40, And then when it all falls apart, I... 却总是以失望而告终 我...
    18:59.85, We just have to go through the whole thing again. 我们又得从头到尾再经历一遍
    19:01.49, And then meanwhile, the child that we do have 但同时 我们已经拥有的孩子
    19:03.62, is--is at a recital, and--and we're missing it. 正在演出 但我们却错过了
    19:06.44, I know. 我知道
    19:08.66, I'm as frustrated as you are. 我和你一样受挫
    19:10.76, Are you? Because I-I don't-- 是吗 因为我不
    19:13.99, I don't know how much more of this I can take. 我不知道我还能承受多少次
    19:15.91, I am--I am so tired 我心力交瘁
    19:18.76, and--and just disappointed. 失望透顶
    19:22.73, And... I'm just tired. 累到无以复加
    19:32.25, Then let's take a break. 那我们缓缓吧
    19:34.49, Really? 真的吗
    19:35.32, It must be exhausting, always keeping it together for the both of us. 我们一直这样撑着 肯定已经精疲力竭了
    19:47.65, And I'm tired, too. 我也累了
    19:53.25, I think I'm lying on a rock. 我觉得我躺在一块石头上了
    19:55.02, I'm lying next to my rock. 我正躺在我的"磐石"旁边
    19:59.72, There's certain moments in life that you never forget, 人一辈子 有些时刻是永远无法忘怀的
    20:04.61, Like when I held Manny in my arms for the very first time. 比如说我第一次将曼尼拥入怀中
    20:11.54, I was nervous. I didn't know what I was doing. 我当时很紧张 我不知所措
    20:15.60, What do you think? 怎么样
    20:16.76, - You guys look amazing. - Oh, our little girl! 俊男靓女啊-我们的宝贝女儿
    20:19.59, And I was excited to see him grow up. 看到他的成长让我兴奋不已
    20:21.74, - Bye, sweetie. - Have fun, man. -拜拜 宝贝 -玩得开心
    20:23.43, She's asleep. 她睡着了
    20:25.88, I tell you, kid, I'm too old for this. 跟你说 孩子 我老得没法当爹了
    20:27.79, You and me both. 我们都是
    20:29.33, And the more he becomes the little man I know today, 随着他慢慢成长为今天的小大人模样
    20:32.30, the more I know I would do it all over again... 我越来越意识到自己愿意重来一次
    20:37.77, Which is good, because I'm going to do it all over again. 正好 因为我真的要重来一次
    20:41.64, Turns out that I wasn't carsick. 原来我不是晕车
    20:45.28, I'm pregnant. 我怀孕了
    20:49.74, Okay, Luke, 卢克
    20:50.31, - Let's see what else you've been hiding from us. - Okay, fine. 看看你还藏了些什么-好吧
    20:53.83, Here's a bill for the birdhouse I blew up at the dude ranch. 这是我在牧场炸掉的鸟窝的罚单
    20:55.90, You blew up a birdhouse? 你炸了个鸟窝
    20:56.95, Let's hold all questions until the end. 说完了再一起问吧
    20:59.32, Here's dad's jury duty thing 这是我们去迪斯尼那天
    21:00.72, for the day we went to disneyland. 通知老爸做陪审员的
    21:02.30, I didn't want you to cancel the trip. 我不想让你们取消行程
    21:03.75, Good call. 做得好
    21:05.02, Here's a coupon for a gun range for mom. 这是射击场给妈的优惠券
    21:07.08, I don't know what that's about. 我不知道是什么东西
    21:08.07, I don't know either. It's... 我也不知道
    21:09.30, Report card. 成绩单
    21:10.53, Report card. 成绩单
    21:13.17, Notice from the city to take down the tree house 市里寄来的拆掉树屋的通知
    21:14.97, or be fined $25 a day... 否则每天罚款25块
    21:17.49, Report card. 成绩单
    21:19.06, Red light ticket for when me and Manny stole that... 闯红灯罚单 那次我和曼尼偷...

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第23集:逆耳的实话 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第1集:杰生日的惊喜


