第十一季 第十八集 |
00:02.81, |
But why do they still call Batman using the Bat-Signal? |
为什么这年代了召唤蝙蝠侠还用蝙蝠信号灯 |
00:05.32, |
Wouldn't it just be, like, easier to text him? |
直接发条短信请他来不是更方便吗 |
00:07.34, |
The Bat-Signal isn't just to alert Batman, |
蝙蝠信号灯不只是用来召唤蝙蝠侠 |
00:09.68, |
it's also to strike fear in the hearts of his enemies |
还有震慑他敌人内心的功用 |
00:12.03, |
and let them know he's coming. |
让他们知道蝙蝠侠要来了 |
00:13.25, |
Sort of like Sheldon's knock. |
就像谢尔顿的三段敲门法 |
00:16.68, |
Comparing me to Batman? I'll take it. |
嘲讽我跟蝙蝠侠类似吗 我接受 |
00:20.82, |
If we don't do anything, |
如果我们不出手 |
00:22.27, |
how long do you think they'll talk about Batman? |
你们觉得他们能聊多久的蝙蝠侠 |
00:24.34, |
Well, I've know them for 11 years, so... |
我认识他们已经有11年了 所以... |
00:27.28, |
11 years. |
11年吧 |
00:30.06, |
I believe they do text him. |
我觉得他们也有给他发短信 |
00:31.75, |
The-the Bat-Signal is linked to his phone via Bluetooth. |
蝙蝠信号灯通过蓝牙连到他手机 |
00:34.65, |
Has that been in the comics? |
漫画里有画过吗 |
00:35.92, |
No, it's just what I believe. |
没 我个人这么认为而已 |
00:39.08, |
All right, I'm putting a stop to this. |
够了 我要让他们停下 |
00:40.75, |
If you knew how, why'd you wait 11 years? |
你如果知道办法 你为什么还等了11年啊 |
00:44.49, |
Hey, guys, guess what? |
各位 告诉你们 |
00:46.07, |
Today at work, I found out I am going to meet Bill Gates. |
我今天上班发现我要跟比尔·盖茨见面了 |
00:50.99, |
Sorry, Leonard, you and Penny had a good run. |
抱歉 莱纳德 你跟佩妮的缘分到此为止了 |
01:02.59, |
I'm not leaving him for Bill Gates. |
我不会为了比尔·盖茨而甩了他 |
00:56.58, |
You sure? I-I bet his Internet's really fast. |
你确定吗 我猜他家的网应该超快呢 |
01:00.59, |
How did this happen? |
你怎么会有此荣幸 |
01:01.68, |
Well, his foundation is looking to partner |
他的慈善基金会在寻找 |
01:03.57, |
with a pharmaceutical company to help develop affordable vaccines |
制药公司来合作研发价格低廉的疫苗 |
01:06.50, |
so they asked me to show him around. |
所以公司让我带他转转 |
01:08.43, |
That's great. When's he coming? |
太好了 他什么时候来 |
01:09.94, |
Uh, he gets in on Sunday, and Monday morning, |
他大概周日 周一早晨到 |
01:12.06, |
I'm gonna give him a tour of the labs and offices. |
我会带他去看看实验室和办公区域 |
01:14.46, |
Oh. He gets in on Sunday, April first? |
他周日 也就是4月1号到吗 |
01:19.22, |
Nice try, Penny. |
想得美 佩妮 |
01:22.37, |
What're you talking about? |
你在说什么 |
01:23.39, |
April Fools' Day. |
4月1日愚人节 |
01:24.87, |
This is another one of your classic pranks |
想必这又是另一个你年年 |
01:26.74, |
you try to pull on me every year. |
想愚弄我的恶作剧之一吧 |
01:28.60, |
Literally never pulled a prank on you. |
我从来没有对你恶作剧过啊 |
01:31.10, |
Oh, really? What about last year, |
是吗 那去年 |
01:32.60, |
when you sent me that e-mail with the photo attached, |
你给我发一封电邮写了照片请见附件 |
01:34.87, |
but you didn't attach a photo. |
结果根本没附件 |
01:37.91, |
That was a mistake. |
那是我犯错了 |
01:39.06, |
Messing with me? Yes, it was. |
想耍我 你当然是犯了错 |
01:42.05, |
And this year, |
所以今年 |
01:42.85, |
I am not falling for it. |
我不会再上你的当 |
01:44.28, |
- Sheldon, I swear... - No... what are you doing? |
-谢尔顿 我发誓... -别 你这是在干嘛 |
01:46.86, |
Oh, you're right. He's not coming. April fools. |
被你猜中了 他没有要来 愚人节 |
01:50.60, |
You know what they say, |
常言道 |
01:51.51, |
fool me "N" Times, |
耍我"N"次 |
01:53.23, |
where "N" equals the amount of times you've already fooled me, |
N等于你已经耍到我的次数 |
01:55.54, |
shame on you. |
你傻逼 |
01:56.60, |
Fool me "N" plus one times, shame on me. |
耍我"N+1"次 我傻逼 |
02:29.76, |
So you're gonna spend a day with Bill Gates. |
所以你要跟比尔·盖茨共处一天 |
02:32.68, |
I'm a little jealous. |
我有点小嫉妒啊 |
02:33.81, |
Well, I'm a little nervous. |
我还有点小紧张呢 |
02:35.18, |
You know, if I do a good job, I'm hoping they'll consider me |
如果我这次做得好 我希望公司能考虑一下 |
02:37.18, |
for a PR position that's opening up. |
最近刚空出来的公关职位 |
02:39.28, |
Well, if you're nervous, I-I know a lot about him. |
如果你很紧张 我知道很多关于他的事 |
02:41.99, |
I can fill you in or maybe come along, whatever. |
我可以帮你补习 或者陪你一起 我都行 |
02:46.66, |
I think I'll be okay. |
我觉得我没事的 |
02:48.10, |
Well, I'm-I'm just saying, what are you gonna do |
我举个例子 万一他想要 |
02:50.16, |
when he wants to talk about high-level language interpreters |
跟你聊微型计算机的 |
02:52.55, |
for microcomputers? |
高级语言翻译程序怎么办 |
02:53.77, |
What are high-level language interpreters for microcomputers? |
什么是微型计算机的高级语言翻译程序啊 |
02:56.96, |
A way of programming computers |
一种为电脑编程的方式 |
02:58.60, |
using words and commands instead of binary code. |
是用语言与指令而不是用二进制代码 |
03:00.94, |
Oh. That's actually kind of interesting. Tell me more. |
这还挺有意思的呢 再跟我说说 |
03:03.65, |
Oh, well... |
其实嘛... |
03:04.43, |
That, I'll do that. Mm-hmm. |
这样 我会用这招回他 |
03:08.52, |
- I didn't even see it coming. - Yeah, well... |
我真是完全没料到啊-是啊 |
03:11.31, |
You never do. |
你从来都没料到过 |
03:12.97, |
Well, I-it's just, he's an idol of mine |
只是... 只是他是我的一个偶像 |
03:15.91, |
and I would love the chance to hang out with him. |
我真的很想有机会跟他见见面 |
03:18.10, |
Look, I know you want to meet him, |
我知道你想见他 |
03:19.18, |
but I can't turn this into a social thing, okay? |
但我不能把这事变成社交活动 好吗 |
03:21.09, |
This is my job. I really need it to go well. |
这是我的工作 我得确保这事办得妥当 |
03:23.81, |
I get it, I get it. You're right. |
懂 我懂 你说得对 |
03:26.79, |
Actually, I've-I've already met him once before. |
其实 其实我以前已经见过他一次了啦 |
03:28.61, |
He gave a talk at Princeton and my mom took me. |
他在普林斯顿大学演讲 我妈带我去了 |
03:30.76, |
Oh, really? Was he nice? |
真的吗 他人好相处吗 |
03:32.06, |
He's super nice. |
人超好 |
03:33.62, |
I-I got pretty emotional and started crying and... |
后来我太激动就开始哭了什么的... |
03:37.57, |
He didn't make fun of me or anything. |
他也没有取笑我什么的 |
03:40.16, |
Well, you were a kid. |
你当时只是个孩子嘛 |
03:47.74, |
Uh-huh. |
嗯哼 |
03:51.48, |
Bye, my babies, I love you. |
再见了 孩子们 我爱你们 |
03:54.16, |
We love you, too, Mommy. |
妈咪 我们也爱你 |
03:57.67, |
Yeah, don't do that. |
下次不许再恶心我 |
03:59.33, |
Bernadette? |
伯纳黛特 |
04:02.42, |
- Hi. Where you off to? - El parque. |
-你们要去哪里 -公园[西语] |
04:05.81, |
El parque? |
公园[西语]吗 |
04:07.34, |
I'm learning Spanish so I can talk to the other nannies. |
我在学西语 这样才能跟其他保姆聊天 |
04:11.83, |
How's that going? |
学得如何 |
04:13.17, |
Bueno. |
好[西语] |
04:15.43, |
Good? |
好啊 |
04:20.42, |
No bueno. |
不 好[西语] |
04:26.93, |
- Thanks for coming over. - No problem. |
谢谢你来陪我-小事 |
04:28.87, |
Can I get you anything? |
想喝什么吗 |
04:30.02, |
Juice box? 'Naners? |
果汁 "蕉蕉" |
04:32.54, |
Naners? |
什么是"蕉蕉" |
04:33.78, |
Sorry. Mom brain. |
抱歉 当妈的脑子 |
04:35.50, |
I think I've forgot how to talk to grown-ups. |
我都快忘了怎么跟成人说话了 |
04:37.88, |
I meant ba-naners. |
我是说香蕉蕉 |
04:41.40, |
You know what, I'm good. |
没事啦 不用了 |
04:42.62, |
Okay. |
好吧 |
04:43.91, |
So, what are we watching? |
我们看的这是什么 |
04:45.71, |
Bob the Builder. I'll catch you up. |
《建筑师巴布》 我帮你补一下剧情 |
04:47.91, |
That one's Bob. |
这位就是巴布 |
04:50.41, |
He's a builder. |
他是个建筑师 |
04:53.22, |
Isn't this a kids show? |
这不是儿童节目吗 |
04:55.44, |
It's what we watch in this house. |
我们家里就看这个 |
04:58.15, |
Bob the Builder, Dinosaur Train, |
《建筑师巴布》《恐龙列车》 |
05:00.02, |
and Peppa Pig, which is both funny and meaningful. |
《小猪佩奇》 逗趣又意义深远 |
05:06.11, |
You want to take a break and maybe get something to eat? |
你要不要休息一下 一起去吃点东西 |
05:08.41, |
Sure. |
好啊 |
05:12.68, |
Why does it not feel like we're going? |
怎么感觉不到有要出发的意思 |
05:15.13, |
Hang on, I-I just want to see if Bob can fix it. |
稍等 我看看巴布能不能修好 |
05:19.54, |
巴布的招牌台词 Yes, I / we can. |
05:19.54, |
Yes, he can! |
是的 他可以 |
05:26.07, |
Oh, hey. |
你来啦 |
05:26.98, |
I folded your laundry for you. You're welcome. |
我替你折好了衣服 不用谢 |
05:30.87, |
Uh, that's not mine. |
那不是我的啊 |
05:36.73, |
You're saying that these aren't yours? |
你的意思是 这些不是你的 |
05:43.33, |
No. |
不是 |
05:50.96, |
So you're saying that I'm touching |
所以你的意思是 我正摸着 |
05:51.83, |
a stranger's underpants? |
陌生人的内裤 |
05:54.28, |
Yes. |
是的 |
06:04.07, |
And just like that, it's the worst day of my life. |
就这样 今天成了我人生最惨的一天 |
06:08.28, |
Wait, why are you being so weird? |
等等 你为什么要怪里怪气的 |
06:11.45, |
It occurred to me that perhaps you were telling the truth about Bill Gates |
因为我想到比尔·盖茨的事有可能是真的 |
06:15.58, |
and it wasn't just part of an elaborate prank. |
而不是只是你精心铺垫的恶作剧一环 |
06:18.18, |
What would the prank part even be? |
恶作剧的部分会是什么啊 |
06:20.35, |
I show up to meet Bill Gates over your "objections," |
我跑去见比尔·盖茨 尽管你说"不许来" |
06:23.86, |
but it's not Bill Gates at all, no. |
结果到场了才发现不是比尔·盖茨 |
06:25.40, |
It's one of those look-alikes that you hire for a party. |
是那种你聘请来派对的名人装扮者 |
06:28.73, |
And then when I go around |
而当我手里拿着 |
06:29.53, |
showing everybody the balloon animal |
比尔·盖茨给我折的气球玩具 |
06:30.98, |
that "Bill Gates" made for me, I'll look like an idiot. |
到处让别人看时 我就会像个智障 |
06:35.59, |
Have you been eating laundry detergent? |
你是不是偷偷喝洗衣液了 |
06:39.96, |
I just need you to tell me the truth. |
我只是想要你告诉我实话 |
06:41.91, |
This is driving me crazy. |
我快被逼疯了 |
06:43.30, |
Sheldon, he is really coming. |
谢尔顿 他真的会来 |
06:45.20, |
- Is he? - He is. |
真的吗-真的 |
06:46.55, |
Really?-Yeah. |
不骗我-没骗你 |
06:49.73, |
Well, now I don't know what to believe! |
这下我不知道该相信啥了 |
06:54.83, |
Thanks for getting me out of the house. |
谢谢你带我出来 |
06:56.31, |
I feel like my brain is turning to mush. |
我觉得我脑子都快变浆糊了 |
06:58.31, |
Happy to help. |
我很乐意帮你 |
07:00.09, |
Did I show you the video of the kids sitting? |
我有没有给你看孩子们坐着的视频呀 |
07:02.15, |
Yes, you texted it to me at 3:00 a.m. |
有 你半夜3点发给我了 |
07:06.40, |
Thought someone was either in jail or dead. |
还以为是谁被抓或者挂了呢 |
07:10.39, |
I'm sorry. |
抱歉 |
07:11.32, |
No, no, I-it gave me something to watch |
没事 至少让我在重新入睡时 |
07:13.36, |
while I tried to go back to sleep. |
有令我想睡的东西看 |
07:17.01, |
You know what? I don't want to be one of those moms |
不行 我不要做那种 |
07:18.59, |
who can only talk about her kids. |
只会聊孩子的妈妈 |
07:20.76, |
Okay, well, I'm reading a pretty good book. |
好吧 我正在读一本挺有趣的书 |
07:23.06, |
It's the untold story of female artists during the Renaissance. |
关于文艺复兴时期鲜为人知的女艺术家 |
07:26.73, |
Oh, I'm in the middle of a book, too. |
我也在读书 |
07:28.80, |
It's three pages long and floats in the bath. |
它有三页长 可以飘在浴缸里 |
07:33.65, |
All right, we can talk about something else. |
我们也可以聊些其他的 |
07:36.28, |
It also quacks when you squeeze it. |
你一挤那书 它就呱呱叫 |
07:37.78, |
You should've seen Michael laugh. I think I have a video. |
迈克笑得可开心了 我这儿有视频 |
07:42.11, |
Or maybe we can't. |
看来没法聊其他的了 |
07:48.38, |
好莱坞著名配乐家 |
07:48.38, |
Why is your screen name "John Williams"? |
你的网名怎么叫"约翰·威廉姆斯" |
07:52.02, |
Uh, because I always score. |
因为哥永远在得分[配乐] |
07:57.63, |
Hey, I think I'm gonna head to the office for a little bit. |
我要去一趟办公室 |
08:00.31, |
- On a Sunday? - Yeah. |
周日也去吗-对呀 |
08:01.76, |
Want to make sure I'm prepared for tomorrow. |
我想为明天做好准备 |
08:04.29, |
Do you think you could get Bill Gates |
你能让比尔·盖茨帮我 |
08:05.90, |
to sign something for me? |
签个东西吗 |
08:07.44, |
Yeah, maybe, like what? |
好呀 签什么 |
08:09.08, |
Oh, my arm, my chest, his call. |
签我的手臂 我的胸膛 看他的意思吧 |
08:12.81, |
His call will be to the police. |
他只会有叫警察的意思 |
08:16.71, |
Penny, remember when I introduced you |
佩妮 还记得我向你推荐 |
08:19.30, |
to 100 calorie Dove bars |
只有100大卡的德芙巧克力条时 |
08:21.12, |
and you said you owed me, like, big-time? |
你说你欠我一个大人情吗 |
08:24.24, |
Guys, even if I wanted to introduce you, |
各位 就算我想要介绍你们 |
08:26.39, |
there is no room in his schedule. |
他的时间表也已经排满了 |
08:27.87, |
I mean, look. Look at this itinerary. |
真的 看看这个行程 |
08:29.46, |
I meet him at his hotel first thing tomorrow morning, |
明天一早我和他在酒店碰面 |
08:31.65, |
then we're on the go all day long. |
然后我们一整天都要到处跑 |
08:33.64, |
You're right. Guys, this is her job. |
你说得对 各位 这是她的工作 |
08:35.23, |
We need to respect that. |
我们不要给她添麻烦 |
08:36.45, |
- Thank you, honey. - Proud of you. |
-谢了 宝贝 -为你骄傲哦 |
08:38.64, |
Love you. |
爱你 |
08:43.51, |
I totally just saw what hotel he's staying at. |
我刚才看到他下榻的酒店名字了 |
08:46.75, |
What are we waiting here for? |
那我们还等什么呢 |
08:48.27, |
For Penny to walk down the stairs, |
等佩妮下完楼梯 |
08:49.43, |
get in her car, and drive away. |
上车离开啊 |
08:52.15, |
Right, smart. |
对 真聪明 |
08:58.88, |
- Is that long enough? - She's pretty quick, let's go. |
够了没-她动作很快的 我们走 |
09:10.47, |
What would you do if you had a billion dollars? |
如果你有十亿美元 你要做什么 |
09:13.46, |
Same as Bill Gates, |
和比尔·盖茨一样 |
09:14.72, |
try to make the world a better place, |
让世界变得更好一些 |
09:17.07, |
but I'd do it in a working Iron Man suit. |
不过我要穿着功能完整的钢铁侠盔甲去做 |
09:20.75, |
I didn't know that came in a boys' medium. |
我不知道那身盔甲还有男童中码 |
09:24.71, |
Th-This is a bad idea. |
这是个馊主意 |
09:26.44, |
Maybe we should go. |
我们还是走吧 |
09:27.76, |
- What are you talking about? - I don't know. |
你在说什么呢-我不知道 |
09:29.36, |
I'm just feeling guilty, |
我觉得很有罪恶感 |
09:30.23, |
like I'm kind of sneaking around behind Penny's back. |
就像我背着佩妮在搞鬼一样 |
09:33.05, |
We're not doing anything wrong. |
我们又没做错事 |
09:34.70, |
We're just hanging out in a hotel lobby. |
我们只是在一家酒店大厅闲逛 |
09:36.57, |
Plenty of people do that: |
好多人都这么做 |
09:38.14, |
businessmen, high-end prostitutes. |
商人啦 高级妓女呀 |
09:45.31, |
That's a fun new game, |
这个新游戏很不错 |
09:46.87, |
CEO or Ho. |
猜猜是执行长还是妓女 |
09:50.45, |
No, this is wrong, let's go. |
这是不对的 我们还是走吧 |
09:53.14, |
Guys, guys, that's him. |
各位 各位 他来了 |
09:54.85, |
- Be cool. - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. |
冷静-额滴神 额滴神 |
09:57.08, |
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. |
额滴神 额滴神 |
09:59.69, |
Cooler.-Oh,my God. Oh,my God. Oh,my God. |
再冷静点-额滴神 额滴神 |
10:04.83, |
Uh, M-Mr. Gates, I'm-I'm Dr. Leonard Hofstadter. |
盖茨先生 我是莱纳德·霍夫斯塔德博士 |
10:07.59, |
We've actually met before. |
我们之前见过 |
10:09.01, |
Sorry, I don't remember. |
抱歉 我不记得了 |
10:10.92, |
You were so nice, a-and it was really special to me |
你人特别好 对我来说意义重大 |
10:14.60, |
because you've been such a big influence on my life. |
因为你一直是我的人生偶像 |
10:17.03, |
I mean, ever since I was a little kid, |
在我还小的时候 |
10:18.36, |
I've looked up to you like-like a hero. |
我就把你视为英雄 |
10:20.77, |
Oh, now I remember. |
现在我想起来了 |
10:24.69, |
Would you like a tissue? |
你需要纸巾吗 |
10:26.73, |
How about a hug? |
给我一个拥抱如何 |
10:28.12, |
How-how about a tissue? |
还是来张纸巾吧 |
10:32.96, |
Sorry I talked about my kids the whole time. |
抱歉我一直把孩子挂在嘴边 |
10:35.40, |
Oh, don't worry about it. |
别担心 |
10:37.29, |
I mean, besides you cutting up my meat for me, |
除了你帮我把肉都切成小块以外 |
10:39.22, |
it was a lovely lunch. |
午饭还是吃得挺开心 |
10:41.73, |
God. What's happening? |
天啊 这一切都是怎么了 |
10:44.44, |
I'm a smart, educated, successful... |
我是个聪明 受过高等教育 成功的... |
10:48.17, |
Woman? |
女性吗 |
10:49.80, |
I was gonna get it. |
我只是卡壳了一下 |
10:52.34, |
Don't be so hard on yourself. |
别对自己太苛刻了 |
10:54.43, |
Pregnancy and childbirth actually cause physical changes |
怀孕和生娃是真的会 |
10:57.34, |
to the structure of your brain. |
改变你的大脑结构 |
10:59.01, |
I liked the old structure of my brain. |
我喜欢我原来的大脑结构 |
11:01.97, |
But then, I liked a lot of my old structures. |
不过话说回来 我喜欢我原来所有的结构 |
11:05.24, |
Well, these are positive changes. |
这些都是正面的改变 |
11:07.68, |
Studies with rats show that new mothers |
对老鼠的研究表明 新妈妈对危险更敏感 |
11:09.64, |
are more sensitive to danger, better at multitasking |
更善于同时处理多项任务 |
11:12.69, |
and bolder in the pursuit of food. |
寻找食物时也更大胆 |
11:15.65, |
I did stick a couple lamp chops in my purse. |
我的确在皮包里塞了几块羊排 |
11:20.74, |
So that's what I was smelling. |
我说怎么有味道呢 |
11:24.05, |
Look, even though your brain is different, |
听着 就算你的大脑发生了变化 |
11:25.94, |
in many ways, it's better. |
从很多方面来说 都是好的 |
11:28.28, |
But were you bored? |
可你不会无聊吗 |
11:29.43, |
Of course not. |
当然不会 |
11:30.79, |
You're lying. |
你在撒谎 |
11:32.38, |
Which you can tell, because your maternal brain is better |
而你可以辨别 因为你的母性大脑 |
11:35.33, |
at sensing nonverbal cues. |
对非语言的暗示更敏感了 |
11:38.26, |
Now you're just being condescending. |
你现在就是在口蜜腹剑了 |
11:40.49, |
Look at you, two for two. |
看看你 两次都猜对了 |
11:48.35, |
Uh, hold the door. |
留个门 |
11:49.04, |
Hold the door! |
留个门 |
11:55.96, |
Oh. Hi, Leonard. |
莱纳德 |
11:58.67, |
Didn't you hear me yell "Hold the door"? |
你没听到我喊留个门吗 |
12:00.65, |
I did. But you know what they say, |
我听到了 但你知道大家怎么说的 |
12:02.79, |
Hold the door, get robbed some more. |
多留个门 被闯空门 |
12:07.03, |
No one says that. |
没有这种说法 |
12:08.07, |
Oh. Well, they should, |
那他们应该这么说 |
12:09.77, |
because it's true, and it rhymes. |
因为这是真的 而且还押韵 |
12:13.96, |
So where have you been? |
你去哪里了 |
12:15.41, |
Actually, I met Bill Gates. |
其实呢 我见到了比尔·盖茨 |
12:19.00, |
I see. |
我明白了 |
12:20.01, |
You're all in on it. |
你们都是一伙的 |
12:21.31, |
Uh, nice try. |
得了吧 |
12:23.55, |
It's not an April Fools' joke, Sheldon. |
这不是愚人节玩笑 谢尔顿 |
12:25.61, |
I actually went to a hotel and met him. |
我真的去酒店见到了他 |
12:27.82, |
Right, right. Okay, so, uh, |
行行行 |
12:29.76, |
Bill Gates was at the "Hotel" that you "went to." |
比尔·盖茨就在"你去"的那家"酒店"里 |
12:35.26, |
Why is "went to" in quotes? |
为什么"去"也要加引号 |
12:38.12, |
Fine. |
好吧 |
12:38.69, |
So "Bill Gates" was at the "Hotel" |
比尔·盖茨就在你去的 |
12:41.42, |
that you went to. |
那家"酒店"里 |
12:46.01, |
That's you and Bill Gates. |
这是你和比尔·盖茨 |
12:47.50, |
It is. |
没错 |
12:49.72, |
- Were you crying? - No. |
你这是哭了吗-没有 |
12:54.10, |
So, |
所以 |
12:54.73, |
it wasn't a joke, and I actually could've met him? |
这不是玩笑 我本来真有机会见他 |
12:57.36, |
Well, he's probably still there. |
他应该还在那儿呢 |
12:59.54, |
What hotel? |
哪间酒店 |
13:00.58, |
The La Quinta Inn in Thousand Oaks, |
千橡市的拉昆塔酒店 |
13:02.30, |
under the name Hernandez. |
入住名是赫尔南德斯 |
13:03.41, |
Thank you, thank you so much! |
谢谢 太谢谢你了 |
13:07.99, |
April fools. |
愚人节快乐 |
13:14.79, |
Hey, where you been? |
你到哪儿去了 |
13:15.89, |
Uh, just hanging out with the guys. |
跟兄弟们一起玩 |
13:17.74, |
They still mad at me? |
他们还在生我的气吗 |
13:18.88, |
Uh, they were, but then I was like, "Hey," |
本来还在生气 但我说"嘿" |
13:21.16, |
and they were like, "What?" And I was like, "You know," |
他们说"啥" 我又说"你们知道的" |
13:23.18, |
and they were like, "Okay." |
他们就说"好吧" |
13:27.28, |
You're a good husband. |
你真是个好丈夫 |
13:28.20, |
Well, it's not for me to say, but you just said it, |
这不是我说了算的 但你这么说了 |
13:30.60, |
so you're probably right. |
所以你应该是对的吧 |
13:32.48, |
Well, as it turns out, |
原来 |
13:33.93, |
there is a little reception for Mr. Gates tomorrow night. |
明晚有一个为盖茨先生办的接待会 |
13:36.13, |
I asked if I could bring you, and they said yes. |
我问能不能带上你 他们说可以 |
13:42.24, |
What? |
什么 |
13:44.96, |
Yeah, you get to meet Bill Gates again. |
你又可以和比尔·盖茨见面了 |
13:47.71, |
Wait, what do you mean "again"? |
等等 你说"又见面"是什么意思 |
13:49.65, |
Cause you met him that one time with your mom. |
因为你跟你妈之前见过他一次 |
13:51.66, |
Yes. |
没错 |
13:53.97, |
And then again tomorrow, |
然后明天又见一次 |
13:55.60, |
for a total of two, and only two times. |
总共两次 只有这两次 |
13:58.86, |
Yeah. I wonder if he'll remember you. |
对 不知道他记不记得你 |
14:01.69, |
Yeah, I wonder that, too. |
我也想知道 |
14:06.29, |
The sun is losing about |
太阳每秒 |
14:07.61, |
six times ten to the 12th grams per second, |
约减少6x10^12克 |
14:11.17, |
so the fraction of the mass it loses every year |
所以太阳每年减少的质量百分比 |
14:13.75, |
is about ten to the negative 13th. |
约为10^(-13) |
14:16.52, |
But don't worry. |
不过别担心哦 |
14:18.16, |
It'll be millions of years before we all freeze to death. |
还要几百万年后 我们才会通通冻死 |
14:26.87, |
Sweet dreams. |
做个好梦 |
14:32.41, |
Hop on Pop took a dark turn there at the end. |
《在爸爸身上蹦来跳去》结尾突然阴暗啊 |
14:36.31, |
Amy made me realize that new mothers are cognitively primed |
艾米让我意识到刚生产完的妈妈 |
14:39.29, |
to take in new information, and I've been wasting it |
吸收新知识的能力是最强的 而我却浪费在 |
14:41.88, |
making up songs about our babies' toes. |
瞎编关于我们宝宝脚趾的歌曲上 |
14:45.18, |
To be fair, I cowrote "Pinky Toe, Pinky Toe." |
说句公道话 《粉粉脚趾》我也参与写作了 |
14:49.60, |
Evolution gave me this mom brain to focus on the baby, |
进化论给了我妈妈大脑来专注于宝宝身上 |
14:52.15, |
but I figure I can hack it to learn all kinds of new things. |
但我觉得可以用来学习各种新知识 |
14:55.45, |
Well, that's great. |
那好棒啊 |
14:57.04, |
Yeah. There was a problem, and I fixed it. |
没错 出了问题 我成功解决了 |
14:59.67, |
Like Bob the Builder in that giraffe cage. |
就像《建筑师巴布》在长颈鹿笼子里那次一样 |
15:03.54, |
Spoiler alert. |
不许剧透 |
15:04.71, |
I didn't see that one yet. |
我还没看那集呢 |
15:10.30, |
So that's fun. |
很开心啊 |
15:11.08, |
You get to meet Bill Gates again. |
你又能见到比尔·盖茨了 |
15:13.50, |
It's not fun, I'm screwed. |
不开心 我死定了 |
15:16.58, |
It's fun for us. ? |
我们看好戏看得很开心啊 |
15:20.01, |
Maybe he won't remember you. |
也许他不记得你呢 |
15:21.97, |
I snotted on his tie. |
我的鼻涕沾到他领带上了 |
15:25.07, |
Yeah, you did, like, a lot. |
没错 沾了超多啊 |
15:29.06, |
Hello, Leonard. |
你好 莱纳德 |
15:30.77, |
Thought I'd find you here. |
我想着你应该在这 |
15:33.10, |
You snake. |
你这毒蛇 |
15:35.96, |
What's going on? |
怎么回事 |
15:36.99, |
距离约70多公里 |
15:36.99, |
He sent me all the way to Thousand Oaks to meet Bill Gates |
他让我大老远跑去千橡市见比尔·盖茨 |
15:39.79, |
when he knew full well he wasn't staying there. |
然而他很清楚人家根本不住在那 |
15:41.66, |
Wha-- Leonard, that's terrible. |
莱纳德 那太过分了 |
15:43.66, |
Yeah, why would you do that? |
是啊 你干嘛这样 |
15:44.68, |
距离约50多公里 |
15:44.68, |
You know he's staying at the DoubleTree in Long Beach. |
你明知道他住在长滩市的希尔顿逸林酒店 |
15:51.60, |
Wait. |
等一下 |
15:53.26, |
How do I know you're not tricking me? |
我怎么知道你们不是在骗我 |
15:55.89, |
We probably are. |
我们很可能在说谎 |
15:58.28, |
But what if we're not? |
但万一我们没说谎呢 |
16:01.67, |
You think you're so smart. |
你们都觉得自己很机智对吧 |
16:05.32, |
You think I'm going to fall for it again, don't you? |
你们觉得我会再上一次当 对吧 |
16:09.70, |
Well, I won't. |
我才不会 |
16:12.01, |
Where you going? |
你要去哪 |
16:12.79, |
Shut up. |
闭嘴 |
16:17.84, |
Aw, are you sure you can't come? |
你真的不能去吗 |
16:21.14, |
I want to, but I'm just too sick. |
我很想去 但我病得太严重了 |
16:25.60, |
And you really wanted to meet him. |
可你真的很想见他 |
16:27.67, |
I know. |
就是啊 |
16:28.20, |
And I've been trying to hide it so I could go, |
我一直试着隐瞒病情好去见他 |
16:30.32, |
but I don't want to make him sick. |
但我不想传染给他 |
16:31.92, |
Yeah. |
是呢 |
16:33.95, |
Yeah, you do look pretty pale and clammy. |
你看起来确实挺苍白虚弱 |
16:41.90, |
Yeah. |
是啊 |
16:45.07, |
Have fun. |
玩得开心 |
16:45.64, |
Well, feel better, okay? |
你快点好起来 好吗 |
16:54.75, |
No, that's just my regular pale and clammy. |
就只是我平常版的苍白病君子样啊 |
17:00.22, |
I mean, really, the bigger danger isn't the loss of mass. |
真的 最大的危机不是质量减少 |
17:03.20, |
Instead, it will run out of hydrogen to use for nuclear fuel, |
而是太阳会耗尽用作核燃料的氢 |
17:06.11, |
swell up into a red giant, and fry the Earth. |
膨胀变成一个红巨星 把地球吞没 |
17:10.99, |
So you don't want to split a salad? |
所以你不想分吃一份沙拉吗 |
17:13.39, |
No, thank you. |
不了 谢谢 |
17:14.21, |
But speaking of splitting things, |
说到分开 |
17:15.71, |
did you hear about the light-splitting greenhouse film |
你听说过能提高光合作用效率的 |
17:17.79, |
that could improve photosynthetic efficiency? |
分光温室棚膜吗 |
17:20.54, |
No. |
没有 |
17:23.15, |
Just a little something I read |
是我在给我制造的人类 |
17:24.12, |
while nursing a human being that I made. |
喂奶时读到的小知识 |
17:29.08, |
I'm just gonna get the chicken. |
我还是点鸡肉吧 |
17:30.25, |
Ah. N-E-K-C-I-H-C: chicken backwards. |
鸟又 鸡反过来的写法 |
17:33.27, |
Boom, mom brain. |
屌炸 妈妈大脑 |
17:37.79, |
And a whole bottle of wine. |
再加一整瓶红酒 |
17:43.77, |
In your face! |
吃屎吧 |
17:52.40, |
Hello? |
喂 |
17:55.18, |
Aw, hey, sweetie, how you feeling? |
亲爱的 你感觉怎么样 |
17:57.27, |
Okay. I'm just resting. |
还行 我在休息 |
17:59.55, |
Well, I have a surprise that might make you feel better. |
我有个惊喜也许能让你感觉好些 |
18:02.42, |
Oh, really? |
真的吗 |
18:03.23, |
Yeah, look who's here. |
嗯 看这是谁呀 |
18:09.65, |
Wait, I know you. |
等等 我认识你 |
18:12.59, |
No, you don't. |
你不认识我 |
18:15.40, |
Yes, I do. |
我真的认识 |
18:16.34, |
You were waiting for me at my hotel. |
你之前在我酒店楼下等我 |
18:19.38, |
You ruined my tie. |
你毁了我的领带 |
18:22.46, |
Wait, what? |
等等 什么 |
18:22.99, |
What's he talking about? |
他在说什么 |
18:24.14, |
Uh, he, uh-- obviously, he's kidding. |
他很明显是在开玩笑啦 |
18:28.31, |
That's a, that's a good one, Bill. |
这笑话真逗 比尔 |
18:29.71, |
I got to go. |
我先挂了 |
18:34.36, |
Stupid Leonard, |
蠢人莱纳德 |
18:36.84, |
meeting stupid Bill Gates, |
见蠢人比尔·盖茨 |
18:40.25, |
without stupid me. |
不带上蠢蠢的我 |
18:44.19, |
对不起 |
18:53.15, |
I am so sorry-- Sheldon? |
对不起...谢尔顿 |
18:56.53, |
Oh, Leonard, I can't stay mad at you. |
莱纳德 我怎么忍心一直生你气 |
18:59.80, |
Come here. |
过来 |
19:01.33, |
Apology accepted. |
我接受你的道歉 |
19:03.90, |
What's for dinner? I'm starving. |
晚饭吃什么 我快饿死了 |
19:15.61, |
Hola. |
雷猴 |
19:20.07, |
又是这家伙 |
19:23.64, |
他哪根筋抽了 |
19:27.17, |
How are you ladies doing? |
女士们好吗 |
19:28.36, |
Raise your hands if you're bueno. |
猴就举一下手啊 |
19:35.01, |
谁会把孩子交给他照看啊 |
19:40.12, |
孩子可能是他偷来的 |
19:43.13, |
Me llamo Stuart Bloom. |
我系斯图尔特·布鲁姆呀 |
19:47.26, |
快写下来 |
19:48.80, |
我们可能要报告给警察 |