听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第8集:婴儿房
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    0:00:03.42, And we have liftoff. 灯 亮起来
    0:00:08.55, Yello? House of the future. 哈罗 欢迎致电未来之家
    0:00:10.39, Phil, you have two whole days to yourself. 菲尔 你有两整天时间可自由支配
    0:00:12.13, Please tell me you're not gonna spend them 别告诉我你想把全部时间都用来
    0:00:13.24, trying to wire the house to your ipad. 将家里的装置都连接到ipad上
    0:00:15.18, Nope, 'cause I've already done it. 不会 因为我早已完成了
    0:00:17.82, I think when you get home, 我觉得等你到家的时候
    0:00:18.80, you're gonna be very surprised to see that this house 你会惊讶地发现我们家
    0:00:21.08, has an actual functioning brain in it. 有个能控制一切的大脑中枢
    0:00:23.96, Great. Great. 真棒 太棒了
    0:00:25.15, Now go out and see some friends. 现在出去会会朋友吧
    0:00:26.34, I'm headed out now. 我这就出去
    0:00:27.32, I have a third showing at that colonial. 我要在殖民健身房进行第三次形体展示
    0:00:29.59, Cam gave me a free pass to his gym. 小卡给了我一张免费入场券去他的健身房
    0:00:31.67, I am--not too bright. 我 不要太亮[脑子不灵光]
    0:00:33.35, I am-- 我...
    0:00:34.31, Dim! 暗下来[很笨]
    0:00:35.74, Honey, if you could hear yourself. 亲爱的 听听你自己在胡说些什么
    0:00:37.60, Promise me you'll go outside and play. 答应我 你会出去玩玩的
    0:00:39.17, Miss you, too. 我也想你哦
    0:00:43.82, Phil Dunphy, this is the year 2025. 菲尔·邓菲 当前时间为2025年
    0:00:46.57, Welcome. You're the first one here. 欢迎 你是第一个踏入未来世界的人
    0:00:59.19, 第四季 第八集  
    0:01:02.20, Shall we hit the waterslide first? 我们先去玩滑水道吧
    0:01:03.78, I may just sit in the room for a bit. 我就待在房里好了
    0:01:05.03, Ugh! Stop moping! 拜托 别郁闷了
    0:01:06.62, So you didn't get a date to one stupid dance. 你不就是没找到舞伴去参加一场傻逼舞会嘛
    0:01:08.84, It's not one stupid dance. 那才不是傻逼舞会
    0:01:10.06, It's the kickoff to the whole dance season. 那是整个舞蹈季的开场舞
    0:01:12.03, It's like you've never heard boys talk. 你是没听到过那些男生们的评价吧
    0:01:14.45, Hi. We are here for the academic challenge. 嗨 我们是来参加知识竞赛的
    0:01:16.86, It's under "Dunphy." 登记名是邓菲
    0:01:18.66, or it could be under "Returning champion." 或者也可以称为"冠军归来"
    0:01:21.21, Not sure how they file these things. 不知道他们会不会为这类东西建档
    0:01:23.70, Alex wins things, which is great. 艾丽克斯总是获胜 那很好
    0:01:25.86, But she puts so much pressure on herself. 但她一直给自己太大的压力
    0:01:28.10, I... I almost wish she would lose this year. 我 我都有点希望她今年能输掉
    0:01:31.91, Plus, that way, I could go on the waterslide. 再说 那样我就可以去玩滑水道
    0:01:33.73, It's got a corkscrew, 2-second freefall, 那里有螺旋状水道 2秒的自由落体
    0:01:36.27, And a radar gun at the bottom. 在底部还有个雷达枪
    0:01:39.37, I'm Phil. 我成了菲尔了
    0:01:40.76, Nothing from the minibar, and no pay-per-view. 不准喝小酒柜里的东西 不准看付费电视
    0:01:43.06, Can we at least-- 我们能不能至少...
    0:01:43.71, No, you may not send things out for pressing. 不 你不能把衣服送出去烫
    0:01:45.94, Honey, we have an hour until the competition. 宝贝 比赛要1小时后才开始
    0:01:48.37, Do you want to go to the contestants mixer? 你想不想去一下参赛者交谊会
    0:01:49.79, No, I don't want to humanize them. 不 我才懒得去教化他们
    0:01:51.50, Can you believe this is my first bar mitzvah? 你敢相信这是我第一次参加犹太男孩成年礼吗
    0:01:54.02, You'll love it. I heard the gift bags have smartphones. 你会喜欢的 我听说礼物袋里装的都是智能手机
    0:01:56.52, Jewish people are so awesome. 犹太人出手实在太阔绰了
    0:01:59.68, Oh, my god. Did you see that? She smiled at me. 天啊 你看到了吗 她对我回眸一笑
    0:02:02.97, People get that way in dance season. 在舞蹈季 那样很正常啦
    0:02:04.63, No girl's ever smiled at me like that. 从来没有女孩像那样对我笑过
    0:02:06.87, Luke, we have to go to that bar mitzvah. 卢克 我们必须参加那个成年礼
    0:02:08.54, Why? 为什么
    0:02:09.23, There was a connection. 我们是有缘人千里相会
    0:02:11.25, I know this sounds crazy, 我知道这听起来有些疯狂
    0:02:12.59, But I feel like my whole life has led to this moment. 但我觉得我的人生为这一刻等待了太久
    0:02:14.62, You made a very similar speech 你之前也说过类似的话
    0:02:15.99, to get my mom to stop for those churros. 好说服我妈停下来买西班牙小油条
    0:02:17.58, Luke, I need you for this. You're sneakier than I am. 卢克 我需要你的帮助 你比我奸诈
    0:02:20.30, You're a bigger liar. You have no moral compass. 你比我会撒谎 你内心从来不会愧疚不安
    0:02:23.02, Look, thanks for all the compliments, 听着 谢谢你的诸多"夸奖"
    0:02:24.65, But breaking into one stupid party? 但是要闯入一个傻逼派对
    0:02:26.47, That's not even a challenge. 那根本毫无挑战
    0:02:30.53, Oh, no. Three bar mitzvahs? 噢不 有3个成年礼同时举行
    0:02:34.13, Now it's interesting. 这下有点意思了
    0:02:39.63, Cam, stop. 小卡 停下
    0:02:40.31, What? We have to get them out of there. 怎么 我们得让他们离开屋子
    0:02:41.80, What's taking them? 怎么磨蹭了这么久
    0:02:43.74, We have the most amazing gift for Jay and Gloria's nursery. 我们为杰和歌洛莉亚的婴儿房准备了超棒的礼物
    0:02:47.08, It was Cam's idea, and it's a pretty big swing. 都是小卡的主意 是个好大的秋千
    0:02:50.06, It's not a swing. It's not a swing. 才不是秋千呢 绝对不是秋千
    0:02:51.93, I just need Jay and Gloria out of the house 我只需要杰和歌洛莉亚离开屋子
    0:02:53.50, for a minimum of four hours 最少大约需要4小时
    0:02:54.62, So I can have my crew install it. 好让我的伙计完成安装
    0:02:56.09, Simple. 多"简单"
    0:02:57.33, Oh, please. If it were up to you, 拜托 要是听你的意见
    0:02:58.42, we'd get them something off their gift registry. 我们该送给他们那个礼品登记簿上的东西
    0:03:00.26, Oh, you mean the list of things 你是说那个小清单
    0:03:01.42, that they specifically said that they wanted? 上面列满了他们明确说想要的东西吗
    0:03:03.30, Oh, they don't know what they want. 他们根本不知道自己想要什么
    0:03:05.53, ...Before I snap his finger off! 再按我就剁掉他的手指
    0:03:09.14, Ay, no. 哎呀不
    0:03:10.18, Jay was supposed to cancel. We cannot go to lunch. 杰本该取消的 我们不能一起去吃午餐了
    0:03:13.08, - Oh, no. - I am sorry, 噢不-我很抱歉
    0:03:14.74, but he's supposed to pick up the crib at the store, 他应该去商店把婴儿床买回来的
    0:03:16.71, And I am too tired. The baby kicked me all night. 我太累了 宝宝踢了我一整晚
    0:03:20.09, It's either going to be a football player 他要么是个橄榄球队员
    0:03:22.47, or a chorus girl. 要么是个歌舞团姑娘
    0:03:23.76, You can be both. 可以两者兼具的
    0:03:24.64, My senior year, I was a right-side linebacker 我高三的时候 既是右侧中后卫
    0:03:26.26, And a left-side cancan dancer in "Gigi." 也是《金粉世界》音乐剧中的左侧康康舞选手
    0:03:28.52, Wow, she really set you up for that one, didn't she? 她真是抛砖引出你的传奇故事啊 是吧
    0:03:30.20, Yeah, when it came out of her mouth, 是啊 当她说出口的时候
    0:03:31.13, I nearly stopped breathing. 我当时都快不能呼吸了
    0:03:32.42, You didn't call them to cancel. 你没打电话告诉他们要取消
    0:03:34.21, Sorry. You want gas money? 抱歉 你们要油钱吗
    0:03:35.96, Don't pay attention to him. 别理他
    0:03:37.19, He's been very grumpy lately. 他最近脾气暴得很
    0:03:38.95, Okay, here's a thought-- 好吧 不如这样
    0:03:40.05, Mitchell, you go to the crib store with Jay. 米奇尔 你和杰一起去婴儿床店
    0:03:42.00, That way I can spend some quality time 那样我能与这位美丽的女士
    0:03:43.54, - with this pretty lady. - No, I'm going to lay down. 共度美好时光-不要 我要去躺会儿
    0:03:45.43, No, no, I'm gonna take you both to lunch. 别别别 我要带你们娘俩儿去吃午饭
    0:03:47.80, Okay? There, it's settled. Now go put a lip on. Okay? 好吗 就这么定了 去涂口红 好吗
    0:03:50.55, Fine. I guess you won't get in the way. 好吧 我猜你也不会碍事的
    0:03:52.49, You mean it, pa? Really and for true? 说真的吗 老爸 这是真心话吗
    0:03:54.60, I won't get in the way? 我不会碍事
    0:03:57.76, Oh, that's a good idea. 带个垫子真明智
    0:03:58.99, Oh, yeah. The chairs are rocks. 是啊 椅子硬邦邦的
    0:04:01.07, Charlemagne. 查理曼大帝
    0:04:02.88, You can get a 1-day cushion for $8, 可以花8美元租一天用的坐垫
    0:04:04.95, or a 2-day for $12. 或者花12美元租两天用的
    0:04:06.92, Alex Dunphy. 艾丽克斯·邓菲
    0:04:07.73, Last year, I got 2 1-dayers--big mistake. 去年我租了两个一天用的 真是大错误
    0:04:11.03, Who wrote the 95 theses? 《95条论纲》是谁写的
    0:04:12.47, My daughter went on to win the whole thing, 我女儿一路过关斩将笑到最后
    0:04:14.56, and all I could think was, 而我想到的就是
    0:04:15.53, I just flushed $4 down the toilet. 我白白多花了4美元啊
    0:04:17.81, John Calvin. 约翰·加尔文[正确答案是路德]
    0:04:19.22, Whoo! Alex! 好样的 艾丽克斯
    0:04:21.00, I guess I just didn't want to presume 我大概是没有想到
    0:04:22.84, that we would be here for the two days. 我们会在这里呆两天吧
    0:04:24.90, But still, what kind of message 但我要是租一天用的坐垫
    0:04:26.00, was I sending with the 1-dayer? 那反映了什么心态啊
    0:04:27.78, You "Whoo'd" Me? 你竟然说好样的
    0:04:29.18, What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么
    0:04:30.14, I'm out. I got the question wrong, 我出局了 我听错问题了
    0:04:31.79, which is embarrassing enough without you "Whoo-ing" Me! 那已经够尴尬了 你竟然还说我好样的
    0:04:33.60, Alex! Alex, come back here. Don't! 艾丽克斯 艾丽克斯 回来 别走
    0:04:37.34, Don't! 想都别想
    0:04:40.25, Wait, what are the last four numbers again? 等等 最后四位数是什么再说一遍
    0:04:42.13, 1984 1-9-8-4.
    0:04:43.57, It's kind of a lucky number for me. 对我来说算是个幸运数字了
    0:04:45.07, It's the year "Footloose" came out. 《浑身是劲》就是那年上映的
    0:04:46.56, Oh, yeah. And I really am gonna call you for that rematch. 是啊 我真想与你再赛一场
    0:04:49.02, Anytime. I mean, not super late, 随时随地 我是说 也别太晚
    0:04:51.37, But... Wait, 但是 等等
    0:04:53.09, you're a bulldog? 你是斗牛犬队的
    0:04:53.91, Yeah. You? 是啊 你呢
    0:04:58.56, I knew there was something about you I liked. 我就知道我喜欢你某一点
    0:05:00.72, Oh, you mean besides me letting you win? 你是说除了我让你赢这点之外吗
    0:05:03.87, You know, we have a big game today. 今天有非常重要的一场比赛
    0:05:05.10, You wanna watch it together? 想要一起看吗
    0:05:07.47, Shoot. I'm--I'm late for a showing. 惨了 我的形体展示快迟到了
    0:05:08.79, No pressure at all, but if you feel like it, 别有压力 如果你喜欢的话
    0:05:10.30, we could watch it at my place. I could text you the address. 可以来我家一起看 我短信告诉你地址
    0:05:12.86, All right. Well, thanks. 好的 那谢谢了
    0:05:14.10, Hey, it was great meeting you, Phil. 见到你真高兴 菲尔
    0:05:15.22, You, too, Dave. 我也是 戴维
    0:05:20.77, Hey, it's me. 嘿 是我
    0:05:21.83, Yeah, you were totally right about this gym. 你对这家健身房的说法完全正确
    0:05:23.97, I just met the cutest guy. 我刚遇到一个超帅的男人
    0:05:25.51, What did I tell you? 我跟你说过什么来着
    0:05:26.29, That place is like a gay bar with dumbbells. 那地方就像个放了哑铃的Gay吧
    0:05:28.71, Redundant. 真多余
    0:05:29.59, Well, I don't know much about him, 我还不太了解他
    0:05:30.92, but he invited me over to his place 但他邀请我去他家
    0:05:32.22, o watch a football game tonight. 一起看橄榄球赛
    0:05:33.56, Oh, my gosh, a date. 老天啊 约会呀
    0:05:34.70, I have a good feeling about this. 我很看好你们哦
    0:05:36.22, Oh, well, don't start planning the wedding yet. 别这就开始计划婚礼了
    0:05:38.06, I mean, I'm not even sure if it's a date date. 我还不确定这是不是那种情侣约会
    0:05:40.46, You met him at hook-up central. 你和他在"约炮中心"相遇
    0:05:41.70, Of course it's a date date. 当然是那种情侣约会了
    0:05:42.96, Am I even ready for a date date? 我准备好开始情侣约会了吗
    0:05:44.44, Tough love time, David-- 艰难的爱情时期 戴维
    0:05:45.55, Simon left you six months ago, 西蒙六个月前离开了你
    0:05:46.94, and you're bumming everyone out. 你排斥所有人接近你
    0:05:48.06, It's time to get back up on that horse. 现在是时候重返情场了
    0:05:49.95, Hope to see you tonight, Dave. 希望今晚能见到你 戴维
    0:05:52.27, I can't remember the last time 我都记不得上一次某个男人
    0:05:53.44, a man made that sound for me. 对我这般狂吼是什么时候了
    0:06:09.60, She's not here. We have the wrong bar mitzvah. 她不在这 我们找错了成人礼派对
    0:06:11.51, Not if you like prime rib, bubbie. 如果你喜欢上等肋排就来对了 "奶奶"
    0:06:11.51, [Bubbie在英文中可以表示兄弟 但在犹太语中是奶奶的意思]  
    0:06:13.60, You said to blend. 你说过要装得像一点
    0:06:14.80, I picked up some expressions at the latke station. 我在拿犹太糕点的时候顺便学了几个短语
    0:06:17.30, P.S.--They're hash browns. 对了 其实都是薯饼
    0:06:19.13, We're not blending. 我们不用装着融入了
    0:06:20.02, She's at one of the other two. 她肯定在另外两个成人礼的其中之一上
    0:06:21.46, Come on. 快点
    0:06:23.51, Oh. Sorry. 抱歉
    0:06:24.86, Such a hurry, this one. 那家伙真莽撞
    0:06:27.03, Come on. 快点
    0:06:30.75, That is too cute. 太可爱了
    0:06:31.79, What the hell is that? 那是什么玩意儿
    0:06:33.34, Oh, that's the store mascot. That's hugga bunny. 那是商店的吉祥物 拥抱兔
    0:06:35.76, - He goes around and he hugs-- - No, I get it. -他到处晃悠 拥抱 -行了 我知道
    0:06:38.07, Nice for flu season. 流感季节到处抱"真好"
    0:06:39.60, He ought to be called conjunctivitis bunny. 他应该叫结膜炎兔
    0:06:42.15, Okay. 好吧
    0:06:42.99, Uh, so, dad, 这样 爸爸
    0:06:44.00, The cribs are over there, but while we're here, 婴儿床在那边 但既然我们在这边
    0:06:45.76, a little advice--you can never have too many onesies. 给你个小建议 买多少连体衣都不嫌多
    0:06:48.12, All right? Any event, day or night. 任何场合 任何时间
    0:06:49.89, Throw one on, little pair of booties, 给宝宝套上一件 再穿上双袜袜
    0:06:51.24, boom--ready to go out. 就可以出发了
    0:06:52.40, Dress it up, you could dress it down. 把它穿在身上 显得很随意
    0:06:53.84, You could--dad? 也可以...爸爸
    0:06:56.97, Dad?
    0:06:58.31, Something was clearly going on with my dad, 我爸明显有什么心事
    0:07:00.41, but I wasn't about to get sucked in. 但我可不想瞎搀和
    0:07:02.26, It's happened before. 以前也发生过
    0:07:03.64, Dad, you seem sad. Do you wanna talk? 爸 你好像有些难过 能跟我说说吗
    0:07:05.82, Talk?! What are we, girlfriends? 说什么 我们什么关系 闺蜜吗
    0:07:08.75, To use a sports reference, 引用"运动"来解释
    0:07:10.69, put the football away, Lucy. 把橄榄球收起来吧 露西
    0:07:10.69, [典出漫画《花生》 露西总喜欢把橄榄球收起来 不让查理·布朗踢]
    0:07:12.74, I ain't kickin'. 我都没想踢
    0:07:14.27, So Saturday noon? 那就周六中午
    0:07:15.43, - Saturday noon's fine, Jay. - Yeah. -周六中午可以 杰 -好的
    0:07:16.54, Hey, dad, I picked you up a diaper bag. 爸爸 我给你挑了一个尿片包
    0:07:18.45, Fun fact-- this insulated pouch 有趣的设计在于 这个隔热袋
    0:07:20.27, will keep a bottle of prosecco cold 可以让一瓶普洛赛克酒保持冰凉
    0:07:21.50, for an entire Wiggles concert. 足以撑过整场儿童乐队表演
    0:07:23.39, Hi. 你好
    0:07:24.02, - Uh, Mitch, it's doctor-- - Bob Jensen. -米奇 这位是 -鲍勃·詹森医生
    0:07:26.23, Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你
    0:07:27.36, Jay, I will see you. 杰 再见
    0:07:28.31, Yeah, I'll see you then. Good, Bob. 好的 到时候见 鲍勃
    0:07:33.14, Doctor? Sweater vest? 医生 毛背心
    0:07:34.92, My dad acting all shifty? 我爸表现的很诡异
    0:07:36.70, He was seeing a shrink. 他在看心理医生
    0:07:38.51, Dad, I can see that you're going through something. 爸爸 我看得出你在为什么事情煎熬
    0:07:40.76, And I can see your bra strap, Oprah. 我还能看见你胸罩带呢 奥普拉大妹子
    0:07:42.48, Mind your own business." 管好自己的事儿吧"
    0:07:45.52, Tee up the football all you want, Lucy. 把那个橄榄球放好 露西
    0:07:47.56, Still ain't kickin'. 我仍然没想踢
    0:07:49.31, She clearly misheard the question. 她显然听错了问题
    0:07:51.56, The acoustics in here are terrible. 这里的音响效果太差了
    0:07:53.83, Especially for a little girl 尤其对于一个耳朵发炎
    0:07:55.10, - just getting over an ear infection. - Oh, my god, 刚刚痊愈的小姑娘而言-我的天
    0:07:57.10, What are you doing? 你在干嘛
    0:07:57.90, - I was explaining your-- - Oh, I heard, 我在为你解释-我听到了
    0:07:59.41, because my ears are fine. 因为我耳朵没事
    0:08:00.61, I'm sorry. I didn't ask her to do this. 对不起 我没让她这么干
    0:08:02.01, I'm trying to help you. 我是想帮你
    0:08:03.13, You were not. You were trying to help you. 你不是想帮我 是想帮你自己
    0:08:04.91, You're just mad because now you can't parade me around 你生气是因为现在你不能像牵着小马驹一样
    0:08:06.51, - like some show pony. - That is not true. 拉着我到处展览了-才不是这样的
    0:08:08.19, Oh, don't deny it. You bought the 2-day cushion. 别抵赖了 你买的是2天用的垫子
    0:08:11.82, Who are you to judge? 你们有什么资格评判我
    0:08:26.44, Thank you for a fun day, okay? Good-bye. 谢谢你带来的欢乐的一天 再见
    0:08:28.52, =-Good-bye?-Ay,cam,sorry, 现在就再见吗-小卡 对不起
    0:08:30.30, But the lunch was two hours, 可是午饭吃了两个小时
    0:08:31.77, and then you had to show me your first apartment. 然后你又让我看你住过的第一间公寓
    0:08:33.41, Oh, could you believe how I used to live? 你能相信我以前过着怎样的生活吗
    0:08:35.37, I really need to take a nap now. 我现在真得补个觉
    0:08:36.93, No. No, no. No. No. No, no. No, no. 不行不行不行
    0:08:39.10, You know what? I have, uh, something I want you to do 你知道吗 我有件事希望你去做
    0:08:40.84, that's even more relaxing than a nap. 可比补觉更让人放松
    0:08:42.18, Yeah.-No. I want to take a nap. 真的-不 我就想睡一会儿
    0:08:46.37, There's my man. 我"男人"来了
    0:08:47.41, That's me. Your man. 我来了 你"男人"
    0:08:49.32, I brought spinach dip. I don't know why. 我带来了菠菜酱 我也不知道为什么
    0:08:51.50, I'll tell you why. 'cause it's delicious, 我告诉你为什么 因为它好吃
    0:08:53.04, and you're an awesome guest. 而且你是个好客人
    0:08:54.29, - Get in here. - All right. 进来吧-好啊
    0:08:55.29, - How are you? - Good. You? 你好吗-还好 你呢
    0:08:56.69, Good. Uh, by the way, 还好 顺便说一下
    0:08:57.98, I left a message for my brother-in-law and his partner 我给我小舅子和他爱人留了口信
    0:08:59.69, to join us, too. 让他们也过来
    0:09:00.49, Oh, more people. Good. 多一些人 好的
    0:09:03.29, - Nice house, by the way. - Thanks. 房子不错-谢谢
    0:09:06.44, Wait a minute. Is that your family? 等一下 那是你的家人吗
    0:09:08.65, Are you married? 你结婚了吗
    0:09:09.54, Yeah, but don't worry. We have the house to ourselves. 是的 不过别担心 今晚家里都属于我们
    0:09:11.43, They're all out of town. 他们都出城去了
    0:09:12.40, I am long overdue for a boys' night. 我已经好久没过"男生之夜"了
    0:09:14.61, Oh, so your wife is okay with-- 所以说 你妻子不介意...
    0:09:16.36, Oh, yeah. She suggested it. 不介意 还是她提议的
    0:09:18.74, She knows I need this every so often. 她知道我偶尔需要跟男人们"玩玩"
    0:09:20.88, Long as I clean up afterwards, she's fine. 只要我事后"清洗干净" 她没意见的
    0:09:22.85, You ready for a margarita? 你想喝一杯玛格丽特酒吗
    0:09:24.82, Sure. 好的
    0:09:30.93, Soothing, right? 静气凝神对不对
    0:09:32.18, You see, as the music relaxes the baby, 你看 音乐让婴儿放松
    0:09:34.69, you relax. 你也放松了
    0:09:35.59, No, you're making the baby jump on my bladder. 才没 你让宝宝在我膀胱上跳呢
    0:09:38.10, How can it relax listening to a song about a hooker? 一首关于妓女的歌怎么能让人放松呢
    0:09:40.48, She's not a hooker, she's a private dancer. 她不是妓女 她是一名私人舞蹈家
    0:09:42.32, A dancer for money. 她为钱而舞
    0:09:43.08, She'll do what you want her to-- 她会做任何你想让她做的事情...
    0:09:44.59, Oh, my gosh, I taught lily this song. 我的天 我教过莉莉这首歌
    0:09:47.18, Excuse me. 不好意思
    0:09:48.76, Hello?
    0:09:49.39, He's married. 他已经结婚了
    0:09:50.25, To a woman. 跟一个女人
    0:09:51.68, Yeah, she's out of town. 她外出了
    0:09:53.58, I don't know. They must have 我不知道 他们估计是达成了
    0:09:54.57, some sort of arrangement or something. 某种协议什么的
    0:09:56.69, So what? If they know about it, 那又怎样 若他们彼此心知肚明
    0:09:57.70, who cares? 管那么多干嘛
    0:09:58.69, You're not ready for a relationship anyway. 反正你也还没准备好认真谈恋爱
    0:10:00.16, Just have some fun. 玩玩而已嘛
    0:10:01.39, It feels weird. He has other people coming over. 感觉好怪 他还邀请了其他人来
    0:10:03.97, I think I'm gonna bail on this. 我觉得我还是走吧
    0:10:05.52, He's just feeling you out like you're feeling him out. 他是在试探你 就像你也在试探他一样
    0:10:08.36, I promise you, these other guests will mysteriously cancel. 放心吧 其他客人最后一定会神秘爽约
    0:10:11.65, Hold on just a second, sweetie. 稍等一下 亲爱的
    0:10:13.91, Hello? 你好
    0:10:14.60, Hey, you guys still coming? 你们还过来吗
    0:10:16.16, Oh, I forgot to call you. We have to cancel. 我忘了打给你 我们去不了了
    0:10:18.08, No problem. Bye. 没关系 再见
    0:10:21.43, More margaritas for us. 我们有更多玛格丽塔酒喝了
    0:10:22.59, The other guys just cancelled. 其他客人刚刚说不过来了
    0:10:24.71, Are you still there? 你还在吗
    0:10:25.90, You were right. The other guys just cancelled. 你说对了 其他客人不来了
    0:10:27.90, See? 瞧吧
    0:10:28.75, Now listen to me. 听我说
    0:10:29.67, You're gonna have two margaritas. 你要喝两杯玛格丽塔酒
    0:10:31.01, Maybe start a third. Laugh at his jokes. 也许可以喝第三杯 他讲笑话你就笑
    0:10:33.56, But not in that high falsetto thing. 但笑声不能太尖
    0:10:34.89, Something more manly. Let's practice. 要有点男人的磁性 来练习一下
    0:10:36.52, Hey, I'm not gonna laugh for you. 我才不要跟你练习笑声
    0:10:37.89, You can be very controlling, you know that? 你有时控制欲太强了 你知道吗
    0:10:39.90, Why does everybody say I'm controlling? 为什么所有人都说我控制欲强
    0:10:41.95, Oh. Gotta go. 我得挂了
    0:10:44.27, Looks like this kennel is for bulldogs only. 看来今晚寒舍只对斗牛犬人开放了
    0:10:49.22, You all right? 你还好吗
    0:10:49.90, Yeah, I'm all right. I'm great. 没事 我很好
    0:10:51.34, Oh, good. 那就好
    0:10:52.09, Listen, uh, I-I don't want this to sound weird, 听着 我不想弄得很古怪
    0:10:54.82, But, um... 但是
    0:10:56.68, But you and I, tonight... Is this, uh... 但你和我 今晚 这算是...
    0:11:02.04, Sorry, Dave, what was that? 抱歉 戴维 你说什么
    0:11:04.15, Nothing. 没什么
    0:11:18.19, Here you go. 给您
    0:11:19.10, For a small fee, we can come to your house 只需交一点费用 我们就可以送货上门
    0:11:20.69, and assemble it for you. 并为您组装
    0:11:21.68, Yeah, my dad's more of a do-it-yourself-er, 我父亲比较习惯自己动手
    0:11:23.50, plus he's not one for strangers in his personal space. 而且他不喜欢让陌生人进他家
    0:11:26.08, All right. Uh, well, can I help you carry it to your car? 好吧 那我帮你搬到车上吧
    0:11:28.50, Yeah, he's not gonna go for that, either. 那样他也不喜欢
    0:11:30.02, The guy won't even use the wheels on his suitcase. 那家伙行李箱上有轮子都不用
    0:11:32.10, Likes everyone to think he's this big, tough guy who-- 他喜欢让别人觉得他是大块头猛男
    0:11:34.29, Okay. 好吧
    0:11:35.25, Yo! There he is. All right. Let's get this done. 拿出来啦 好 开始干活吧
    0:11:37.91, Hey, dad, you know-- 爸 其实
    0:11:38.78, No, we don't need any help, Mitchell. 不 我们不需要别人帮忙 米奇尔
    0:11:40.54, Just pick up your end. 把你那边举起来
    0:11:44.73, Dad, stop, stop, stop. 爸 停一下 停一下
    0:11:45.97, What? A break already? 怎么 刚抬就要休息吗
    0:11:46.93, Dad, you're obviously going through something. 爸 你很明显有什么心事
    0:11:48.85, Look, you do not have to go through this alone. 你不需要独自承受
    0:11:50.96, I'm here to talk if you want. 我随时愿意倾听你的烦恼
    0:11:53.57, That's really nice of you, Mitchell, 米奇尔 你人真好
    0:11:54.61, But do you wanna do it here? 但真的要在这里谈吗
    0:11:56.12, cause I saw a little princess table 因为我在那边看到一张小公主桌
    0:11:57.58, with a tea set on it. 上面还有一套茶具
    0:11:59.07, You and I could have a real gab fest. 我们父子小闺蜜可以去那好好聊聊
    0:12:00.84, Argh! I'm such a blockhead. 我真是不长记性
    0:12:04.57, Can't we just get this into the car? 我们能赶紧把这东西搬上车吗
    0:12:06.16, Why? So you're not late for your shrink session? 怎么 你怕去看心理医生迟到吗
    0:12:07.84, What?-Yeah. I picked up on that. 什么-是啊 我发现了
    0:12:09.50, Bunny hugger! Saw that, too. 爱抱兔子的老头 那个我也看到了
    0:12:11.87, Mobile spinner. 转玩具架的老头
    0:12:15.23, I swear to god... 老子对天发誓
    0:12:19.70, What are you doing back here?! 你躲在这里做什么
    0:12:21.66, I didn't have the room key, 我没有房间钥匙
    0:12:22.91, and I don't want to be seen in public. 也不想被任何人看到
    0:12:24.23, I thought about what you said before... 我考虑了你刚才说的话
    0:12:26.42, When did China's last emperor 中国的最后一位君主
    0:12:27.72, - ascend the throne? - 1909. -是在哪年登基的 -1909年
    0:12:29.35, And you can say a lot of things about me, 你说我其它什么都行
    0:12:31.32, but I am not someone who lives through her kids. 但我不是那种把期望寄托在孩子身上的人
    0:12:33.49, Sorry. It's 1909. 答错了 是1909年
    0:12:34.93, Do I like to see you succeed? 要问我喜不喜欢看到你成功
    0:12:36.46, Of course I do! 我肯定喜欢
    0:12:37.35, - Tritium is an isotope of what element? - Hydrogen. 氚是哪个元素的同位素-氢
    0:12:39.68, But do I need that to 但要问我是否需要你的成功
    0:12:41.84, make myself feel important? 来证明自己的价值
    0:12:43.28, Absolutely not. 那绝对不是
    0:12:44.35, No, the answer is hydrogen. 错 答案是氢
    0:12:46.29, As a matter of fact, I'm a little hurt 说实在的 我真的有点寒心
    0:12:47.84, you would think I was so shallow. 你竟然认为我这么肤浅
    0:12:49.09, The Persian satrapy of Skudra included which two areas? 波斯帝国的斯库德拉辖地包括哪两个区域
    0:12:51.90, Macedonia and Thrace. 马其顿和色雷斯
    0:12:53.60, I know moms like that, and that is not me. 我认识几个当妈的是那样 但我不是
    0:12:56.73, No way. 绝对不是
    0:12:58.06, Macedonia and Thrace. 马其顿和色雷斯
    0:12:59.43, Are you freaking kidding me?! 开什么玩笑
    0:13:01.04, Macedonia and Thrace? What even is that?! 马其顿和色雷斯 那是什么玩意
    0:13:04.18, You're hardly even listening! How could we lose this?! 你连听都没听 我们怎么会输的
    0:13:09.05, I said "We." 我居然说了"我们"
    0:13:10.19, Yeah. You do that sometimes. 是啊 你有时就这样
    0:13:12.81, I'm so sorry. 我很抱歉
    0:13:14.51, I am one of those moms. 我就是那种妈妈
    0:13:16.71, I like it too much when you win. 我很爱你赢的时候
    0:13:18.88, I really love lording it over the other moms. 我好喜欢对其他妈耍威风
    0:13:22.43, Well, in our house, I'm kind of your only source for that. 在我们家 你也只能指望拿我炫耀了
    0:13:25.45, You're telling me. 那还用你说
    0:13:27.49, Haley e-mails me pictures of her nails. 海莉只会给我发她涂了指甲油的照片
    0:13:29.97, And Luke asked me if he's part owl. 卢克还问我他是不是有猫头鹰基因
    0:13:32.25, He does get his head pretty far around. 他的头是挺能转的
    0:13:32.51, [猫头鹰的头部可以旋转270度左右]  
    0:13:34.45, Alex, I'm so sorry. 艾丽克斯 真对不起
    0:13:36.76, It's okay. 没关系啦
    0:13:38.22, Maybe you do put pressure on me, 可能你是给我施加了点压力
    0:13:39.45, but it's nothing compared to what I put on myself. 但我给自己的压力更大
    0:13:41.91, I guess I needed somebody to blame for what happened today, 我想我只是想为今天的事找个人来怪罪
    0:13:44.17, And there you were. 而你恰好撞枪口上了
    0:13:46.32, You know I'm in awe of you, right? 你知道我很敬畏你的 对吧
    0:13:50.30, Come on. I know a back way out of this place. 起来 我知道这地方的后门
    0:13:52.53, Wait. Don't you have to return that? 等等 这东西你不打算还了吗
    0:13:53.80, No way. I paid good money for this. 才不 我可花了不少钱的
    0:13:55.79, - We're taking it down the waterslide. -Okay. 我们带着它去玩滑水道-好吧
    0:13:57.96, How can she not be here, either? 她居然也不在这里
    0:13:59.56, - This is hopeless. - Have a little faith. 我绝望了-有点信心
    0:14:02.17, Did the Jews give up when the Egyptians chased them 埃及人把犹太人逼到红海边上的时候
    0:14:04.34, to the banks of the red sea? 他们放弃了吗
    0:14:05.59, How do you know all this stuff? 你是从哪儿知道这些的
    0:14:06.92, Was I the only one listening to uncle Menachem's toast? 难道就我一人听了曼纳汉姆叔叔的祝酒词吗
    0:14:09.78, Well, I'm glad it worked out for the ancient Jews, 很高兴这对古犹太人管用
    0:14:11.82, But at the moment 但是眼下
    0:14:12.40, - I don't see God doing me any-- - Look! 我可没看见上帝怎么帮我了-看
    0:14:23.13, I'm not gonna embarrass you, 我不想让你难堪
    0:14:24.50, but you got one minute to get out of here. 限你一分钟之内离开
    0:14:27.03, You, too. 你也是
    0:14:30.65, It's for the best. 就这样也挺好的
    0:14:32.22, All this sneaking around was kind of weighing on me. 到处瞎转悠真让我有点劳累了
    0:14:35.18, - Let's just grab our gift bags and go. - No. 我们拿了礼物袋就走吧-不
    0:14:37.48, I still have 50 seconds. 我还有50秒呢
    0:14:40.87, Excuse me. 打扰一下
    0:14:43.57, Hi. 你好
    0:14:44.42, My name is Manny Delgado, 我叫曼尼·迪尔加多
    0:14:45.99, And I've been searching for you 从你今天在大厅对我微笑后
    0:14:46.97, since you smiled at me in the lobby today-- 我就一直在找你
    0:14:49.11, Maybe even my whole life. 或许我已经寻觅你一辈子了
    0:14:50.65, It's too late for us to have the magical night I was hoping for, 我之前期待能与你一起共度良宵 但现在太晚了
    0:14:52.88, but it's not too late for us 但有件事尚不算晚
    0:14:54.06, to have a memento of what might have been. 那就是为错过的良宵留下美好的纪念
    0:14:56.30, I'll be waiting. 我会等你
    0:15:12.23, Okay, Mitch-- 好了 米奇
    0:15:13.06, Too late. Not interested. 太迟了 不想听
    0:15:15.73, Now listen. 给我听着
    0:15:17.72, Okay, you know what? I'm just gonna go out the back. 我就不信了 我去开后门
    0:15:19.03, Door, sunroof-- all on lockdown. 车门和天窗都锁了
    0:15:23.28, Okay, look, that guy you met today-- 行了 听着 你今天看见的那个人
    0:15:25.61, he is a shrink. 他是个心理医生
    0:15:26.78, But I don't see him all the time. 但我并不怎么去
    0:15:28.00, You mom and I saw him a little before the divorce. 你妈和我在离婚前去了几次
    0:15:31.10, But every now and then, something comes up for me, 但有时我碰到了点什么事
    0:15:33.49, and I go in for a tune-up. 我也会去他那调整一下
    0:15:35.87, If you're waiting for me to ask what's going on with you, 如果你是在等我问你 最近怎么了
    0:15:37.96, you just better keep waiting, 那你还是别等了
    0:15:39.14, cause I learned my lesson. 因为我不想再自讨没趣
    0:15:41.10, I'm down about something-- 我为某件事心情不怎么好
    0:15:42.18, something I knew was coming, 我知道这事迟早要来
    0:15:44.46, and now it's finally happening. 现在终于来了
    0:15:47.45, We're turning my office into the nursery today. 我的办公室今天就要变成婴儿房了
    0:15:52.52, You've been moping around like you lost your platoon 你一副打了败仗般的悲伤抑郁神情
    0:15:54.92, - over a room? - Not just a room. 就为了一个房间-不止是房间的问题
    0:15:57.75, It's the only place in this house 整个家里也就在那间房
    0:15:59.10, where I can still close the door and read a book or have a drink. 我能关上门读本书或喝杯酒了
    0:16:02.10, Everything in there was mine. 只有那个房间是完全属于我的
    0:16:04.18, Ah, who cares? Everybody's got their problems. 谁在乎 每个人都有烦心事
    0:16:06.59, No.
    0:16:10.15, You know, I can still open my door. 我这边的门还是能开的
    0:16:11.53, You just locked yourself back in. 你只是把你自己反锁了
    0:16:14.90, Look, dad, I... 听着 爸 我...
    0:16:16.58, I had to give up my home office for Lily's bedroom, 我之前也为莉莉的卧室放弃了我的家庭办公室
    0:16:19.00, and I was upset about it, too. 我对此也很伤心
    0:16:22.21, Wasn't hugging bunnies, but... 没到要抱兔宝宝的地步 但也...
    0:16:23.52, All right. 行了你
    0:16:24.06, I-I realize that it wasn't about an office or a room. 我 我意识到这不是办公室或房间的问题
    0:16:28.77, It was about how Lily was gonna change everything. 而是莉莉将要带来的全面改变
    0:16:31.58, But once we got her in there, 但我们一接她到家
    0:16:34.54, I don't know. I-I just-- I never looked back. 我不知道 我 我就 不再想那事了
    0:16:38.28, Yeah, I guess I'm just nervous about everything, you know. 是啊 我想我可能就是对现状有点紧张
    0:16:40.14, Yeah.-Thanks,kid. 是啊-谢谢你 孩子
    0:16:44.78, You know, I'm just recalling 知道不 我忽然想起来
    0:16:46.14, me grumbling about giving up my MG roadster 你和克莱尔快要出生的时候
    0:16:48.45, when you and Claire came along. 我要放弃那名爵跑车也很是不爽
    0:16:50.21, Great car. No backseat. 那车超酷 没后座呢
    0:16:53.35, Isn't it funny? The stupid things that we think-- 想起来真是有趣 我们认为最愚蠢的事...
    0:16:55.06, - She was my baby. - are so important. 她是我的小宝贝-如此重要
    0:16:59.41, I guess all told, we had about 50 chickens. 我想算下来 我们总共有50只鸡
    0:17:01.63, Maybe 115 head of hogs. 差不多115头猪
    0:17:03.97, Let's see, 55 cattle. 大概 55头牛
    0:17:05.10, Oh, you know what'll be fun? 哎呀你知道怎么样才好玩吗
    0:17:06.19, Let's see if I can remember all their names. There was... 我想想还记不记得它们的名字 有...
    0:17:08.78, Albert, Lisa 艾尔伯特 莉莎
    0:17:10.32, Steph, and Mike 斯特夫和麦克
    0:17:11.70, Gloria! No, Gloria! 歌洛莉亚 别走 歌洛莉亚
    0:17:13.31, Gloria! 歌洛莉亚
    0:17:14.40, No. I do not want to hear one more story. 不 我一个故事都不想再听了
    0:17:18.08, I am going to take a nap now. 我现在要去小睡一会儿
    0:17:19.56, Okay, yeah, sure. Whatever you want. 好的 当然了 悉听尊便
    0:17:21.18, This day's about you. 今天你说了算
    0:17:22.79, - Just one more thing-- - No, no one more thing! 只是有一件事-别再有事了
    0:17:24.67, I just wanted to take a picture, you know, 我只是想拍张照片
    0:17:25.99, To commemorate our special day. 以此纪念我们这么特殊的一天
    0:17:27.30, Okay, fine! Take the picture! 好吧 你要照就照吧
    0:17:29.41, No, not here. The lighting's terrible. 不 这里不行 光线太差
    0:17:31.08, I was thinking we could take it... 我想可以在
    0:17:32.58, in your new nursery! 新的婴儿房里拍
    0:17:37.86, No, Cam. No. 不 小卡 不
    0:17:39.52, But, Gloria, come-- 但是 歌洛莉亚 过来...
    0:17:40.78, Somebody has to tell you this. No. 必须有人点醒你 你这样不行
    0:17:42.77, You try to control everything. You take over people's lives! 你想掌控一切 你想掌控别人的生活
    0:17:46.33, It's always too much with you! 你这个人总是那么过火
    0:17:49.04, You know, maybe we should talk about this out in the hallway. 也许我们应该在外面走廊上谈这个
    0:17:50.79, Why, because there's gonna be better lighting over there? 为什么 因为外面光线更好吗
    0:17:52.70, You're doing it again, Cam. You're doing it again! 你又这样 小卡 你又这样
    0:17:58.08, You're right. I am too much. 你说得对 我太过火了
    0:17:59.32, I do control. I do barge. 我是控制狂 我喜欢干预别人
    0:18:01.25, I'll have my friend Abelard come back and paint over it. 我会叫我朋友阿伯拉德回来把这个涂掉
    0:18:03.79, So this is why you kept me outside all day? 你把我整天拖在外面就为了这个吗
    0:18:06.09, So that your friend Aburar could come and paint a present? 好让你的朋友阿拉伯什么的来画这个礼物
    0:18:09.91, Yeah, rather than getting you a gift off your registry 是啊 我怎么不能像正常人一样从你的
    0:18:11.94, like a normal person. 礼物登记簿中选一样呢
    0:18:13.15, - I'm so stupid. - I love it! 我好蠢-我爱死了
    0:18:15.90, You do? 真的吗
    0:18:16.64, It's just like you-- 那画就和你一样
    0:18:18.21, Full of color... And life... And love. 丰富多彩 生机勃勃 超级有爱
    0:18:22.21, I really did think you'd love it. 我真心觉得你会喜欢的
    0:18:24.17, What's going on up here? 什么情况
    0:18:26.46, - What the... - Okay, that was not my idea. I told Cam-- 靠-那不是我的主意 我告诉过小卡
    0:18:29.49, I told him that's a lot to put on someone's wall. 我告诉他这样在人家墙上乱涂太过分了
    0:18:31.30, Hold on. I like it. 等下 我喜欢
    0:18:33.56, - Really? Oh... - Thanks, Cam. 真的吗-多谢 小卡
    0:18:35.95, - You actually-- - Makes it easier to give up the room. 你真的...-现在放弃这房间容易多了
    0:18:45.58, Wow, that's close. 就差那么一点儿[太近了]
    0:18:48.07, Guy was an inch out of bounds. 那家伙就出界了一点儿
    0:18:55.23, Time-out. 暂停[够了]
    0:18:58.21, You know what? 知道吗
    0:18:59.54, I'm not gonna be able to relax 不把这事儿"搞定"
    0:19:00.83, until I get this out of the way. 我没法真心乐起来
    0:19:05.73, Dishwasher. 洗碗机
    0:19:08.41, Pretty cool, huh? 超酷的吧
    0:19:10.61, Yeah. It is. 是啊 的确是
    0:19:13.16, Hey, do you think... 你可以
    0:19:14.64, mind if I freshen this? 再帮我倒一杯吗
    0:19:15.57, Yeah, yeah, yeah. Allow me. 没问题 我来吧
    0:19:17.97, Wow. Your hand's shaking. 哇 你的手在发抖
    0:19:20.87, Remember, Dave, it's just a game. 记住咯 戴维 只是比赛[游戏]而已
    0:19:28.29, Oh, god! Oh, my god! my gosh. 我的天 我的天
    0:19:32.17, - Oh, come here. - It's all right. 我来擦-没事的
    0:19:34.39, - I'm--I'm just a little wet. - Oh, no, you're drenched. 有点湿罢了-不 你都湿透了
    0:19:36.37, You can't sit in that. You know what? 你这样没法坐 不如
    0:19:37.99, Take that off. I'll throw 'em both in the dryer 脱掉吧 我扔到烘干机里
    0:19:39.90, and get us a couple of clean ones. 我去拿两件干净的
    0:19:41.87, Okay. 好的
    0:19:42.98, Well, I guess this is something we're doing. 我猜反正也总是要脱的
    0:19:46.20, Interception! 断球
    0:19:47.75, Interception! 断球
    0:19:48.94, - Come on, buddy! - Come on! -加油 伙计 -加油
    0:19:50.09, - Come on, buddy! - Come on! -加油 伙计 -加油
    0:19:51.29, Come on! Come on, buddy! Touchdown! 加油 伙计 触地得分
    0:19:55.42, How exciting is this?! 真是太兴奋了
    0:19:57.03, Oh, it's been so long. 人家都等了好久了
    0:19:59.83, - What's happening? - Uhh. Nothing. 怎么了-没什么
    0:20:02.00, Oh, my car keys. 是我的车钥匙"顶"到你
    0:20:03.09, Shoot. The TV went off. 见鬼 电视挂了
    0:20:05.60, Must have screwed something up. 肯定是什么"搞"坏了
    0:20:07.46, You know what? It doesn't matter. 知道吗 没关系
    0:20:08.46, There's another one upstairs. 楼上还有电视
    0:20:09.86, How about we head up to the bedroom 不如我们上楼去卧室
    0:20:11.17, for some halftime festivities? 来个中场"狂欢"
    0:20:13.03, Oh... Okay. 那 好吧
    0:20:15.70, Let's do this. 我们"上"吧
    0:20:21.41, I'd forgotten how much fun this can be. 我都忘了这样有多开心了
    0:20:23.20, We should make this a regular thing. 我们应该定期聚下
    0:20:25.09, Phil, Phil, wait. 菲尔 菲尔 等等
    0:20:27.09, Uh, I think I'd better just head home. 我想我还是回家好了
    0:20:29.35, - What? - I'm just coming out of a long-term relationship, 什么-我刚结束一段长期恋情
    0:20:32.56, and I guess I'm still pretty fragile. 我觉得我现在内心依然脆弱
    0:20:35.51, It's not that I haven't had a-a great time. 不是说我玩得不开心
    0:20:37.78, Not at all. Hey, I get it. 没关系 我懂的
    0:20:38.88, I've spent a few nights in heartbreak hotel. 我也曾经有过肝肠寸断的几晚
    0:20:41.15, If there's anything I can do... 如果有我能帮得上的
    0:20:44.10, You've already done more than you know. 你对我的帮助比你想像的大得多

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第7集:海莉被学校开除 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第四季 第9集:因果报应


